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Sammy Watkins has a chance to come back and be a hero

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I never said I care what he said. I said the organization made him apologize. It was poor judgement. If you are going to get your feelings hurt by people on twitter, don't have twitter. That's the real story there.

Says you. It's quite simple, people call him names, he called them names back. It happens in the real world every second of every day. The real story is that we as a fanbase acted like a bunch of kitties and got all bent out of shape about it, essentially demanding the organization force someone to apologize because there was a vocal contingent that has low self esteem and are ashamed of their lives.

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Says you. It's quite simple, people call him names, he called them names back. It happens in the real world every second of every day. The real story is that we as a fanbase acted like a bunch of kitties and got all bent out of shape about it, essentially demanding the organization force someone to apologize because there was a vocal contingent that has low self esteem and are ashamed of their lives.

If you have twitter as a pro athlete and are going to insult those back who insult you, you'd be home 24/7 typing.
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Ooh, such cutting humor! For a comedian, you make a pretty good prison guard. Speaking of which, and as long as we're posting high school pics of each other, here's your pic from the "most likely" section:



awe. How cute. Your bad at internet tough guy stuff btw. You should go back to being a Pu$$y like your mancrush Sammy Boo Boo Foot.

K9 won.


Updated vote: Mrags should go (before it gets too ugly)

i used to like you

You really don't see how stupid you sound saying that you would call a complete stranger a pu$$y because he got hurt playing a game for a team that you cheer for? You're embarrassing yourself here.

you apparently don't comprehend that someone here told me I would never dare say that to his face. Like he's some immortal god. He's not. He's a scrawny 200lb receiver that can't stay healthy. I'd have no problem saying that to his face.


You apparently can't read and took that as me saying I want to go out of my way to tell him that to his face. When in reality I don't care. Internet babies here apparently do tho. Are you in that boat? It's all about how you perceive what's actually being said.

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No one is getting worked up but yourself. Calm down.


In all reality nobody gave a crap about it until people started crying about him responding to them. Even after he responded it was less defending him and more "you guys acted like asses to him so he lashed out at you, deal with the repercussions of your actions".

Edited by What a Tuel
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awe. How cute. Your bad at internet tough guy stuff btw. You should go back to being a Pu$$y like your mancrush Sammy Boo Boo Foot.

i used to like you

you apparently don't comprehend that someone here told me I would never dare say that to his face. Like he's some immortal god. He's not. He's a scrawny 200lb receiver that can't stay healthy. I'd have no problem saying that to his face.


You apparently can't read and took that as me saying I want to go out of my way to tell him that to his face. When in reality I don't care. Internet babies here apparently do tho. Are you in that boat? It's all about how you perceive what's actually being said.

You seem to be the one getting bent out of shape (I still dont think you would say anything to his face)

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I find it funny that I have gotten official warning from mods here for calling a post "dumb" before yet some of the stuff I have seen on this board lately is so much worse.


You and me both. I've gotten two warning points in all my time on this board and in neither of those instances was it anywhere near as bad as the things I routinely see posters say daily.

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awe. How cute. Your bad at internet tough guy stuff btw. You should go back to being a Pu$$y like your mancrush Sammy Boo Boo Foot.

i used to like you

you apparently don't comprehend that someone here told me I would never dare say that to his face. Like he's some immortal god. He's not. He's a scrawny 200lb receiver that can't stay healthy. I'd have no problem saying that to his face.


You apparently can't read and took that as me saying I want to go out of my way to tell him that to his face. When in reality I don't care. Internet babies here apparently do tho. Are you in that boat? It's all about how you perceive what's actually being said.

So last time I got warned for being too mean to you....


But not for nothing (please don't get triggered like usual): have you considered people are more angry at the way you express your opinions, than the opinions themselves?


You could say-

We gave a lot up for Sammy. We built this team around offensively on what we thought he could do. He seems to be really injury prone and I don't think his injuries are that severe. He's hurting the team and isn't worth it.

My thoughts-

In the end I agree with you. Despite all of his potential, he hasn't been there for us when we need him. Having him has cost us a lot in terms of opportunity and other WRs drafted after him have had more of an impact.


What you actually say-

Sammy Watkins is a big kitty. He doesn't give a **** about the team. He's not that big and I'd tell him to his face that he's a B word. Anyone who disagrees with me is a punk fan boy. He should just suck it up.


I really think in real life you're probably a cool dude and just as passionate about the bills as I am. I do apoligize for the personal attacks before. I lost my cool a bit too. To me, I could be wrong, sometimes you really do come off as like an unreasonable dick head in your posts. I do agree with your points in spirit a lot of the time; but it's the way you **** talk and denigrate the players that, I think, rubs people the wrong way.

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i used to like you


come on... k9s was pretty good. i imagine he must have been saving it for just this occasion. when opportunity meets preparation, ill applaud it.


and you are getting pretty carried away this tough guy kick.


You and me both. I've gotten two warning points in all my time on this board and in neither of those instances was it anywhere near as bad as the things I routinely see posters say daily.

i have one... and felt similar.


though if i mention beersphere unflatteringly that is usually sure to get me a verbal warning

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speak for yourself guy.


It just boggles my mind that grown men look up to these kids like they are something special. I don't know how you people go through life. Whatever. Enjoy.

You have the strongest fingers/hands I know, keyboard tough guy! Wonder how those fingers/hands got soooo strong. Keep it up and you'll grow hair on your palms.

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