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NFL.com: Mike Silver Takes an In-depth Look at Kim Pegula


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It wasn't the point of the article, but they surely made a point of mentioning it. As well as the other articles that have come out and called her that.


Like this one: https://www.google.com/amp/us.blastingnews.com/sports/2016/07/rags-to-riches-kim-pegula-s-journey-from-orphan-to-nfl-owner-001011717.amp.html


It's a false narrative and I don't understand the motive to pretend that she pulled herself up by her bootstraps.


They were founded in 83 and Terry had employees in Alaska, so I bet they were doing alright. A young waitress with very little going on caught his divorced eye, and he married her. Whether his net worth was $1M or $1B, it certainly eclipsed hers.


What an embarrassing comment.

I agree...Kim kicking your ass would probably be pretty embarrising

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Favorite part:


Pegula had been informed that the 20-year-old Eichel, a Massachusetts native, wanted desperately to meet Brady, one of his idols. Asked if she had a similar desire to be introduced to the future Hall of Fame quarterback, Pegula had answered honestly: "No, not really. Especially on game day. I just wouldn't even want the whole vibe of even having to deal with him and talk to him. I don't want to pretend to be nice."

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I'm in love...

My favorite part of the article...she's one of us...

Favorite part:


Pegula had been informed that the 20-year-old Eichel, a Massachusetts native, wanted desperately to meet Brady, one of his idols. Asked if she had a similar desire to be introduced to the future Hall of Fame quarterback, Pegula had answered honestly: "No, not really. Especially on game day. I just wouldn't even want the whole vibe of even having to deal with him and talk to him. I don't want to pretend to be nice."

Don't mess with our owner....it could have been a cat fight if they had met....and I would bet on our cat...

Edited by JoeF
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All of the jackwagons who continually trash Dareus should read this article as well.


I really do hate a lot of our fans.




Yeah , but once you reach your 30's, you'll have grown up a bit and won't "hate" fans as much.


I hate that "fans" can't enjoy a win anymore.


I hate that "fans" trash any player who gives them the smallest excuse to do so


I hate "fans" who relish when things go poorly simply so they can say I told you so


I hate "fans" who crusade against the team they are supposed to root for


I hate "fans" who have made up their mind that Rex/Tyrod/etc.. suck and won't listen to any points to the contrary


This week has been annoying on a whole new level. Instead of reading about how the Bills pulled out a tough gritty win I read about how this win doesn't matter, Tyrod is lucky their K missed 2 xps, and same old Bills. Hell I read today that 10-6 should get Rex fired, the Bills are already out of the playoffs, Tyrod should take lessons from Tannehill, and more.


Before I hear from the realists how people should be down on the team and I don't like contrarian opinions...


There are posters who trash everything Bills (scottlaw, jtsp, billsvet) and then there are people who have level headed opinions and fall on either side of the coin (gunnerbill/bandit not liking Tyrod). I don't mind contrarian opinions, in fact it is what I enjoy about this place, but if I know what the tune of your post will be before I even read it....

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I hate that "fans" can't enjoy a win anymore.


I hate that "fans" trash any player who gives them the smallest excuse to do so


I hate "fans" who relish when things go poorly simply so they can say I told you so


I hate "fans" who crusade against the team they are supposed to root for


I hate "fans" who have made up their mind that Rex/Tyrod/etc.. suck and won't listen to any points to the contrary


This week has been annoying on a whole new level. Instead of reading about how the Bills pulled out a tough gritty win I read about how this win doesn't matter, Tyrod is lucky their K missed 2 xps, and same old Bills. Hell I read today that 10-6 should get Rex fired, the Bills are already out of the playoffs, Tyrod should take lessons from Tannehill, and more.


Before I hear from the realists how people should be down on the team and I don't like contrarian opinions...


There are posters who trash everything Bills (scottlaw, jtsp, billsvet) and then there are people who have level headed opinions and fall on either side of the coin (gunnerbill/bandit not liking Tyrod). I don't mind contrarian opinions, in fact it is what I enjoy about this place, but if I know what the tune of your post will be before I even read it....


I love me some TT.


You can take Rex with you on your way out

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It wasn't the point of the article, but they surely made a point of mentioning it. As well as the other articles that have come out and called her that.


Like this one: https://www.google.com/amp/us.blastingnews.com/sports/2016/07/rags-to-riches-kim-pegula-s-journey-from-orphan-to-nfl-owner-001011717.amp.html


It's a false narrative and I don't understand the motive to pretend that she pulled herself up by her bootstraps.


They were founded in 83 and Terry had employees in Alaska, so I bet they were doing alright. A young waitress with very little going on caught his divorced eye, and he married her. Whether his net worth was $1M or $1B, it certainly eclipsed hers.


What an embarrassing comment.


Your linked article (or the OP's) certainly don't illustrate that she "pulled herself up by her bootstraps" like you are say they are implying.

Edited by What a Tuel
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Yeah , but once you reach your 30's, you'll have grown up a bit and won't "hate" fans as much.


I'm well past my 30's, and I hate everyone more and more each day.


And I suspect that's a sign of maturity, given that I'm mobbed by idiots.

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I don't trash everything Bills, but when the team mires in mediocrity every year and you foresee the continued mediocrity coming it gets !@#$ing old.


There is talented players on this team. Unfortunately when you have mediocre coaching and mediocre QB play your team will remain mediocre.


I've said I don't think TT is as bad as some people make him out to be here. One play he makes you say "wow!" And the next you say "what the !@#$?".


I'd welcome him back next year, but I hope they make a strong effort to find a QB to take his place in the near future.... And not reach for need because Rex needs his awesome safety or shutdown corner to make his defense "work".


I can absolutely respect the last 3 lines in this post. I don't need everyone to be JFH B-) .


The first line though bleeds into what I am talking about. It is the BBFS that 26 always posts. Mediocrity is an improvement for this team as sad as that is to post. 7-9/6-10 forever. For the first time in a long time we are getting legitimate NFL coaching (whatever you think of Rex I think we can all agree he is better than Chan, Jauron, Greg Williams, and Marrone) and have a potential QB of the future (maybe maybe not - again best qb in a long time). This team is trending upwards and has since Whaley took over. This season is far from over yet most have written it off. Sure it could be the same old Bills or it could be a run that we don't often see. The 4 game winning streak earlier this year was the first in how many years? I enjoy watching this team and feel that they can win every game (well except maybe against Brady and the pats* :bag: ). It has been a long time as a fan since I could legitimately say that. I would prefer to look forward to the games and enjoy the limited time I get with Bills football each year rather than try to be a "realist." Just a matter of personal preference as I won't tell anyone how to be a fan I just will judge from a far :nana:

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One name being conspicuously absent...


You think Mularkey was better than Rex?

I personally don't however I think an argument could be made. He did okay with the Bills and is doing well with the titans this year. His time in jacksonbulle was terrible. The rest of the coaches in that list are in arguable to me.

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I hate that "fans" can't enjoy a win anymore.


I hate that "fans" trash any player who gives them the smallest excuse to do so


I hate "fans" who relish when things go poorly simply so they can say I told you so


I hate "fans" who crusade against the team they are supposed to root for


I hate "fans" who have made up their mind that Rex/Tyrod/etc.. suck and won't listen to any points to the contrary


This week has been annoying on a whole new level. Instead of reading about how the Bills pulled out a tough gritty win I read about how this win doesn't matter, Tyrod is lucky their K missed 2 xps, and same old Bills. Hell I read today that 10-6 should get Rex fired, the Bills are already out of the playoffs, Tyrod should take lessons from Tannehill, and more.


Before I hear from the realists how people should be down on the team and I don't like contrarian opinions...


There are posters who trash everything Bills (scottlaw, jtsp, billsvet) and then there are people who have level headed opinions and fall on either side of the coin (gunnerbill/bandit not liking Tyrod). I don't mind contrarian opinions, in fact it is what I enjoy about this place, but if I know what the tune of your post will be before I even read it....

I am hurt I didn't get mentioned here. Booooo

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I can absolutely respect the last 3 lines in this post. I don't need everyone to be JFH B-) .


The first line though bleeds into what I am talking about. It is the BBFS that 26 always posts. Mediocrity is an improvement for this team as sad as that is to post. 7-9/6-10 forever. For the first time in a long time we are getting legitimate NFL coaching (whatever you think of Rex I think we can all agree he is better than Chan, Jauron, Greg Williams, and Marrone) and have a potential QB of the future (maybe maybe not - again best qb in a long time). This team is trending upwards and has since Whaley took over. This season is far from over yet most have written it off. Sure it could be the same old Bills or it could be a run that we don't often see. The 4 game winning streak earlier this year was the first in how many years? I enjoy watching this team and feel that they can win every game (well except maybe against Brady and the pats* :bag: ). It has been a long time as a fan since I could legitimately say that. I would prefer to look forward to the games and enjoy the limited time I get with Bills football each year rather than try to be a "realist." Just a matter of personal preference as I won't tell anyone how to be a fan I just will judge from a far :nana:


What if what I think is that Rex isn't better than those guys and we absolutely and obviously are not getting "legitimate NFL coaching" for the first time and a long time?

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I don't expect people to love everything Bills but I certainly don't expect "fans" to hate on everything Bills. I get why people might not like Tyrod or Rex.



I've said it before DO NOT GET EXERCISED OVER NEGATIVITY IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCCESS.........it's natural and completely warranted.......this is a product whether you like it or not.


The real concern is apathy.


And there is plenty of that.


I decided to go around Rochester and get some supplies and errands done Sunday during the Bills/Bengals game....which I accurately anticipated would be a frustrating snoozer....... and watch it after and in the process I went by tons of TV's and there were lot's of people out at stores and not one place had the game on nor was anyone watching it or listening to it on radio.


I've never seen so little interest in this team in WNY.


People are just so sick of the bad football that it's becoming irrelevant.


The losing is really taking a toll on the regionalization effort........much of central NY is turning back into Steelers/Cowboys country like it was back in the early 80's.


They gotta' do something here this is beyond a few hyper-sensitive folks like you getting bent about criticism.

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