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The Election Recount


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Trump's wild claims are the ravings of a madman.

First, it's an abject lie. There is no evidence that "millions" of votes were made illegally. The future president is making wild, conspiratorial claims without the slightest concern about whether those claims have any relation to the truth whatsoever. I imagine him employing this same tactic as president when it comes to matters of national security, where lives are at stake, and it gives me a very queasy feeling.


Second, the Clinton camp is trying to get a recount in several states. The man who WON has now JUSTIFIED those recounts by claiming that millions of votes were illegitimate. By his own words, a national recount of every vote must be conducted. That's according to Trump himself. The guy who won. The guy who won just questioned the legitimacy of his own win.


And why? Because of his pride. Even though he won, he can't stomach the idea that fewer people voted for him than Clinton. So, just to service his damned vanity, he undermined his own win and called into question the authenticity of a voting process that just resulted in him becoming president.


We are in for four years of this crap, folks. And I'm not going to play along. I refuse. Trump is wrong here. He's lying. He's being a prideful, reckless idiot and he deserves to be raked over the coals for it. And those who defend him on this deserve to be criticized right along with him.

Oh will you be leaving the country as well? None of the left actually have the balls or the resources to do that though.

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And that's no guarantee that she'll actually request a recount in all three states.

If she doesn't she can keep the money and says she'll use it to "fund other Green Party candidates."

I read somewhere that Wisconsin isn't sure they will have the recount done by the time the Electoral College convenes

Considering the timing if all the, 3 weeks after the election, I think that is the point.

PA, WI, and MI might not finish the recount in time to certify the results, dropping Trump under 270 EV. Which would then send the election to the House, who is of course controlled by the GOP.

Thus questioning the legitimacy of Trump's entire Presidency on the grounds that he achieved neither an Electoral nor Popular vote victory and was made President by Congressional Republicans.

Not true. From the article I quoted above, if a state doesn't certify their votes, the total required for election will be a simple majority of the electoral votes from the states that have certified their results. As I mentioned, the original premise of that article was flawed - and it was based on the statement you made - if the requirement for 270 wasn't met by anyone then the election for President would happen by vote in the Senate, and the VP would be voted for in the House. That's not the case however.

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Follow that money................



Recount set to kick off as critics decry ‘fundraising, notoriety-driven fraud’




Despite no evidence of fraud and a widespread belief that the entire effort will change nothing, Wisconsin election officials this week will begin a statewide recount of the presidential vote, adding yet another chapter to the fight between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Wisconsin officials will hold a news conference Monday to discuss details of the recount, spearheaded by Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein.

Ms. Stein has raised about $7 million for the process and also is pressing for recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Top officials with the Clinton campaign have joined the effort.

Mr. Trump himself called the entire recount bid a “scam by the Green Party” to raise money and to boost Ms. Stein’s political profile.

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Back to the thread.............. Libs recount fantasy..... :thumbsup:



Stein campaign files Pennsylvania recount suit
Philly.com ^


As of Monday morning, Stein has raised $6.2 million dollars, covering the costs of recounts in both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and is close to her total goal of $7 million goal to cover recount costs in Michigan.





Wisconsin Denies Request For Recount By Hand As Stein Threatens To Sue
Zero Hedge ^ |


According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin Elections Commission Chairman, Mark Thomsen, who happens to be Democrat, announced earlier that the committee would follow through with Stein's recount request but denied a request that the recount be conducted by hand. Thomsen cited a 2011 recount that changed the overall vote margin by 300 votes as evidence that the current recount would overturn Trump's 22,177 vote lead in the state.

Edited by B-Man
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Back to the thread.............. Libs recount fantasy..... :thumbsup:



Stein campaign files Pennsylvania recount suit

Philly.com ^


As of Monday morning, Stein has raised $6.2 million dollars, covering the costs of recounts in both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and is close to her total goal of $7 million goal to cover recount costs in Michigan.





Wisconsin Denies Request For Recount By Hand As Stein Threatens To Sue

Zero Hedge ^ |


According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin Elections Commission Chairman, Mark Thomsen, who happens to be Democrat, announced earlier that the committee would follow through with Stein's recount request but denied a request that the recount be conducted by hand. Thomsen cited a 2011 recount that changed the overall vote margin by 300 votes as evidence that the current recount would overturn Trump's 22,177 vote lead in the state.


Lost in the "Stein has no chance/Stein's crazy" is that this is by far the best press the Greens have ever had.

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I just want to thank gatorman for showing up and making this thread dumber.


We were actually beginning to draw some well reasoned, well spoken, interesting lefties and independents down here; but no. Nope. We can't have nice things.


His return has made me realize how downright pleasant the past six months without him have been.

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I just want to thank gatorman for showing up and making this thread dumber.


We were actually beginning to draw some well reasoned, well spoken, interesting lefties and independents down here; but no. Nope. We can't have nice things.

Gatorman is the originator of this thread.

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