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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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Right. You said on one Post you'd vote D no matter what. Then later you said you wanted a prez that wouldn't go to war except as a last resort (as do I). I (mistakenly evidently) connected that since you always vote D and that's what you want, that that's what you think they do. I just pointed out that history says otherwise.


Side note overdue to be mentioned here: a devout leftist, reddogblitz' has been up Hillary's ass about the Iraq war since the first time I remembering him posting. He's one of the only -- if not, THE only leftist here who does not give Hillary a pass for her vote. And that's damn impressive.

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Right. You said on one Post you'd vote D no matter what. Then later you said you wanted a prez that wouldn't go to war except as a last resort (as do I). I (mistakenly evidently) connected that since you always vote D and that's what you want, that that's what you think they do. I just pointed out that history says otherwise.

I wouldn't vote for a Republican for president no matter what, but if I didn't like a Democratic presidential nominee then I just would either vote 3rd party or not vote. Kind of like never Trump conservatives. I voted for Hillary because my number one concern was healthcare due to recent family health issues and was hoping they could work to fix the ACA even if it meant adding the public option. If not for that, I pry would of stayed home for the first time as their wasn't even a decent 3rd party candidate.

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I think anyone who knows Kathy Griffin's career trajectory is not surprised this is how she gets back in the news. Next week we'll read about Joy Behar lighting a Trump pinata on fire.

at least she has new material to work with in addition to those sarah palin jokes she's been telling the last 9 years

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at least she has new material to work with in addition to those sarah palin jokes she's been telling the last 9 years

She's just trying to be relevant again and made a fool out of herself like when Madonna said she had dreams of blowing up the white house. Obviously, she crossed the line and then some and any American (let alone Republican) should boycott any of her stand up tours or whatever else she does.

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She's just trying to be relevant again and made a fool out of herself like when Madonna said she had dreams of blowing up the white house. Obviously, she crossed the line and then some and any American (let alone Republican) should boycott any of her stand up tours or whatever else she does.


Salon ran an article today about how her stunt is just red meat for "the manic right."


That's right. An openly far-left comedian holds a bloody, decapitated head of a sitting president, calls it 'art,' and in the eyes of Salon, it's the right who is manic.


Meanwhile, the Trump/Pence 2020 Campaign thanks her for her donation.

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Salon ran an article today about how her stunt is just red meat for "the manic right."


That's right. An openly far-left comedian holds a bloody, decapitated head of a sitting president, calls it 'art,' and in the eyes of Salon, it's the right who is manic.


Meanwhile, the Trump/Pence 2020 Campaign thanks her for her donation.


Money says they won't figure that out before 2020.

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Salon ran an article today about how her stunt is just red meat for "the manic right."


That's right. An openly far-left comedian holds a bloody, decapitated head of a sitting president, calls it 'art,' and in the eyes of Salon, it's the right who is manic.


Meanwhile, the Trump/Pence 2020 Campaign thanks her for her donation.

I just looked at their website and it's a crap website. It's Breitbart but on the left on steroids. Just the headlines alone...


"Maybe Violence Against Journalists is Starting to Become a Trend"

"Establishing 1984 for Today's Trump-filled World"

"What's Behind the Rise of Home Grown Terror on the Right"

"Republican Congressman Won't Say if all Americans are Entitled to Eat"


I'm sure these are the issues working class Americans are worried about :wallbash:

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I just looked at their website and it's a crap website. It's Breitbart but on the left on steroids. Just the headlines alone...


"Maybe Violence Against Journalists is Starting to Become a Trend"

"Establishing 1984 for Today's Trump-filled World"

"What's Behind the Rise of Home Grown Terror on the Right"

"Republican Congressman Won't Say if all Americans are Entitled to Eat"


I'm sure these are the issues working class Americans are worried about :wallbash:


I think they might be worried about eating.


Or having something to eat. Yes, you are entitled to eat. You are not entitled to HAVE something to eat, though.

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I just looked at their website and it's a crap website. It's Breitbart but on the left on steroids. Just the headlines alone...


"Maybe Violence Against Journalists is Starting to Become a Trend"

"Establishing 1984 for Today's Trump-filled World"

"What's Behind the Rise of Home Grown Terror on the Right"

"Republican Congressman Won't Say if all Americans are Entitled to Eat"


I'm sure these are the issues working class Americans are worried about :wallbash:

I see business colleagues and old friends retweeting them all the time. It's how I found that article. There are more people who feel this way than you think. Openly advocating to give socialism a chance. Free college. Free health care. Free wifi. Free cellphones. Global warming. Cooling. Climate change.


They've turned Facebook into a schithole.


They're growing in numbers. They're graduating from college. They're on their way.


Buckle up, buttercup.

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I see business colleagues and old friends retweeting them all the time. It's how I found that article. There are more people who feel this way than you think. Openly advocating to give socialism a chance. Free college. Free health care. Free wifi. Free cellphones. Global warming. Cooling. Climate change.


They've turned Facebook into a schithole.


They're growing in numbers. They're graduating from college. They're on their way.


Buckle up, buttercup.


I don't do much social media, so I only say this as an outside observer (about the bolded section): the problem (imo) isn't so much the new generation coming up as much as it's the bots that like/upvote/push various stories/personalities.


Bot farms are a major threat to social media's long term life span. But everyone uses them, from entertainers to politicians to major news channels so no one wants to get rid of them.

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I just looked at their website and it's a crap website. It's Breitbart but on the left on steroids. Just the headlines alone...


"Maybe Violence Against Journalists is Starting to Become a Trend"

"Establishing 1984 for Today's Trump-filled World"

"What's Behind the Rise of Home Grown Terror on the Right"

"Republican Congressman Won't Say if all Americans are Entitled to Eat"


I'm sure these are the issues working class Americans are worried about :wallbash:

You must never have seen this. It'll open yer eyes, I tell ya. It'll open yer eyes.

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I don't do much social media, so I only say this as an outside observer (about the bolded section): the problem (imo) isn't so much the new generation coming up as much as it's the bots that like/upvote/push various stories/personalities.


Bot farms are a major threat to social media's long term life span. But everyone uses them, from entertainers to politicians to major news channels so no one wants to get rid of them.

No it's not the bots. It's people. And not just the new generation. I have some friends who all they pose is stuff about Trump. People who are well educated are posting the most inane stuff and doing absolutely zero research on what they were posting.

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No it's not the bots. It's people. And not just the new generation. I have some friends who all they pose is stuff about Trump. People who are well educated are posting the most inane stuff and doing absolutely zero research on what they were posting.


That's exactly what I see. People I've know for years, but also children of people I've known for years, fresh out of college, eager to post speeches about income equality from hypocrites like Warren who work the banks in her favor...or speeches by Bernie about greed, written from one of this three houses, or comments from Bill Nye, a TV character whose background has nothing to do with science, about global warming cooling climate change.


The problem is their bench is deep. They get it from their parents on one end and from UC Berkeley, USC, UCLA, etc. on the other end.

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No it's not the bots. It's people. And not just the new generation. I have some friends who all they pose is stuff about Trump. People who are well educated are posting the most inane stuff and doing absolutely zero research on what they were posting.


I think his point is that the bots originate the threads and pass them along to the "like-minded" real people who have a history of passing such news along (based on an algorithm), and voila you have a story going viral.

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That's exactly what I see. People I've know for years, but also children of people I've known for years, fresh out of college, eager to post speeches about income equality from hypocrites like Warren who work the banks in her favor...or speeches by Bernie about greed, written from one of this three houses, or comments from Bill Nye, a TV character whose background has nothing to do with science, about global warming cooling climate change.


The problem is their bench is deep. They get it from their parents on one end and from UC Berkeley, USC, UCLA, etc. on the other end.

Very little of this is coming from my friends' children it's coming directly from them. Maybe it's because I don't follow their children.


I think his point is that the bots originate the threads and pass them along to the "like-minded" real people who have a history of passing such news along (based on an algorithm), and voila you have a story going viral.

Now this is 100% true.

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That's exactly what I see. People I've know for years, but also children of people I've known for years, fresh out of college, eager to post speeches about income equality from hypocrites like Warren who work the banks in her favor...or speeches by Bernie about greed, written from one of this three houses, or comments from Bill Nye, a TV character whose background has nothing to do with science, about global warming cooling climate change.


The problem is their bench is deep. They get it from their parents on one end and from UC Berkeley, USC, UCLA, etc. on the other end.


Kids been that way for at least 5000 years now. Give them some slack, I know I was sure like that when I hit the real world in the early 90s.

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