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Trump's leadership team

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11 hours ago, ALF said:


White House wanted to publicly shame Tillerson, source says


Reports that the White House has a tentative plan to replace Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that emerged Thursday were an effort to express President Donald Trump's deep displeasure and publicly shame his secretary of state, a source with direct knowledge of the White House's thinking said Thursday.


The hope from the White House, the source said, is to push out the plan to replace Tillerson and then "wait for him to punch out."

And the plan is not just being considered at the staff level, but by the President himself, the source said.


His public response to the reports on Thursday signaled no desire to spare his secretary of state -- who still has not denied having called the President a "moron" in private.




CIA Director Pompeo reportedly tabbed as Secretary of State


The candidate for taking over the CIA is Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas,




Again, and this understands the Middle School cliquishness of the current WH & why Sec. Tillerson could/would want to get out, why would you WANT Tillerson to quit when you state he's doing a good job?


Shouldn't we want the "adults" to stick around?

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16 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Pshaw, pshaw! 

He never asked him any really hard-hitting questions like...

"Mr. President, Are You a Racist?"

"Mr. President, did you refer to African nations using the word "s***hole?"

Or, some of those asked of his Doctor.

"Is he limited to one scoop of ice cream now?"

“Are you ruling out things like early-onset Alzheimer’s?”

“Are you part of the decision-making process on handing over power to the vice president or whoever?”


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Does the Presdient eat shameful ice cream or righteous ice cream that donates a millionth of every penny of revenue to world peace?





Does the Presdient prefer the toilet paper to be over or under rolling?



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3 minutes ago, Cugalabanza said:

Yo Trump so classy...  (I hope this becomes a thing)


Yo Trump so classy… he got a college named after him, and steaks & vodka & ****

Oh, boy.  Not even a hashtag for the morons who go to social media to pander to the lowest common denominator of intellectual Americans.


Jesus Christ. The only idiots who care about social media nonsense like this are the idiots too stupid to bother to vote.

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17 minutes ago, Cugalabanza said:

Yo Trump so classy...  (I hope this becomes a thing)


Yo Trump so classy… he got a college named after him, and steaks & vodka & ****


so how many people in the last 100 years have used their name in third person as "classy"


i can think of Trump and Sinatra and if they didn't do that I can safely imagine they did



and laugh....

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My hero of the week - Mick Mulvaney






That is going to be different. That entire governing philosophy of pushing the envelope frightens me a little. We are government employees, and we work for the people. That means everyone: those who use credit cards and those who provide the credit; those who take out loans and those who make them; those who buy cars and those who sell them. All of those people are part of what makes this country great, and all of them deserve to be treated fairly by their government. There is a reason Lady Justice wears a blindfold and carries a balance scale along with her sword.





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