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San Diego Rejects Stadium Financing

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The right answer in WNY is to put an air supported dome over New Era field....problem solved.....except, of course, the NFL's desire to jack up revenue to extract maximum revenue from the fans. And, if a mega snow storm hits again like before the Jets game a couple of years ago, we have to shut down the game because the emergency needs of the community outweigh the playing of the game...another trip to Detroit, then. The dome will not guarantee playability of games during major snow events....the infrastructure can't stand the big snow either, even if the stadium could. (And, downtown, it would be even worse than in OP with to few roads in and out)

Edited by bigK14094
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It was a hotel tax increase for tourists. Not a resident tax. I know they considered it to be a long shot but it seemed viable to me.


Only if you believe no city has better use for a billion dollars it can dial up at any time from tourist taxes.


Spanos could keep this team in SD. He doesn't want to part with any of his pile. He can't wait to get LA and just pay rent for 10 dates a year.


The right answer in WNY is to put an air supported dome over New Era field....problem solved.....except, of course, the NFL's desire to jack up revenue to extract maximum revenue from the fans. And, if a mega snow storm hits again like before the Jets game a couple of years ago, we have to shut down the game because the emergency needs of the community outweigh the playing of the game...another trip to Detroit, then. The dome will not guarantee playability of games during major snow events....the infrastructure can't stand the big snow either, even if the stadium could. (And, downtown, it would be even worse than in OP with to few roads in and out)


You mean the owners....

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you know what seems viable? not using any taxpayer's money to subsidize a billionaire's stadium.


The proposition was for an additional hotel tax, such that local San Diegans would not foot the bill for the stadium.


There's already a 10.5% "transient occupancy" tax on hotel rooms in San Diego. The measure would've increased the tax by 6% to 16.5%.... which would hurt the tourism industry.

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The proposition was for an additional hotel tax, such that local San Diegans would not foot the bill for the stadium.


There's already a 10.5% "transient occupancy" tax on hotel rooms in San Diego. The measure would've increased the tax by 6% to 16.5%.... which would hurt the tourism industry.


Let's face it, here in San Diego Chargers fans are not passionate... they would rather walk their dog, hike, shop, run, swim, whatever. YET, the $2 increase in cigarettes passed. The .10 per bag tax on plastic bags passed. Worried about more taxes, NOPE. This is not the place for a blue collar football base. It's quite pathetic, really. I cannot wait to leave this place next year.

Edited by BmoreBills
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This also costs San Diego its Comic Con, the event is getting too large and will move to LA or Vegas without the new Stadium downtown.


Qualcomm is the biggest piece of **** in the league, New Era was built around the same time but the renovations make a world of difference.

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Let's face it, here in San Diego Chargers fans are not passionate... they would rather walk their dog, hike, shop, run, swim, whatever. YET, the $2 increase in cigarettes passed. The .10 per bag tax on plastic bags passed. Worried about more taxes, NOPE. This is not the place for a blue collar football base. It's quite pathetic, really. I cannot wait to leave this place next year.

i have family there. Do you think if they had made it a county vote rather than just a city vote it would have passed? Lots of fans who live in San Diego County couldn't vote if outside the city limits.
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