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Surprise Election Winner: Miley Cyrus.

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I'm not gonna link it. WTF, You lazy bastards can find plenty of them..


However, if you watch her instagram? (Like I care) Watch it in full. She references the Rolling Stones song that Trump played after he spoke. Say what you want about her, but, she knows her business. Of all the half-wits I have seen trying to attack Trump, and now, Steve Bannon(um, in 5 hours nobody cares...just like...despite my eternal warnings...few cared about Valerie Jarrett...but the D party should have, because Obama's ruination of the D party stems directly from her...), at least Miley spoke from her heart.


Heart. That's an unusual thing to see in entertainment these days. Sure, Tom Hanks will do honorific movies about war, but then, IRL, he supports leaving military objectives Americans gained through blood and honor, only to have to re-fight over the same conquered ground years later.


Now, let's be fair, or better, let's use our observational/critical thinking skills (those of us lucky enough to have them) properly: Tom Hanks did a hell of a skit recently on SNL. This I will link, because every single one of you sorry assed Fs need to see this.


Tom Hanks, acting all PPP and schit..


Anyhow, watch that Cyrus video again, and ask: do we see the makings of a real adult here, after all is said and done? Or better, imagine 10 years from now...when Miley decides to run for a house seat in Tennessee, or wherever, as an R. :lol: Yeah, tell me that can't happen. No matter how much you don't like her? She, remarkably,when it comes to this election, acted like a bigger adult than people 2x her age.


Just sayin' When Miley gets elected as the Libertarian candidate 10 years from now? Just like 10 years ago: you heard it here, first.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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