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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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I've always wondered how and when Snopes became the undisputed leader in online fact checking. So they have an agenda??

Me to. Always sited by liberals like doing that was a argument ender. Who made Snopes the wisdom of the internet?

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I figured out that Snopes was BS during the election. Someone asked if Hillary really joked about getting a child rapist off and laughed about it.


They referenced some other recording and said since Hillary didn't say it on there it wasn't true.

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More New York Times fake news. So they are trying to paint the Jewish Bomb Threater as just a forlorn lover, despite his history of anti-Trump nuttiness...




1st Paragraph:


Fate seems to have dropped a giant gift on the doorsteps of right-wing pundits and Twitter activists. Last Friday, the F.B.I. announced the arrest of a suspect in a series of bomb threats aimed at Jewish Community Centers and other Jewish organizations across the country, and he wasn’t some Trump-loving white supremacist with a history of violence and a racist manifesto in tow. No, he was a man of the left, a reporter fired from the left-leaning website The Intercept for fabricating quotes and sources.



If that opening line doesn't demonstrate how media bias works ..................I don't know what does.


In a story about anti-semitic threats, the most important thing is how it might benefit critics......................Morons

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1st Paragraph:


Fate seems to have dropped a giant gift on the doorsteps of right-wing pundits and Twitter activists. Last Friday, the F.B.I. announced the arrest of a suspect in a series of bomb threats aimed at Jewish Community Centers and other Jewish organizations across the country, and he wasn’t some Trump-loving white supremacist with a history of violence and a racist manifesto in tow. No, he was a man of the left, a reporter fired from the left-leaning website The Intercept for fabricating quotes and sources.



If that opening line doesn't demonstrate how media bias works ..................I don't know what does.


In a story about anti-semitic threats, the most important thing is how it might benefit critics......................Morons


Fake news meets fake hate. They're marginalizing themselves at an increasingly accelerated pace. Pretty soon all they'll have left are drones like PJ, Gator, and Meat.

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Fake news meets fake hate. They're marginalizing themselves at an increasingly accelerated pace. Pretty soon all they'll have left are drones like PJ, Gator, and Meat.

Unfortunately I must disagree. Have you been on a college campus lately? PJ, Gatard, and Meat are examples of what the current brand of indoctrinated group think is meant to produce

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1st Paragraph:


Fate seems to have dropped a giant gift on the doorsteps of right-wing pundits and Twitter activists. Last Friday, the F.B.I. announced the arrest of a suspect in a series of bomb threats aimed at Jewish Community Centers and other Jewish organizations across the country, and he wasn’t some Trump-loving white supremacist with a history of violence and a racist manifesto in tow. No, he was a man of the left, a reporter fired from the left-leaning website The Intercept for fabricating quotes and sources.



If that opening line doesn't demonstrate how media bias works ..................I don't know what does.


In a story about anti-semitic threats, the most important thing is how it might benefit critics......................Morons

The right should give them a taste of their own medicine. e.g., when referring to liberal icons, add a descriptor like Former Prostitute Maya Angelou, or Disgraced Former Journalist Dan Rather, or Reprobate Womanizer Former President Bill Clinton, Deep Chakra Driven Former VP Algore or Inarticulate, Leftist Zealot Nancy Pelosi, or Leader of the Obstructionist Block of Left Wing Senate Democrats Chuck Schumer.

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Unfortunately I must disagree. Have you been on a college campus lately? PJ, Gatard, and Meat are examples of what the current brand of indoctrinated group think is meant to produce


I like to have a little faith - I was extremely leftist when I was that age, clinging angrily to a very idealistic mindset and frustrated at the world for not falling into step. I got over it. I think a lot of the current crop of snowflakes will eventually come around too, once life has had a chance to beat a little sense into them.


Watching them go through those life experiences will be immensely entertaining though.

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I'm calling BS on this one. A friend belongs to a club that Trump bought a few yrs back and he loves to tell stories about Trump's appearances at the club. But not once has he heard Trump use racist language in the club or on the course. There are plenty of stories about Trump's golf game and his cheating, but nothing about racism.

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I'm calling BS on this one. A friend belongs to a club that Trump bought a few yrs back and he loves to tell stories about Trump's appearances at the club. But not once has he heard Trump use racist language in the club or on the course. There are plenty of stories about Trump's golf game and his cheating, but nothing about racism.


Yeah, that one has zero credibility. In 30+ years of hearing Trump blathering **** in NYC, I don't recall so much of a whiff of anything racial. Just the typical shotgun politics from the left.

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Donald Trump is America's first president to be pro-gay rights before his election. Vice President Dick Cheney announced his support of gay rights after he left office, and Barack Obama came out of the closet for gay rights after his re-election.

Now we learn gay rights are just Democratic Party propaganda. Gay marriage, peeing in whatever bathroom you want, and forcing Christians to bake you a cake turn out to be nonsense.


The organizers of the annual Los Angeles gay pride have announced that this year’s march will be replaced by a protest against President Donald Trump.


L.A. Pride Replacing Parade With a Protest March | Advocate.com


From Christopher Street West, the organization that stages L.A. Pride Parade and Festival, said:

Given the current political climate where divisiveness and discrimination continue to be part of mainstream dialogue, CSW is determined to make the LA Pride brand a unifying force for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies across all of Los Angeles. To accomplish this goal, the organization is introducing several community-focused initiatives to continue LA Pride’s long-standing history as a voice of and for the entire LGBTQ+ community:



So the parade is not about gay people. They want "dialogue," which means liberal lectures and holier-than-though sermons.

The parade is just another Democratic Party event

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This is ridiculous and I'm kind of surprised by it. Donald Trump has been nothing but open and respectful to the LGBT community. He's embraced them for years.


This simply shows something I mentioned in the Obamacare thread: liberals will always do what they're told by leadership, even when it literally makes no sense whatsoever. When you're unable to think for yourself, be a Democrat. You get to march a lot and dress like a vagina.

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I guess this still qualifies as "Stupid election backlash". How does this old doddering senile fvck keep getting elected? Now Paul is a Putin agent lol? What's ironic is McCain is the guy who is a foreign agent. Meeting and being photographed with ISIS leaders. What a pos he is.



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