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  On 11/10/2016 at 7:14 PM, Gugny said:

How much is Carpenter's bigot wife going to be fined?

She is not subject to the CBA........sorry to go legal on you, but that is pretty obvious. And, she does have her first Amendment rights of free speech. I thought it was hiliarious myself.

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  On 11/10/2016 at 7:37 PM, bigK14094 said:

She is not subject to the CBA........sorry to go legal on you, but that is pretty obvious. And, she does have her first Amendment rights of free speech. I thought it was hiliarious myself.


no one is asking for this women's imprisonment, so bringing in free speech is a moot point.


and as for the the bold, doesn't really surprise me. ignorance is bliss.

  On 11/10/2016 at 7:14 PM, Gugny said:

How much is Carpenter's bigot wife going to be fined?

Amazing what our world has become. You can't say anything anymore without someone trying to turn it into a race issue. Ridiculous

  On 11/10/2016 at 7:08 PM, kdiggz said:

He should still be castrated. He needs to chill out. Smart guy but a lot of anger. Not everyone is out to get you Sherm. But if you want enemies then keep acting like a jerk and you really will have some

They need to make note of that when they negotiate the next CBA. You know, just to be sure....


I feel that if you find something racist in that tweet, then you yourself are racist. Serious.


It's like when I watch a football game and the anslyst says, "the QB beats Cox" and I chuckle cuz I'm dirty minded at the heart.

  On 11/10/2016 at 5:28 PM, prissythecat said:

It was legal as per a number of posters here :P So the fact that NFL levied a fine doesnt count.

Who watching the game called that legal???? Did they attend the same high school and eye doctor as the refs on the field?

  On 11/10/2016 at 8:59 PM, 87168 said:


no one is asking for this women's imprisonment, so bringing in free speech is a moot point.


and as for the the bold, doesn't really surprise me. ignorance is bliss.

  On 11/10/2016 at 11:28 PM, Rocky Landing said:

Along with the flag that he didn't get for roughing the kicker, I would like to know why he didn't get an unsportsmanlike conduct for mad-dogging our coach.

I wondered that myself. If they are going to be flag happy with taunting calls why would they allow something like that? A player mean mugging a coach is more disrespectful than what Woods did. If you don't like what Woods is going after a catch then stop him from catching it. What's Rex going to do in his situation? Garbage. !@#$ Sherman.

  On 11/10/2016 at 11:28 PM, Rocky Landing said:

Along with the flag that he didn't get for roughing the kicker, I would like to know why he didn't get an unsportsmanlike conduct for mad-dogging our coach.

I once had a kid do that to me... I grabbed him by the facemask and slung his ass to the ground. I was a bully. Why aren't we bullies? ...Rex..said...

How can you call ignorance on this. She compared sherman to a farm animal, whom they castrate with the tool she posted.

We all get angry and say things, why did it have to be a racist statement, so if it was wes welker or Julian edelman, or Eric weddel would anyone on this board have issues with it, or anyone else for that matter?

No, she did not drop an N bomb or use any other racial slur. Im sick of people saying something is racist when it is not.

I can turn any statement racist if i try hard enough.

How you interpret something is on you, stop being sensitive and let people be angry and be heated and say things in the moment without backlash.

Rant over......go bills

  On 11/10/2016 at 7:35 PM, Gugny said:


That's entirely untrue.


Did you read what she wrote?!?!


Just because you can take someones words and envision some hidden meaning behind them does not mean they suddenly take on that meaning. Have you never heard a woman joke like that?

  On 11/10/2016 at 11:28 PM, Rocky Landing said:

Along with the flag that he didn't get for roughing the kicker, I would like to know why he didn't get an unsportsmanlike conduct for mad-dogging our coach.


What was that about anyways?

  On 11/10/2016 at 9:09 PM, OhDozeBills said:

Amazing what our world has become. You can't say anything anymore without someone trying to turn it into a race issue. Ridiculous


The player could have been white, the tweeter white, and somehow it would still get turned into a racist issue.


  On 11/10/2016 at 6:02 PM, The Jokeman said:

How does making them full time change anything?

For one thing you won't have a bunch of older guys who spend half their time being an attorney or CPA.

The big issue for me is the lack of physical tests. How can you possibly expect people in their 50's and 60's to keep up with the worlds greatest athletes?


Finally justice has prevailed! Don't we all feel better now? What a joke this league has become- and they they wonder why ratings are going down.

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