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No Fun League At It Again


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another example of the highly arbitrary nature of fines meted out by the NFL. Dick Sherman gets $9k for diving at Carp's knees, and Kelce gets $24k for mockingly throwing a towel.


And they wonder why ratings are tanking? The NFL has become a borderline unwatchable watered-down product, with an autocrat commissioner making a gazillion $$



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another example of the highly arbitrary nature of fines meted out by the NFL. Dick Sherman gets $9k for diving at Carp's knees, and Kelce gets $24k for mockingly throwing a towel.


And they wonder why ratings are tanking? The NFL has become a borderline unwatchable watered-down product, with an autocrat commissioner making a gazillion $$



I'm not sure why Sherman was fined, it should have been a personal foul. I don't know if all personal fouls are associated with fines, so I'm just still upset the refs screwed up. Don't really care about a small fine.

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That's the problem with "Just win baby, win"

What are you winning?


Best team ever of a sport that everyone now hates.

Suspensions are better than fines, and they should do it for repeated penalties. You are an NFL player, and you can't remember the snap, or can't play pass defensive? Guess what? You're no longer an NFL player.

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As to the declining ratings, I wonder if it could be the following:


I'm sure the only think counted are people watching games on local TV or via ST. How many watch illegal streams of out of market games because their favorite team isn't on TV. Yes that is what ST is for, but many would figure if I can watch online for free, why pay. Granted this isn't something invented this year, but with increases in cost to ST and DTV seemingly less inclined to offer deals and download speeds increasing, and more people over the years moving away from their hometown, maybe more people are going the to the dark side. I know I came real close myself this year, even had the appointment scheduled with TWC before DTV finally offered me a deal worth taking so stuck with them one more year.


As far as fines go and personal conduct stuff, I really care very little about what happens off the field, I'm watching the game for entertainment value on Sunday. just give me a good game to watch. I often wonder what the league would be like if players didn't have names and number on their uniforms to identify them by.

Edited by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch
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As to the declining ratings, I wonder if it could be the following:


I'm sure the only think counted are people watching games on local TV or via ST. How many watch illegal streams of out of market games because their favorite team isn't on TV. Yes that is what ST is for, but many would figure if I can watch online for free, why pay. Granted this isn't something invented this year, but with increases in cost to ST and DTV seemingly less inclined to offer deals and download speeds increasing, and more people over the years moving away from their hometown, maybe more people are going the to the dark side. I know I came real close myself this year, even had the appointment scheduled with TWC before DTV finally offered me a deal worth taking so stuck with them one more year.


As far as fines go and personal conduct stuff, I really care very little about what happens off the field, I'm watching the game for entertainment value on Sunday. just give me a good game to watch. I often wonder what the league would be like if players didn't have names and number on their uniforms to identify them by.


good post, but I don't know if your points can be quantified. From a qualitative POV, I think the masses are pissed about 1) nonstop TV commercials 2) the arbitrary nature of suspensions/fines, 3) the American flag/anthem issue, & 4) no one, including the refs, seem to know what is a catch, PI, etc. etc.

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Personally I agree with you on #1 and 4, #3 a little bit, #2 don't really care much about at all either way. Even with #4, gives me something to complain about, not sure it would stop me from watching though



good post, but I don't know if your points can be quantified. From a qualitative POV, I think the masses are pissed about 1) nonstop TV commercials 2) the arbitrary nature of suspensions/fines, 3) the American flag/anthem issue, & 4) no one, including the refs, seem to know what is a catch, PI, etc. etc.

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I'll go with poor qb play and lack of compelling rivalry games that hold significance being a big driver. Casual fans clearly like a storyline and there's not a lot of compelling soap opera drama to suck people in... where's the Brady v manning, the tebow, even stuff like harbaugh vs Carroll, rivers vs cutler, Aaron Rodgers doing stuff that the last decade had....


What's been the big qb game with stories to tell around it this year? Bradford vs wentz?

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If the fine structure bothers you, why do you seek out articles about fines? Why not just watch on Sunday and ignore the noise outside the games?


are you joking? I don't seek out articles about fines, they find me in the form of headlines.

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another example of the highly arbitrary nature of fines meted out by the NFL. Dick Sherman gets $9k for diving at Carp's knees, and Kelce gets $24k for mockingly throwing a towel.


And they wonder why ratings are tanking? The NFL has become a borderline unwatchable watered-down product, with an autocrat commissioner making a gazillion $$



Also, Dick Sherman threw his camo towel after his offisides call.

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And click and read them


now you're just being incorrigible; the headline literally read "Kelce fined $24k for throwing towel...." And, no, I did not click & read it, just like I did not seek out the story. Seems like it's your interpretation of my post that's bothering you more than the topic bothers me - which it really doesn't. I was just making an observation about how ridiculous the NFL has become, and I'm not the only one.

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another example of the highly arbitrary nature of fines meted out by the NFL. Dick Sherman gets $9k for diving at Carp's knees, and Kelce gets $24k for mockingly throwing a towel.


And they wonder why ratings are tanking? The NFL has become a borderline unwatchable watered-down product, with an autocrat commissioner making a gazillion $$




I suspect Kelce was fined more because he threw his towel directly at an official.

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another example of the highly arbitrary nature of fines meted out by the NFL. Dick Sherman gets $9k for diving at Carp's knees, and Kelce gets $24k for mockingly throwing a towel.


And they wonder why ratings are tanking? The NFL has become a borderline unwatchable watered-down product, with an autocrat commissioner making a gazillion $$



Are you suggesting that the drop off in ratings is due to the disparities between fines for different rule infractions between different players? Or is it merely due to Goodell's salary?


And, when you say "unwatchable watered-down product," what precisely are you referring to? The flags thrown? Too many rules? Or is it the attempt to limit injuries? Or, perhaps, it is the lack of injuries themselves that has you down?

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another example of the highly arbitrary nature of fines meted out by the NFL. Dick Sherman gets $9k for diving at Carp's knees, and Kelce gets $24k for mockingly throwing a towel.


And they wonder why ratings are tanking? The NFL has become a borderline unwatchable watered-down product, with an autocrat commissioner making a gazillion $$




I blame the ratings drop in part to over saturation and greed. Thursday night is a prime example. Bad matchups that they try to prop up with the color rush BS...another blatant money grab...who in their right mind is buying those god awful jerseys anyway?

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Are you suggesting that the drop off in ratings is due to the disparities between fines for different rule infractions between different players? Or is it merely due to Goodell's salary?


And, when you say "unwatchable watered-down product," what precisely are you referring to? The flags thrown? Too many rules? Or is it the attempt to limit injuries? Or, perhaps, it is the lack of injuries themselves that has you down?


To your first question on the ratings, it's been reported that a lot of viewers have an axe to grind with the whole national anthem/BLM/protest thing; not saying I do, but that's been cited. Secondarily, viewers seem turned off by the inconsistency of officiating and the hypocrisy of the supplemental discipline handed out. People can see Goodell is a richly paid puppet for the owners.


By unwatchable, I meant the amount and length of TV timeouts. I, for one, cannot sit through them - but that's just me. I should not have used the term "watered-down", as that caused confusion.

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