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Ice bowl 67

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Has anyone else Unfollowed or deleted people after this election? I look at my news feed on Facebook today which is basically my local area and everyone is arguing, bickering and going back and forth over this election. A few people were saying F you and starting to get very hateful over it. I seen about 20 posts today, it is just over the top and Ive had enough!!! Anyone else feel the same way and sick of seeing people fight. I know things didnt go the way some wanted it to go and for others it was satisfying but both parties need to move on!! That is my rant and I am sticking to it. Also Facebook shouldnt be the place for these people to go and talk politics. You guys see the hate where you live over this election on Facebook or at your workplace, gym or just local restaurant you go to?

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couple of years old but...but still good


"I learn to like people i don't know on Twitter, and dislike people i do know on Facebook"


I have stayed off Facebook for several reasons, but the overarching reason i just could not take how perfect everyone's kids, and lives were.


Whats funny is the teenagers of today know its a made up, alternate reality and pay it no mind, it's the adults who can't separate fact and fiction and get all would up over it.

Edited by plenzmd1
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i corrected someone today about their only posting anti trump supporters incidents. i replied with a couple that hit close to home for me that involved anti trump, they said they hadn't seen those stories posted on their newsfeeds. I responded that they(in my best Karl Childers voice) oughtn't be using facebook for their news.

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What is Facebook, what is it used for, and why would anyone want to use it?

When your young its a good tool to get poon. easy.

Has anyone else Unfollowed or deleted people after this election?

LOL I noticed a lot of bickering and comment wars over this ****. and people deleting or getting deleted left and right. This is why I dont talk politics or religion on the net or even at parties, it just divides people, and people are stupid as **** sometimes. I do watch and laugh at others dumb enough to argue tho. Its funny

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I dont really delete anyone. Ill just kind of ignore.



I have a pretty even distribution both ways:







*also posts 20 memes about participation trophies and such

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At a job a manager used to investigate potential employees on Facebook saying if they acted like that on forums they could give an act in job interview but sooner or later they would go back to their nature.


I thought it was a little extreme but in most cases he was right when candidates he rejected got offer from other parts of organization and we had to deal with them. The worst was an employee who hired by customer service and ended up being fired due to a rant with a supplier.

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I got off Facebook years ago. It was nothing more than a dumping ground for arrant stupidity.


The last thing I saw from Facebook was the "Nazi Uboat recovered in Lake Ontario" nonsense. My exact reply was "The reason I'm not on Facebook is to avoid this bull **** from you idiots. Do not email me **** like this ever again."

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Worst quote that I have read regarding the election: "I'm more sad today than I was on 9/11...."


Seriously? I mean seriously? People have lost all sense of reality and the number of people that are implying that the country is going to DRASTICALLY change how minority groups are treated are completely irrational........

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Thankfully as a member of MySpace, I have been unencumbered by the political rants and jousting that everyone seems to be talking about on the Face Book site. It has been refreshing conversations and observations of the effects of Metamucil, pictures of changing foliage, Cardinal sightings and some Tuna casserole recipes.

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I don't follow anyone, so I don't see anything in my feed except my posts - which are primarily pics and vids of my grandkids that my other family members wouldn't otherwise see. Facebook is awesome when you don't have to read other people's mental/emotional diarrhea.

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