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Steve Bannon on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: 'I'm going to light him up'

Bannon, who has since returned to Breitbart News as executive chairman, told the media outlet, “In the White House I had influence. At Breitbart, I had power.”

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Displeased with empty spaces at a rally in Phoenix last week, President Donald Trump dropped his longtime rally coordinator, three people told Bloomberg News. Trump reportedly told a security aide to tell event coordinator George Gigicos that he would never manage a Trump rally again. Gigicos was one of Trump’s four longest-serving aides. Before taking the stage at the Phoenix Convention Center, Trump reportedly watched the crowd from a waiting-room television. Gigicos had arranged the rally in a large room with a wall that left part of the floor empty, to the dismay of Trump, who reportedly grew angry at how the empty spaces would look on television.


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Was Garland ever mentioned during Hill's campaign? I've read that they deep-sixed it while trying to get out the message that the SC was at stake.


So much they didn't do in their smug and undeserved confidence.

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The Secret Service cannot pay hundreds of agents to protect President Donald Trump and his large family, according to a report published Monday morning. Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex'' Alles told USA Today more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances -- which were meant to last the entire year. "The president has a large family, and our responsibility is required in law,'' Alles told USA Today. "I can't change that. I have no flexibility.''


Trump has taken trips almost every weekend of his presidency so far, to his properties in New Jersey, Virginia and Florida, as well as internationally -- and his adult children also require protection during their business trips and vacations. In April, CNN reported that Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost more than an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days in office, putting the President on pace to surpass former President Barack Obama's eight years of spending on travel -- in only his first year in office. Before and during the campaign season, Trump regularly criticized Obama for costing the American taxpayer money every time he took a trip, and Trump the candidate repeatedly called for belt-tightening across government agencies. In 2014, Trump tweeted: "We pay for Obama's travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf."
Protecting the family isn't an issue, but protecting all the properties that he refused to divest from, and his constant travels to them at taxpayer's expense are a slap in the face to his supporters that expected Trump to reduce government spending. The White House and Camp David should be sufficient for most weekends.



Life's a B word when it's your ox that's getting gored.

Not a peep from you about B. O.'s heavy-handed imperial presidency.

Perhaps the problem is there's too much power vested in that office and the only time it's confronted is when it's occupied by a Republican.

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That story Pasta posted is false..........................the biggest clue is the CNN source :lol:


FACT CHECK: Has the Secret Service Gone 'Broke' Paying Agents to ...




hmmmm Is the story about the Secret Service working out of a trailer in the alley in NYC because they could no longer afford Trump Towers rent false too?

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hmmmm Is the story about the Secret Service working out of a trailer in the alley in NYC because they could no longer afford Trump Towers rent false too?



Hmmmmmmmmmm, Someone's not reading.


Try the NYT...........they're honest, right ?




They moved because of a lease disagreement, not for lack of money, but your spin is more "Dramatic"........and that's more important.

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SWAMP DRAINING NEWS: Secretary of State Tillerson is trimming State Department staff, particularly suspect positions Obama created.

Of the 38 positions created under the former administration, 23 will be either removed or reassigned, a senior Trump administration official told Fox News on Tuesday. The staffers whose positions will be eliminated are those who worked on projects such as closing Guantanamo Bay, implementing the Iran Deal and the transparency coordinator position created in response to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.



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SWAMP DRAINING NEWS: Secretary of State Tillerson is trimming State Department staff, particularly suspect positions Obama created.

Of the 38 positions created under the former administration, 23 will be either removed or reassigned, a senior Trump administration official told Fox News on Tuesday. The staffers whose positions will be eliminated are those who worked on projects such as closing Guantanamo Bay, implementing the Iran Deal and the transparency coordinator position created in response to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.





This is on top of the immediate cuts that were made in the first few weeks of the administration. Pompeo's been busy too.

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Hmmmmmmmmmm, Someone's not reading.


Try the NYT...........they're honest, right ?




They moved because of a lease disagreement, not for lack of money, but your spin is more "Dramatic"........and that's more important.


first - I never liked the Snake Oil Salesman so why would I support him now?


next - Maybe you are reading it with the wrong intent. Take out the hmmmm and you have an easy question to answer.


Is the story about the Secret Service working out of a trailer in the alley in NYC because they could no longer afford Trump Towers rent false too?


Answer YES duh


Here's one sided for you.

Dearest Donny couldn't let them live there rent free?



After much consideration, it was mutually determined that it would be more cost effective and logistically practical for the Secret Service to lease space elsewhere,” she wrote in an email.



Whats more practical than being in close proximity?

Edited by ShadyBillsFan
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