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Sammy Watkins has a chance to come back and be a hero

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Well Deion is a Hall of Famer, so you really disprove your own theory. If someone who isn't tough can be a Hall of Famer then plenty of other players who aren't tough have played. That Rob Johnson was a real tough guy.

Although Deion was the best cover corner and return man ever, he was a wimpy tackler. There really is no debate regarding that aspect of his "toughness." Edited by dulles
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Although Deion was the best cover corner and return man ever, he was a wimpy tackler. There really is no debate regarding that aspect of his "toughness."

If I were Sanders' coach, knowing that he single-handedly took away one third of the field, I'd DEMAND he not risk himself making highlight reel hits, too. He did enough to make the play when he had too, though, and that's all that matters.

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Although Deion was the best cover corner and return man ever, he was a wimpy tackler. There really is no debate regarding that aspect of his "toughness."

This was my response to another poster claiming that all football players are tough. My point was that if Deion could be a dominate player who the poster said wasn't tough, then I'm sure there have been plenty of other players who aren't very tough. It proves you aren't necessarily tough just because you play football. You can get a long ways in pro sports by being fast and built soundly. That doesn't guarantee that a guy is tough. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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No, I presume he has a high tolerance for pain because he's played through highly painful injuries already so that's what the evidence suggests. You assume because you don't have or choose to ignore the evidence to the contrary.


The rest of your post is nothing more than internet tough guy bullschit.

haha. You assume he's going through a pain that common folk like you or I couldn't handle. I find it comical that you assume his pain is so great that he just cannot play. It couldn't be that he's a baby.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. You put these babies on a pedestal and I think they are as normal as the next guy. I'm not Justin Beibering them like you are. Have fun little girl.

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haha. You assume he's going through a pain that common folk like you or I couldn't handle. I find it comical that you assume his pain is so great that he just cannot play. It couldn't be that he's a baby.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. You put these babies on a pedestal and I think they are as normal as the next guy. I'm not Justin Beibering them like you are. Have fun little girl.

I would venture to say that if you had cracked ribs and you were taking hits from 200 pound rockets play after play you would not have been taking it as well as Sammy did.....


As far as this year.....its a jones fracture to the foot right? If that is not handled right you could ruin the player

What is the rule for Sammy's return? Does he have to practice first or can he be activated this week and play no matter what?

Woods will def be out so I am really saying a prayer Sammy is ready to come back......

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What is the rule for Sammy's return? Does he have to practice first or can he be activated this week and play no matter what?

Since we already activated Shaq Lawson, Sammy can't be activated unless we DE-activate Lawson. It's a little known rule of the injured reserve clause.

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I would venture to say that if you had cracked ribs and you were taking hits from 200 pound rockets play after play you would not have been taking it as well as Sammy did.....


As far as this year.....its a jones fracture to the foot right? If that is not handled right you could ruin the player


Woods will def be out so I am really saying a prayer Sammy is ready to come back......

its ok John. No need to explain yourself. I let perfectly clear now. Most of the Sammy ballwashers here are giant babies just like Boo Boo Foot himself. It all makes sense now. A bunch of pansies in an internet message board looking up to some lame football player that can't play through soreness, like a god.
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its ok John. No need to explain yourself. I let perfectly clear now. Most of the Sammy ballwashers here are giant babies just like Boo Boo Foot himself. It all makes sense now. A bunch of pansies in an internet message board looking up to some lame football player that can't play through soreness, like a god.

No joke...you should seriously consider seeking mental help.

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Did anyone ever consider the idea that Sammy might be just fine? That maybe he could play but has decided not to. Maybe Sammy doesn't see this team as being playoff bound, and sees no need to play through pain. He has two years left on his rookie contract, and wants to be completely healthy for those years. Is it really so difficult to believe that a pro football player might put their own finances ahead of helping a team win some likely meaningless games this season?

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Feel free to share your resume


He's a prison guard hence the tough guy attitude.


lol. I love the hate here. It's as if I was insulting all your mothers and telling you all I could beat up your fathers. You take people's opinions of athletes way too seriously. It's almost like your a bunch of 12 year old girls crushing on Justin Beiber.


for the record I never said I could play football. Never did I say I was so rock hardened that I could or would handle the NFL every day. However I'm almost 40, Not some 23 year old in the best shape of my life. But I do question some of these kids hearts. Some of their work ethics. And some of there ability to play through pain.


You all make me laugh so hard. You place idiots on pedestals like they are some godly figure. They aren't. Get a life all of you. Your a bunch of Whiney babies.


oh look on display for all to see.


You actually said you want to get in his face to show him to be the pu$$y you think he is. I thought maybe you were drunk but you just continued on today. I think you need a vacation...


Been saying it all year.


Too much inconsistency with Rex. One game he coaches a great game and the next he comes out with a complete dud.


He could have all the talent in the world and his teams would still manage to be up and down.


Asking seriously...


Do you watch football besides the Bills? Every team in the league does this.

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its ok John. No need to explain yourself. I let perfectly clear now. Most of the Sammy ballwashers here are giant babies just like Boo Boo Foot himself. It all makes sense now. A bunch of pansies in an internet message board looking up to some lame football player that can't play through soreness, like a god.

Show your resume and the fact you have actual information on Sammies situation


Cuz if you are not a doctor and dont have the xrays then you just need to stop this

Did anyone ever consider the idea that Sammy might be just fine? That maybe he could play but has decided not to. Maybe Sammy doesn't see this team as being playoff bound, and sees no need to play through pain. He has two years left on his rookie contract, and wants to be completely healthy for those years. Is it really so difficult to believe that a pro football player might put their own finances ahead of helping a team win some likely meaningless games this season?

No...I dont see that.

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Asking seriously...


Do you watch football besides the Bills? Every team in the league does this.


It's like he doesn't watch the Pittsburgh Steelers get dominated by the Eagles, and then dominate Kansas City.


Or the Eagles shut down the Falcons impressive offense, and then get beat up by the Seahawks.


Or the Raiders get dominated by the Chiefs, but then dominate the Jaguars.


In his world all these other teams are undefeated I guess. The goal posts keep shifting too. Before this year started, we were wishing we were more like the Cardinals, Bengals, Steelers and now we are wishing we were more like the Raiders, Chiefs, and Cowboys.

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Since we already activated Shaq Lawson, Sammy can't be activated unless we DE-activate Lawson. It's a little known rule of the injured reserve clause.


I thought they're saving it for Salas's return?

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