row_33 Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Breaking news occurs maybe once a month, not every hour on the hour.
DC Tom Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Breaking news occurs maybe once a month, not every hour on the hour. That's Fox News's contribution to the industry. "Breaking News: high-speed chase in Los Angeles! After that, we'll take you to "Breaking News: Missing white woman still missing!""
Nanker Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 President Trump got some good news Thursday regarding his efforts to fill job vacancies in his administration: Nearly 70 nominees received Senate approval in one fell swoop. But the president also received some bad news: The Senate unanimously agreed to a move designed to block Trump from making any recess appointments while the Senate takes its summer break. The good news means that former U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas becomes the nation’s ambassador to NATO and New York Jets owner Woody Johnson becomes ambassador to Britain. What do you think about Obama's Ambassador to Japan?
Chef Jim Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 That's Fox News's contribution to the industry. "Breaking News: high-speed chase in Los Angeles! After that, we'll take you to "Breaking News: Missing white woman still missing!"" My top two reasons I'm glad I'm back in SoCal 1. Lack of tree hugging hippies 2. Televised car chases
DC Tom Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 My top two reasons I'm glad I'm back in SoCal 1. Lack of tree hugging hippies 2. Televised car chases I was always mystified how noon-time Fox News always broke to the 9am LA car chase. It was just so weird to be watching national coverage of that in DC.
Deranged Rhino Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 My top two reasons I'm glad I'm back in SoCal 1. Lack of tree hugging hippies 2. Televised car chases I'd say come to Venice/Santa Monica when you feel like picking off some hippies or bicyclists... but both neighborhoods are in the midst of being Google-fied.
SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 The Senate scheduled nine pro-forma sessions to avoid the Supreme Court's bizarre definition of "recess." The FoxSnooze article makes it sound as though that's exceptional. It's not - the use of pro-forma sessions to avoid going in to recess and thus curtail the President's constitutional authority to appoint people has been standard practice for the past ten years. Pioneered, unsurprisingly, by Harry Reid. Good ole FAUX News. here's another doozy Fox's Jarrett calls grand juries 'undemocratic farce' one day after calling for one for Clinton. What do you think about Obama's Ambassador to Japan? Caroline Kennedy is an American author, attorney, an a prominent member of the Kennedy family and the only surviving child of President John F. Kennedy. What political ties does "Woody" have with DC other than the "woody's" Bill received?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Good ole FAUX News. here's another doozy Fox's Jarrett calls grand juries 'undemocratic farce' one day after calling for one for Clinton. I saw that. I bet they don't think that about minorities getting railroaded. I noticed something on Fox last night that I thought I had seen before. That chic that had on there was blabbing on and on about something and was all angry, but for the life of me couldn't figure what the hell she was even saying. Is that something? Angry rants about nothing while saying "it's" Democrats fault. Just emotional arguments about nothing?
SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Tomi Lahren as being interviewed at Politicon by Chelsea Handler on Saturday..... The pair struggled to find any common ground during the first several minutes of the interview and then the topic turned to healthcare. When Handler asked Lahren if she had health insurance, she replied, “Luckily, I am 24, so I am still on my parents’ plan” and Lahren went on to say that Obamacare is in a “death spiral.” Being able to stay on your parents’ plan until the age of 26 is a major aspect of the current healthcare legislation and also one of the beneficial facets that critics of the Affordable Care Act tend to overlook, instead opting to chastise other factors such as the individual mandate to buy insurance. The outspoken Lahren has been a controversial figure in the realm of political commentary, having joined the pro-Donald Trump group Great American Alliance in May after she was suspended from hosting her own show, Tomi, on TheBlaze in March when she expressed her belief that women should have legal access to abortion, a view rarely shared by her fellow conservatives Does Lahren she even know which party she belongs to?
Deranged Rhino Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Tomi Lahren as being interviewed at Politicon by Chelsea Handler on Saturday..... The pair struggled to find any common ground during the first several minutes of the interview and then the topic turned to healthcare. When Handler asked Lahren if she had health insurance, she replied, “Luckily, I am 24, so I am still on my parents’ plan” and Lahren went on to say that Obamacare is in a “death spiral.” Being able to stay on your parents’ plan until the age of 26 is a major aspect of the current healthcare legislation and also one of the beneficial facets that critics of the Affordable Care Act tend to overlook, instead opting to chastise other factors such as the individual mandate to buy insurance. The outspoken Lahren has been a controversial figure in the realm of political commentary, having joined the pro-Donald Trump group Great American Alliance in May after she was suspended from hosting her own show, Tomi, on TheBlaze in March when she expressed her belief that women should have legal access to abortion, a view rarely shared by her fellow conservatives Does Lahren she even know which party she belongs to? Lahren is part of Trump's leadership team? I think you posted in the wrong thread.
grinreaper Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Tomi Lahren as being interviewed at Politicon by Chelsea Handler on Saturday..... The pair struggled to find any common ground during the first several minutes of the interview and then the topic turned to healthcare. When Handler asked Lahren if she had health insurance, she replied, “Luckily, I am 24, so I am still on my parents’ plan” and Lahren went on to say that Obamacare is in a “death spiral.” Being able to stay on your parents’ plan until the age of 26 is a major aspect of the current healthcare legislation and also one of the beneficial facets that critics of the Affordable Care Act tend to overlook, instead opting to chastise other factors such as the individual mandate to buy insurance. The outspoken Lahren has been a controversial figure in the realm of political commentary, having joined the pro-Donald Trump group Great American Alliance in May after she was suspended from hosting her own show, Tomi, on TheBlaze in March when she expressed her belief that women should have legal access to abortion, a view rarely shared by her fellow conservatives Does Lahren she even know which party she belongs to? Conservatives tend to have a variety of views on a variety of topics. That's why passing a Health Insurance plan is so difficult. Democrats tend to fall in line behind their leadership and march in lock-step.
GG Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Caroline Kennedy is an American author, attorney, an a prominent member of the Kennedy family and the only surviving child of President John F. Kennedy. And these are the impeccable credentials to be ambassador? Don't tell me. The most qualified ambassador candidate in history.
Doc Brown Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Conservatives tend to have a variety of views on a variety of topics. That's why passing a Health Insurance plan is so difficult. Democrats tend to fall in line behind their leadership and march in lock-step. Well, there's infighting in the Democratic Party on whether to try and continue to find ways to fix the ACA or push for single payer (socialized medicine) of some form. It wasn't easy getting 60 Democrats on board in early 2010 either as the public option was scrapped from the final bill.
DC Tom Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Well, there's infighting in the Democratic Party on whether to try and continue to find ways to fix the ACA or push for single payer (socialized medicine) of some form. It wasn't easy getting 60 Democrats on board in early 2010 either as the public option was scrapped from the final bill. The difference is that socialized medicine is the Democratic end-game, and the infighting is more over how to get there. The Republicans simply can't agree on an end-game.
Doc Brown Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 The difference is that socialized medicine is the Democratic end-game, and the infighting is more over how to get there. The Republicans simply can't agree on an end-game. I'm going to disagree with you because too many Democrats in Congress rely on big pharm and insurance company campaign contributions. These same donors are the real reason the medicare for all proposal (what they called it) was killed in California despite having a Democratic Supermajority.
DC Tom Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 I'm going to disagree with you because too many Democrats in Congress rely on big pharm and insurance company campaign contributions. These same donors are the real reason the medicare for all proposal (what they called it) was killed in California despite having a Democratic Supermajority. I'm going to take your disagreement and use it as evidence to support my statement: big-money campaign contributors is why they delay the implementation of the goal, but doesn't change the goal itself. "Medicare for all" wasn't "killed" in California, so much as California isn't quite ready for it - it's not like everyone pushing for it just decided "That's it, we can't do it, we give up." It's still a goal they all work towards. Their disagreements are on practical matters of timing, even when it comes to donors, not overall direction like the Republicans.
row_33 Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 Doc: even the New York Review of Books went after Obamacare recently, that is REALLY SAYING SUMTIN. Quoth: In the case of the Affordable Care Act, each group forcefully lobbied Congress and the Obama White House to protect its own share of the pie. In order to craft a bill that would pass Congress in the face of such potent lobbying, the Obama administration caved in to the pharmaceutical industry, omitting provisions that would constrain drug prices. Similarly, the insurance industry was given considerable leeway in setting premiums and deductibles in exchange for agreeing to offer policies that required essential benefits like maternity and preventative care, and that did not discriminate against patients with preexisting medical conditions. And to satisfy lawyers the administration did not pursue any serious tort reform in malpractice cases. A painful compromise narrowly passed by a Democratic Congress, Obamacare achieved several laudable goals: providing coverage for tens of millions of previously uninsured Americans; ensuring care of preexisting conditions; allowing young adults to stay on their families’ policies until age twenty-six; subsidizing premiums for those of moderate incomes; and expanding Medicaid coverage for the poor, disabled, and elderly in many states. But it failed in one crucial respect, as Rosenthal observes: “The ACA did little…to control runaway spending.”
Nanker Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 It's true. We as a country are in an inevitable slide toward centralized medical care. Republicans have not produced a principled resistance to that end game. I'm all for helping people out, but the ACA was a shi tshow of clusters each f ucking the other. They were powerless when it was rammed down our throats like Bills wad down Monica's. Their objections were weak and their concepts for helping Americans with healthcare insurance relief leaned more left than the Tower of Pisa looking at it from the North. A pox on both their houses.
row_33 Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 GOP doesn't really care about health coverage. 95% of people have a great tendency to study and work hard and get themselves into situations where it is provided through work. The rest have to scramble, and lets face it... NOBODY CARES ABOUT THOSE PEOPLE...
Chef Jim Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 I'd say come to Venice/Santa Monica when you feel like picking off some hippies or bicyclists... but both neighborhoods are in the midst of being Google-fied. If I told you once i told you a thousand times. I rarely venture past the Orange Curtain. I live in SoCal not LA.
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