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A message to TD and Phat Pat...


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Gentlemen, there is no reason we should even be considering a divorce here. Let take an objective look at the situation.



Pat - I love ya. You are a great Buffalo Bill and have been during some real lean years. We're about to make a run. You know it and so do we all. A super bowl ring is priceless (despite what Lawyer said), and so would induction into the Bills Wall of Fame following retirement. Your kids will always know Pat Williams was a great and loyal Buffalo Bill when they come to the stadium. There are many terrific reasons to stay in Buffalo. Staying in Buffalo would allow you to avoid the double teams that plagued you early in your career because of Sam Adams, your friend, and thereby extend your career. You and Sam are the most dominant run-stuffing duo in the league. Your wife is from Buffalo, your charity work is priceless and your businesses are here. If you get it done, we'll all promise to drive out of our way to patronize your car washes. Take a little less and stay a Bill, $3.5-4 makes a deal.


TD - Gutsy call on Losman. I know the OL needs to be fixed and we need a TE, but if we're going with the rook QB, we're gonna have to lean on D and ST. They can't slip one iota. You know this. Another non-playoff year (esp if DB leads Dallas to the postseason in the weaker NFC) and people will be calling for your head. Don't let PW get away. Lets meet in the middle on contract terms. Yeah, so you're probably gonna pay a little more than you want to, but don't tell me Ron Edwards and Tim Anderson are gonna stuff the run like PW. Your division includes Corey Dillon, Curtis Martin and probably the best rook RB in Miami. Stuffing the run is paramount. So cough up just a bit more and offer Pat $3.5-4 to stay in Buffalo. It doesn't have to be a long contract (he is 32) but 3-4 years should get the job done.


Please guys lets let logic prevail here and git er done!!


Go Bills!!

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