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The Election Recount


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The people trying to stop the recount are as delusional as the ones calling for it.


Let them recount the votes. They paid for it. This is still a (relatively) capitalist country. If they want to flush their money away, let them do it. If it reveals an irregularity, we might finally get some voter ID's laws passed. At the very least, we can relive Trump's victory again.

I want to see Hilary win the popular vote by 10 million and still lose the EC.

They are trying to undermine the very system they said was intact a month ago. They are trying to make the election of donald trump as much of a joke as they can.


But most importantly the voter ID laws have nothing to do with what happened


By the way, there is no winning the popular vote. And what would those calling for a recount be called or made to be had Hillary won?

Edited by Boyst62
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They are trying to undermine the very system they said was intact a month ago. They are trying to make the election of donald trump as much of a joke as they can.


But most importantly the voter ID laws have nothing to do with what happened


By the way, there is no winning the popular vote. And what would those calling for a recount be called or made to be had Hillary won?

A recount doesn't undermine an election. It re-enforces the legitimacy of the vote.

There should be an automatic recount after every vote to confirm the results. If we are serious about every vote counting, then make sure.


There is massive voter fraud going on. People this passionate about something will try to cheat. There is no disputing that fact. We're relying on an honor system to self-regulate people who literally cry and threaten murder over the results. Voter ID's would be a start...


I left a bowl of candy out on Halloween with a note to take only one. Apparently, I had 200 trick-or-treaters visit my house the first 5minutes.

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A recount doesn't undermine an election. It re-enforces the legitimacy of the vote.

There should be an automatic recount after every vote to confirm the results. If we are serious about every vote counting, then make sure.


There is massive voter fraud going on. People this passionate about something will try to cheat. There is no disputing that fact. We're relying on an honor system to self-regulate people who literally cry and threaten murder over the results. Voter ID's would be a start...


I left a bowl of candy out on Halloween with a note to take only one. Apparently, I had 200 trick-or-treaters visit my house the first 5minutes.

so now the dems should support a voter Id law if they really cared about the integrity of the vote which they don't since they won't recount the closest states.
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A recount doesn't undermine an election. It re-enforces the legitimacy of the vote.


Except that to have a recount done, you have to show a cause for it...which means you have to make a convincing argument that the vote is not legitimate, which hardly reinforces the legitimacy of the vote.

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Poor Jill. That mean old judge told her she had to pony up some real cash to carry her charade into PA.





What with her attempt to hold onto the contributions she's raised and her choice of states whose results she's contesting, I'm beginning to think that Stein is trying to set herself up as the nominee for the Dems in 2020. There's very little difference between the Green agenda and that of the likes of Sanders and Warren.

Edited by Azalin
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Except that to have a recount done, you have to show a cause for it...which means you have to make a convincing argument that the vote is not legitimate, which hardly reinforces the legitimacy of the vote.


We won't do a recount unless we find illegitimacy, yet we won't find that, unless you do a recount. Isn't that the left's argument against voter ID's? (prove to us there is fraud before we can allow you to check for fraud.)


If something is found, then steps can be taken to re-store confidence in future elections, which re-enforces legitimacy in the system. If nothing is found, then the voting is already legit. It's a win-win situation.


Jill Stein's reasons are obviously biased, but we can use it to accomplish something positive.

Edited by unbillievable
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Thanks, Jill: Michigan House passes voter-ID bill after vote-fraud hyperbole

Be careful what you wish for … you just might get it. Jill Stein didn’t get the recount she wanted in Michigan, but she did get the state to take vote-integrity issues seriously. Meeting in its lame-duck session, the state House of Representatives passed a tough voter-ID bill that includes $3 million for funding of free state identification and birth certificates after over 18,000 voters cast ballots without identification in the presidential election:

Michigan’s Republican-led House on Wednesday night approved a strict voter identification proposal over strenuous objections from Democrats who argued the plan could disenfranchise properly registered voters.

Michigan voters without photo identification could still cast a provisional ballot under the controversial legislation, but they would have to bring an ID to their local clerk’s office within 10 days of an election in order for their vote to count.



Current law requires a photo ID too, but also allows for voters to sign an affidavit under oath that attests to their identity and eligibility. The House might have had ample reason to wonder about abuse under that system when looking at the distribution of the practice. The Detroit News’ Jonathan Oostling reports that almost half of all such votes took place in heavily Democratic Wayne County, and almost 6,000 in the city of Detroit alone. That seems oddly disproportional, given that Wayne County accounted for just 16% of the state’s total.

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