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Report: Trump moving away from Romney and Giuliani, considering Huntsman for Secretary of State



LOL............yep............keep writing articles about The Donald being too "right wing"





Noooo, not Huntsman. He's every Liberal's "He's the type of Republican I could vote for" straw man.


Kind of like how McCain used to be, until they actually had a chance to vote for McCain

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Trump to meet with Laura Ingraham, Gov. Terry Branstad

Washington Examiner, by Sarah Westwood


Original Article






Democrats to give Trump Cabinet picks the Garland treatment

Politico, by Burgess Everett and Elana Schor


Original Article







Nancy Pelosi Calls Ben Carson ‘Disturbingly Unqualified’

Associated Press, by Staff


Original Article


Well......................She's is the expert on that ... B-)

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From Dr. Charles Krauthammer;


Revenge is not a good strategy for the Democrats. The one thing they don’t want to be tagged with immediately is obstructionism. That worked against Republicans in the Senate for eight years as a political hatchet. If the Democrats want to invite that, this is going to look like naked partisanship and obstruction for its own sake.
Remember when Obama came into office, the Congress approved eight of his cabinet members on Day One.
If these guys are going to stand around and do procedural stuff that you just show on television, it is going to look ridiculous. It’s going to be obvious obstructionism and no reason. I can understand a drawn-out hearing on somebody you think is extreme or unqualified, but if they want to do it as a way to get revenge for Garland, be my guest.
They will suffer from that for eight years.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
Edited by B-Man
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From Dr. Charles Krauthammer;


Revenge is not a good strategy for the Democrats. The one thing they don’t want to be tagged with immediately is obstructionism. That worked against Republicans in the Senate for eight years as a political hatchet. If the Democrats want to invite that, this is going to look like naked partisanship and obstruction for its own sake.
Remember when Obama came into office, the Congress approved eight of his cabinet members on Day One.
If these guys are going to stand around and do procedural stuff that you just show on television, it is going to look ridiculous. It’s going to be obvious obstructionism and no reason. I can understand a drawn-out hearing on somebody you think is extreme or unqualified, but if they want to do it as a way to get revenge for Garland, be my guest.
They will suffer from that for eight years.


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner



Krauthammer's dead wrong in this case. What will really happen is that, if the Democrats decide to be obviously obstructionist, the Republicans will invoke the nuclear option, kill the filibuster, and take the Democrats completely out of the picture. Then the Democrats will complain the Republicans are being undemocratic and fascist, and the media will run with that narrative.


The Democrats have nothing to lose by being obstructionist, because it'll be spun in their favor.

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Krauthammer's dead wrong in this case. What will really happen is that, if the Democrats decide to be obviously obstructionist, the Republicans will invoke the nuclear option, kill the filibuster, and take the Democrats completely out of the picture. Then the Democrats will complain the Republicans are being undemocratic and fascist, and the media will run with that narrative.


The Democrats have nothing to lose by being obstructionist, because it'll be spun in their favor.

As it always is. D's opposing R's = principled opposition. R's opposing D's = obstructionism.


Just is the way it's always called. Will be interesting to see what happens when Trump proposes items the D's typically support but the R's typically oppose. Still hopeful (though not tremendously) that this presidency sees Congress take back some of their authority.

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As it always is. D's opposing R's = principled opposition. R's opposing D's = obstructionism.


Just is the way it's always called. Will be interesting to see what happens when Trump proposes items the D's typically support but the R's typically oppose. Still hopeful (though not tremendously) that this presidency sees Congress take back some of their authority.



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