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Around the NFL (some perspective)


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Great stuff. Perspective is tough since many of us don't follow the rest of the league even half as closely as we do the Bills. I remember looking at some stats around week 6 and seeing that San Diego and Oakland who were something like 1-5 and 5-1 at the time, had point differentials of +10 and +5, respectively. 5 points separated Oakland from being 1-5, meanwhile San Diego was 3 points away from 3-2. That's the margin between fighting for a bye and scraping for a wild card. Buffalo isn't among the elite, but when healthy I think they can compete with anyone that isn't New England (*fack), but they're also inconsistent and banged up enough to lose to anyone in the right week at the moment.

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agreed-- good topic.


This is what also kills me though about people's expectations. There are about 20-25 teams in the NFL just like us-- in the 4-7 win range right now, and face bouts of inconsistent play. Yet, if not every win of ours is a pretty one that looks like a New England win, we are doomed?? Just about everyone is in the same boat as us, except 2-3 elite teams. What we need to do is just gut out some more close wins-- that's what separates the playoff teams from the teams with 7/8 wins at the end of every year.


Yes! The bolded is exactly what I wanted to show in this post. The flaws that some people point out drive me crazy and led to this post.


Teams throw more when they are losing. And they rush more with a lead. Those stats are the effect, not cause.


I certainly agree with this but how often do you see people complain that Tyrod has not thrown for 300 in a game?



I think the OP very effectively pointed out that, yes, we have a pretty good team, a very competitive team. Will they make the

playoffs? Who knows - steep hill to climb. Whatever happens, I am enjoying the process. Tyrod is not perfect by any means, but

he is loads of fun to watch. The Defense is talented and dominating at times, but frustratingly inconsistent. Can the keep it

together? Again who knows, but I am going to be tuning in to find out.


In the end, all this really represents is a pleasant diversion. Its not life and death folks - just entertainment.

Be entertained, or not. I choose to enjoy the ride, but to each his own.


All of this! :thumbsup::beer:

Great stuff. Perspective is tough since many of us don't follow the rest of the league even half as closely as we do the Bills. I remember looking at some stats around week 6 and seeing that San Diego and Oakland who were something like 1-5 and 5-1 at the time, had point differentials of +10 and +5, respectively. 5 points separated Oakland from being 1-5, meanwhile San Diego was 3 points away from 3-2. That's the margin between fighting for a bye and scraping for a wild card. Buffalo isn't among the elite, but when healthy I think they can compete with anyone that isn't New England (*fack), but they're also inconsistent and banged up enough to lose to anyone in the right week at the moment.


To the bolded, I think that people's emotional investment in the team leads to harsher criticism. When I watch other games I'll see a play and think on tbd a player would get killed for doing that, then I see it in another game, and another :lol:

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Best post I've seen on here all year - thanks section


One thing I cannot get past that the stats don't show: had Rex not decided to punt the preseason, I have to believe we would have won at least one of those games and be in a vastly different position right now (and no I'm not calling for his head just pointing out a huge, huge, huge blunder that is still affecting our season)

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Best post I've seen on here all year - thanks section


One thing I cannot get past that the stats don't show: had Rex not decided to punt the preseason, I have to believe we would have won at least one of those games and be in a vastly different position right now (and no I'm not calling for his head just pointing out a huge, huge, huge blunder that is still affecting our season)


Yeah it was strange. It didn't seem to help with the injuries as I think he envisioned it. One thing I came across while looking up stats was that Rex is 1-8 in Week 1 during his tenure as an NFL HC. I have no idea why that is but at this point it has become a trend.

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I have been frustrated, infuriated, broken hearted, and exulted. In the end, I just enjoy the process. I enjoy watching the year unfold - through free agency, the draft, training camp, and the season. I feel connected, through the community of Bills fans and to the Buffalo area, even though I have not lived there for nearly 30 years. If there were no Bills, I doubt I would watch any

NFL football at all.


I would certainly prefer a dominant team, a return to the glory of the Jim Kelly era. I still hope and expect for that to happen.However, I do not define my enjoyment of the team on playoffs and never did. If that were sole reason for being interested, I would have given up long ago. What I do expect is entertaining football, for the team to be competitive, for the ownership, the

management, the coaches, and the players to give it their all to be winners. When that does not happen, yes I am pissed.


In the end, all this really represents is a pleasant diversion. Its not life and death folks - just entertainment.

Be entertained, or not. I choose to enjoy the ride, but to each his own.


So, SO well said MD - I've been saying the same thing for many years.


While (of course) I want our Bills to win (OK, to dominate) in the end I know that I don't have a ton of sway over what happens, so I've learned to enjoy the process. Each year I'm filled with optimism and each year the season is filled with highlights and lowlights and I'm always a part of the excitement or heartbreak and wouldn't have it any other way.


It's funny, for a kid that grew up in Bradford, I'm super heavily associated with Buffalo in the industry that I work in (much of which is HQ'd in California). I'm not even sure everyone could pick Buffalo out on a map, but they sure as sh*t know that I'm repping the area! No matter where I live the Bills and Bills fans are part of my identity and definitely my connection to the homeland.



Thanks for the thread OP and thanks for the great perspective everyone!


Let's Go Bills!

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Where are they in the playoff hunt?


Not in currently?


Then the above stats and feel-good 'facts' don't matter.


Since when does it matter where they are ranked after 11 games? That fact doesn't matter right now either. It only matters after week 17.

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Not a problem. I guess your attitidue (amd mine) comes with age. There's more to it that just wins and losses. Sure, winning is what its all about. But, at some point its about the whole journey as well. The memories. The cheering and hoping with family. The pride of being a Bills fan. Its why we're all here.


Maybe the Bills will win out, maybe they'll lose out. But, honestly, after week 2...who would have thought we'd be in December still with a shot? I, for one, thought the season was done and was looking at potential new coaches. It's been a crazy season... And we got at least 5 more games to go!

The NYG's owner said that if the Giants' last game of the regular season means something, then he considers the season successful. Yes, I agree that it is about the journey.

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