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A few thoughts about the Bengals Game (BillFromNYC Tribute)


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Why did we even pass the ball on that last offensive 3rd down? The bengals had 0 timeouts left and even if we dont make the 1st down we're in their territory and it wouldve put the game into the 2 minute warning with 0 timeouts left. Heck you coulda even gone for it on 4th down again if we failed on 3rd with the run. Horrible call imo.


Ive noticed that when shady is out Lynn's playcalling goes to crap. Maybe its just me.

You are 100 percent.. this isnt really a run team. Its a get the ball to McCoy any way you can plan.

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Confusing performance by TT. Did enough to keep them alive. Also did enough to potentially give the game away.


I'll look at this game as one of those we usually lose. We won, I'll take it. If we finish 8-8, we'll conveniently remember the Baltimore game as one we should've won instead of remembering this snoozer. Point is, we won and we're still alive. I'll take it.

There are many. We are up 17-6 against the Fish a minute before end of 3rd quarter and then we got wiped out in Q4. We had a chance to put away the Seahawks and we choked.

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They gave up 12 points. Ok so maybe it should have been 14 but still. Hard to nit-pick the defense. Great tackles in-bounds on the last drive.


If Clay hauls in the TD pass this board would have a whole different mind-set.


The throw to Harvin was a play to win the game. TT blew it. He makes that throw and the worst is they punt the ball with 15 seconds on the clock. The smarter call was to run. But TT has to make that throw. The modern NFL uses the pass to kill the clock as much as it does the run.


Why so silent on the first round pick barely playing this game? Dareus is ripped for being injured. He played a solid game today. Looked like Lawson was pretty much a healthy scratch all day.


Who do you blame for the penalties? Should Rex sit Hughes for a quarter like it is HS? Should he cut Blanton? I would cut Blanton based on performance alone.

Is it just me or does lawson look incredibly slow with no moves for such a highly touted guy

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Assuming the Bills go 10-6 they will finish with a 7-5 conference record which is usually good enough in most years.



Unlikely though. They will lose at least two of their last 6 IMO.


Edit: even at 10-6 due to a ****ty conference record it looks slim Bills would make playoffs.

There's still a lot of football to be played between the 3 AFC West teams currently occupying the #2, #5 and #6 AFC slots, just against each other let alone against other good teams.


7-5 in the AFC probably will get it done for the #6 slot when it all shakes out.

Edited by JM57
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Explain how the coaches are responsible for the penalties? The players know the rules. What would any of us do with Hughes? The players can't be fined for penalties. They can't be suspended. You can sit them but they still get paid. It is easy to blame the coaches. Why not assign blame where it belongs? Hughes is a stupid player but on a short list of best defender on the team.

What do you think this board would do if Lawson started and Hughes sat the first quarter against the Jags?

Is it just me or does lawson look incredibly slow with no moves for such a highly touted guy


He looks fat and slow. He looks like an average to bad 4-3 DE. No way he can play 3-4 OLB or even a 3-4 DE. No burst off the ball. Haven't seen enough against the run to see if he can hold the edge and point of attack.

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They need to split the Raiders/Steelers games and win the rest. Their best bet, IMO, is losing to the Raiders, beating the Steelers, and hoping the Raiders win the AFC West.

Oakland still has games against KC, Indy and Denver that could help the Bills. KC has two against Denver, Oakland and Atlanta. But nothing matters if the Bills don't take care of business themselves

I'd rather have the Bills beat the Raiders so they have that tiebreaker vs them.

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I'd rather have the Bills beat the Raiders so they have that tiebreaker vs them.

That tiebreaker won't matter if Oakland wins the AFC West. Think of it this way...if you somehow see Buffalo getting to 10-6, which team is more likely to be tied there with them come January, the 5-5 Steelers or the 7-3/8-2 Raiders?

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I applaud your effort with these tribute posts but truthfully your all over the place. Maybe we can let the tribute die?

Let the fellow develop. Positive critique he can handle

Is it just me or does lawson look incredibly slow with no moves for such a highly touted guy

so far he does, I said that the first game back.

And what has happened to 92?

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Is it just me or does lawson look incredibly slow with no moves for such a highly touted guy


Looks like he is coming back from a knee injury not a shoulder injury. If this is as quick as he will ever be, he won't be quick enough for the NFL. Maybe it is an issue of "thinking" not reacting and playing as he did miss an enormous amount of practice with the injury.

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For every good 2 plays/drives, we have 1 very bad play/drive. This seems to sum up the play of this team to me, especially on defense. They give you so many glimpses of hope, get teams in 3rd and long, get a sack, something good, and then they find a way to give it away. This was a game of who wanted it the least and was just tough to watch at time. Seems to be a theme when we play these guys


1. Rex – I'm starting in a place that I've tried to avoid for a while here, partially because of my old screen name. This was a very poor showing following a bye week and for a team who is grasping at playoff hopes. Going for it on 4th down on the last scoring drive said a lot to me about how Rex viewed this game.


What bothered me the most about this game was the total lack of identity. We didn't seem to have any specific type of gameplan on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball. I know Rex is letting his coaches do their job, but I really don't know what I was looking at out there.


Overall, at this point, I don't really know what Rex brings to the table. This was a very misleading 12 points given up. A win is a win and this was needed, but I'm overall losing any argument besides continuity and other better options, for retaining him.


2. Defense - communication looks and pressure early, but that's about it. Pass rush was non-existent. So many players just didn't seem to show up. Lorax got double teamed a lot. I can't find our 1st round pick's impact anywhere. Dareus disappeared after the first drive. I know, 12 points. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Most of that was the Bengals being bad, not us being good


I am not sure what game you were watching...Bengals moved the ball the first half and the second half they did next to nothing...they had 29 yards of total offense in the second half before the end of the game drive, including multiple 3 and outs, one of them starting from inside the Bills 45 yard line...Pass rush didn't get there a lot but they were making Dalton very uncomfortable in the pocket in the second half which you could see with some of his throws that missed badly...and the most important stat of all? They scored 0 second half points against us.

Edited by matter2003
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Is it just me or does lawson look incredibly slow with no moves for such a highly touted guy

Some of us.... never mind.

Dareus was half terrible. He was on the ground or perpendicular to the line way too often.


Groy held his own.


Gilleslee runs like FJax.


Tate was fired up for this game.


Woods leaving hurt the run game.


Our safeties are horrendous. Blanton is a disgrace.


Shaq Lawson was a poor draft pick. Will Fuller was the better selection for this team.


Charles Clay is stealing money.


Gilmore padded his free agency stats and someone will play him but really? That's what $10M/year gets you in terms of cornerback play nowadays? Have fun with him, Jerry Richardson.

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For every good 2 plays/drives, we have 1 very bad play/drive. This seems to sum up the play of this team to me, especially on defense. They give you so many glimpses of hope, get teams in 3rd and long, get a sack, something good, and then they find a way to give it away. This was a game of who wanted it the least and was just tough to watch at time. Seems to be a theme when we play these guys


1. Rex – I'm starting in a place that I've tried to avoid for a while here, partially because of my old screen name. This was a very poor showing following a bye week and for a team who is grasping at playoff hopes. Going for it on 4th down on the last scoring drive said a lot to me about how Rex viewed this game.


What bothered me the most about this game was the total lack of identity. We didn't seem to have any specific type of gameplan on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball. I know Rex is letting his coaches do their job, but I really don't know what I was looking at out there.


Overall, at this point, I don't really know what Rex brings to the table. This was a very misleading 12 points given up. A win is a win and this was needed, but I'm overall losing any argument besides continuity and other better options, for retaining him.


2. Defense - communication looks and pressure early, but that's about it. Pass rush was non-existent. So many players just didn't seem to show up. Lorax got double teamed a lot. I can't find our 1st round pick's impact anywhere. Dareus disappeared after the first drive. I know, 12 points. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Most of that was the Bengals being bad, not us being good


3. Hughes – Before, he would have great plays to offset his mistakes. Today, and overall lately, not so much. His personal fouls, offsides, and other fun mistakes really hurt the team at times when they should have been walking off the field. For the money he makes and as bad as this defense can be at times, we can't afford this from him.


4. I've grown tired of love

You are the trouble with me

I watch you walk right by

I smile, you do not notice me

Treat me recklessly

All you do is toss me pennies out

But the silence in me is screaming

Won't you come and get me?


5. Kyle Willams - My defensive MVP of the game. He got good push up the middle, great jumps off the snap, and continues to be a solid player. He lost containment on Dalton, but he shouldn't be spying him in the first place. He also knocked the Bengals out of FG range on one of the drives in the 2nd half.


6. Offense - Groy is a BIG boy and held up well. Overall happy with how the line played. However, where was Goodwin? Especially on the INT. Are we a passing team or rushing team? Do we trust our RBs or is it meant to be the TT rushing show? I ask these questions because it didn't seem obvious out there. I don't understand the lack of McCoy carries. His vision was great today. You could see them wanting to go deep early, but still needed to run the ball. It's who we are. Very disappointed with Lynn today. Also, all of this speed with Goodwin and Percy and I don't see us trying to hit these guys on crossing routes. It was either deep our hitch routes.


7. Gilmore – credit where credit is due – quick eyes on that INT. However, as Gilmore does, gave up the Bengals 2nd TD. It was a tough play, but still his assignment. Second INT was right place at right time. This is the kind of game where the stats will make him look like a better player than he is and I'm sure he'll use it at contract time.


8. TT – I had high hopes for him coming off the bye week and based on how he played at Seattle. His first drive was great. Found the middle of the field. Found the open guy on busted plays. Looked deep, then checked down. After that, just a rough day. I'm giving him 50% of the blame for our offense because the playcalling was crap to me and didn't help get things going. There were also quite a few plays where the WR's let him down. Goodwin didn't even try for that INT. Harvin was very slow on that late 3rd down out route. Clay's drop in the endzone was inexcusable.


Overall, like the game itself, a very forgettable Sunday for TT. However, because this arguments keep being made, Dalton couldn't make the game winning drive against us today, so I guess that means he sucks too. Brady couldn’t do it against the Seahawks last week either from the 1 yard line. I get needing to see that final drive to win a game from TT, but it's never a give-in with any QB.


9. 1st down/3rd down comparisons – Our inability to get off the field on 3rd down, regardless of yardage was horrific today. They were over 50% on offense against us. It was a combination of soft defense and penalties. We were very lucky to be playing against a Bengals without AJ Green.


10. Tate – I think he had his best game as a Bill today. Didn't have any huge returns, but played each one smart and gave us good position every chance he had to run. I've been hit or miss on him, but he earned it today and deserves the shout out.


Sorry if this was too negative for a win. Back to .500 after a win that I had circled as a loss to start this season is reason for positivity. It's just hard to get excited about this team doing what they need to for the rest of the season with how they played today.

Go Bills!!!



Offside on Hughes should have been called a false start on the offense. Dareus looked good all game to me. We didn't get the sacks but Dalton was under a lot of pressure. The # of third downs converted was the only thing that disturbed me defensively. My concerns for the season is the deck seems to be stacked against us when it comes to injuries even with the depth being better this year there is only so much a roster can handle.

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Just no way of knowing with Shaq.....he is splitting time and has missed a BUNCH of time this year

He has sacks in every game except today's and he made a few big plays in the backfield today...he hasn't been Bruce Smith but he sure as hell hasn't been "terrible" like some of these posters would make you believe

Offside on Hughes should have been called a false start on the offense. Dareus looked good all game to me. We didn't get the sacks but Dalton was under a lot of pressure. The # of third downs converted was the only thing that disturbed me defensively. My concerns for the season is the deck seems to be stacked against us when it comes to injuries even with the depth being better this year there is only so much a roster can handle.

Yeah that was a definite penalty against them they got away with...

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Some of us.... never mind.

Dareus was half terrible. He was on the ground or perpendicular to the line way too often.


Groy held his own.


Gilleslee runs like FJax.


Tate was fired up for this game.


Woods leaving hurt the run game.


Our safeties are horrendous. Blanton is a disgrace.


Shaq Lawson was a poor draft pick. Will Fuller was the better selection for this team.


Charles Clay is stealing money.


Gilmore padded his free agency stats and someone will play him but really? That's what $10M/year gets you in terms of cornerback play nowadays? Have fun with him, Jerry Richardson.

#1 Really he has already produced more than expected

#2 Hopefully Rex lit a fire under their a$$es cuz Both Gilmore and Darby played better.

He has sacks in every game except today's and he made a few big plays in the backfield today...he hasn't been Bruce Smith but he sure as hell hasn't been "terrible" like some of these posters would make you believe

Yeah that was a definite penalty against them they got away with...

I find our beloved team gets attacked more by their own than Pats Fans. Years ago we were a legitimately Knowledgable fan base but now it seems these boards have become a place for some to complain while they pretend to have vast knowledge.

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He has sacks in every game except today's and he made a few big plays in the backfield today...he hasn't been Bruce Smith but he sure as hell hasn't been "terrible" like some of these posters would make you believe

Yeah that was a definite penalty against them they got away with...

I think he is going to be a starting NFL player.....I just dont know how good past that.


I got no problem with Shaq at all

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Smartest play of the game, actually. It shows he knows the rule book. Once the Bengals touched it, the worst that would happen is we get the ball at that point. If he picks it up and fumbles it and the Bengals return it for a touchdown, we get the ball where they last touched it before Tate picked it up. Unusual rule, but always been the case. At least one of the announcers knew the rule.

Wow really. Yeah thats a strange strange rule

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For every good 2 plays/drives, we have 1 very bad play/drive. This seems to sum up the play of this team to me, especially on defense. They give you so many glimpses of hope, get teams in 3rd and long, get a sack, something good, and then they find a way to give it away. This was a game of who wanted it the least and was just tough to watch at time. Seems to be a theme when we play these guys


1. Rex – I'm starting in a place that I've tried to avoid for a while here, partially because of my old screen name. This was a very poor showing following a bye week and for a team who is grasping at playoff hopes. Going for it on 4th down on the last scoring drive said a lot to me about how Rex viewed this game.


What bothered me the most about this game was the total lack of identity. We didn't seem to have any specific type of gameplan on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball. I know Rex is letting his coaches do their job, but I really don't know what I was looking at out there.


Overall, at this point, I don't really know what Rex brings to the table. This was a very misleading 12 points given up. A win is a win and this was needed, but I'm overall losing any argument besides continuity and other better options, for retaining him.


2. Defense - communication looks and pressure early, but that's about it. Pass rush was non-existent. So many players just didn't seem to show up. Lorax got double teamed a lot. I can't find our 1st round pick's impact anywhere. Dareus disappeared after the first drive. I know, 12 points. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Most of that was the Bengals being bad, not us being good


3. Hughes – Before, he would have great plays to offset his mistakes. Today, and overall lately, not so much. His personal fouls, offsides, and other fun mistakes really hurt the team at times when they should have been walking off the field. For the money he makes and as bad as this defense can be at times, we can't afford this from him.


4. I've grown tired of love

You are the trouble with me

I watch you walk right by

I smile, you do not notice me

Treat me recklessly

All you do is toss me pennies out

But the silence in me is screaming

Won't you come and get me?


5. Kyle Willams - My defensive MVP of the game. He got good push up the middle, great jumps off the snap, and continues to be a solid player. He lost containment on Dalton, but he shouldn't be spying him in the first place. He also knocked the Bengals out of FG range on one of the drives in the 2nd half.


6. Offense - Groy is a BIG boy and held up well. Overall happy with how the line played. However, where was Goodwin? Especially on the INT. Are we a passing team or rushing team? Do we trust our RBs or is it meant to be the TT rushing show? I ask these questions because it didn't seem obvious out there. I don't understand the lack of McCoy carries. His vision was great today. You could see them wanting to go deep early, but still needed to run the ball. It's who we are. Very disappointed with Lynn today. Also, all of this speed with Goodwin and Percy and I don't see us trying to hit these guys on crossing routes. It was either deep our hitch routes.


7. Gilmore – credit where credit is due – quick eyes on that INT. However, as Gilmore does, gave up the Bengals 2nd TD. It was a tough play, but still his assignment. Second INT was right place at right time. This is the kind of game where the stats will make him look like a better player than he is and I'm sure he'll use it at contract time.


8. TT – I had high hopes for him coming off the bye week and based on how he played at Seattle. His first drive was great. Found the middle of the field. Found the open guy on busted plays. Looked deep, then checked down. After that, just a rough day. I'm giving him 50% of the blame for our offense because the playcalling was crap to me and didn't help get things going. There were also quite a few plays where the WR's let him down. Goodwin didn't even try for that INT. Harvin was very slow on that late 3rd down out route. Clay's drop in the endzone was inexcusable.


Overall, like the game itself, a very forgettable Sunday for TT. However, because this arguments keep being made, Dalton couldn't make the game winning drive against us today, so I guess that means he sucks too. Brady couldn’t do it against the Seahawks last week either from the 1 yard line. I get needing to see that final drive to win a game from TT, but it's never a give-in with any QB.


9. 1st down/3rd down comparisons – Our inability to get off the field on 3rd down, regardless of yardage was horrific today. They were over 50% on offense against us. It was a combination of soft defense and penalties. We were very lucky to be playing against a Bengals without AJ Green.


10. Tate – I think he had his best game as a Bill today. Didn't have any huge returns, but played each one smart and gave us good position every chance he had to run. I've been hit or miss on him, but he earned it today and deserves the shout out.


Sorry if this was too negative for a win. Back to .500 after a win that I had circled as a loss to start this season is reason for positivity. It's just hard to get excited about this team doing what they need to for the rest of the season with how they played today.

Go Bills!!!




Should have changed your name to Fire Russ


Kyle is a beast.


I could see Groy replacing Miller.


Hughes is an idiot.


we are a rushing team.


TT is what he is, don't expect him to be great.

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