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I'm calling each and every member of the CoT out

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It's a Bills message board...Taking the this whole thing too seriously is pretty much a given...



You're right...But what does it really matter? He's not good enough...And once you give him that money you don't have enough resources to build a team around him that can win because of his deficiencies...


This is certainly just my opinion...But I think he's gotta go...Even if it hurts in the short term, and it probably will, he's gotta go... B-)

There are 32 teams. Probably 26 QBs aren't good enough. We gave an elite team a good game. We have to get better but we are closer to making the playoffs than a #1 pick.

Im gonna put this on the O to...the Raiders are an offensive powerhouse there are gonna be those games that we HAVE to match points


We fell apart

Giving up 29 points might not be an offensive issue. We led by 13 in the third.

But again, the Raiders are probably going to the Super Bowl.

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There are 32 teams. Probably 26 QBs aren't good enough. We gave an elite team a good game. We have to get better but we are closer to making the playoffs than a #1 pick.

In a world of parity where very few teams TANK that statement isn't as complimentary as you intend it I think

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There are 32 teams. Probably 26 QBs aren't good enough. We gave an elite team a good game. We have to get better but we are closer to making the playoffs than a #1 pick.

Giving up 29 points might not be an offensive issue. We led by 13 in the third.

But again, the Raiders are probably going to the Super Bowl.

Oak is not an elite team We should have beat them with the crap team we have. If we should have beat them in Oak, Jax could have beat them, heck Cleveland could give that team a run.

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Brutal loss. Bad game by Tyrod. Bad game by coaches. Bad game by defense. We showed we were mentally weak today. Just a bad loss. Up 24-9 in the 3rd quarter you have to keep moving the ball at a minimum. Put up a couple of FG's at a minimum to keep some kind of momentum going Just a really bad game by TT and the offense. And the defense is an embarrassment.

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Special teams melted too


One might say when all 3 phases collapse the head coach gets blame for SOMETHING

Agreed. It got to the point where we couldnt even punt the ball properly anymore. I havent seen a complete collapse across the board like this in a long long time.

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Im honestly not convinced he is the best qb we have either honestly. As in accurate as EJ is and he may havw more turnovers I GUARANTEE he will audible and he will get you MORE THAN 140/GAME and average a td a game. And more notably WE NEVER SAW CARDALE play a full game. How can we be so sure that Tyrod is better than Cardale. Maybe in his first game but once again you would be hard pressed to give me a qb withbworse QB stats than Tyrod's. Yeah he runs. He keeps SOME plays alive with his legs but his legs get him in crap too sometimes. How many times have we seen him ju ju'ing in the pocket and almost bumping into a blocker. You can find a lot of qbs cheaper who will give you the same if not bettee passer stats.

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Team loss. You are just going to dismiss 4 touchdowns in 5 drives?


You're just going to dismiss that the offense ran a total of <5 min of TOP over 5 drives against what everyone knew was a great offense who was playing at home?

The offense did...NOTHING...for a full quarter. A quarter. An entire &#33;@#&#036;ing quarter of the game.

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You're just going to dismiss that the offense ran a total of <5 min of TOP over 5 drives against what everyone knew was a great offense who was playing at home?


The offense did...NOTHING...for a full quarter. A quarter. An entire !@#$ing quarter of the game.

The offense did absolutely nothing indeed. And neither did the defense.

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