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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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I'll have to find a link, but there was something of a big fudge in the way the Obama WH counted what it considered to be "deported." I don't remember the specifics right now, but it was somewhat along the line of imply/infer on which Obama spent years tight-rope walking, like, for example, his amazing reference to the number of jobs he "saved and created."

Oh yeah "shovel ready"

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HEH: After Likening Trump to Hitler, Journalists Upset They’re Not Getting Called on for Questions.

Hey, I think the headline writer spelled “Democrat operatives with bylines” incorrectly





Sneering DNC-MSM loses it when Trump calls on CBN and Townhall’s Katie Pavlich.

Because only the MSM has the proper skill and training to ask the president hard-hitting questions such as this “enchanting” example courtesy of Jeff Zeleny, then with the New York Times, now with CNN:

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HEH: After Likening Trump to Hitler, Journalists Upset Theyre Not Getting Called on for Questions.

Hey, I think the headline writer spelled Democrat operatives with bylines incorrectly





Sneering DNC-MSM loses it when Trump calls on CBN and Townhalls Katie Pavlich.

Because only the MSM has the proper skill and training to ask the president hard-hitting questions such as this enchanting example courtesy of Jeff Zeleny, then with the New York Times, now with CNN:

Was that the NYT or the high school paper?


I did like Obama's reply. LOL

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"Just resisting Trump won’t do enough for Democrats."

Yes, of course, but it's great fun now, isn't it?

There's no exploration of the possibility that solid electoral politics should replace the resistance. What bothers me about the resistance — what deafens me to the protest — is that I actually believe in democracy. And I see a party that won an election and is now in power attempting to govern. I'm inclined to respect that, not resist it.

The protests and resistance say: We don't believe in democracy. How can you participate effectively in democracy while continually screaming that you don't accept the results of an election?


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It’s happening, guys. Liberals gear up to primary Democratic incumbents

by Jazz Shaw


I first caught wind of this story on Morning Joe today and at first it seemed too good to be true.


Rumors had been swirling for a while now about some newfound bravado among the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party and how they had begun to fancy themselves as a new and improved version of the Tea Party movement. But would they really go so far as to begin attacking their own for a failure to toe the most liberal party line?


It seems that at least some of them have decided that it’s high time for a civil war. A new PAC has popped up and is threatening to launch a primary challenge against any incumbents who are seen as being too wishy-washy when it comes to Donald Trump. Let’s take a look at how they are justifying their mission which goes by the rather obvious name of “We Will Replace You.”




That seems to be it in a nutshell. The new thought crime in Democratic circles is not simply agreeing to vote against Donald Trump’s policies, but rather failing to be sufficiently enraged in each and every public statement. If you are not out there engaging in a scorched earth policy against the fact that Donald Trump even exists you are suspect and in line for replacement.






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Its happening, guys. Liberals gear up to primary Democratic incumbents

by Jazz Shaw


I first caught wind of this story on Morning Joe today and at first it seemed too good to be true.


Rumors had been swirling for a while now about some newfound bravado among the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party and how they had begun to fancy themselves as a new and improved version of the Tea Party movement. But would they really go so far as to begin attacking their own for a failure to toe the most liberal party line?


It seems that at least some of them have decided that its high time for a civil war. A new PAC has popped up and is threatening to launch a primary challenge against any incumbents who are seen as being too wishy-washy when it comes to Donald Trump. Lets take a look at how they are justifying their mission which goes by the rather obvious name of We Will Replace You.




That seems to be it in a nutshell. The new thought crime in Democratic circles is not simply agreeing to vote against Donald Trumps policies, but rather failing to be sufficiently enraged in each and every public statement. If you are not out there engaging in a scorched earth policy against the fact that Donald Trump even exists you are suspect and in line for replacement.






this policy will win them back the white house. They will get things stirred up so crazy that people forget where the line of righteousness begins. It happened in north Carolina with mcrory and cooper. And once democrats regain the white house under this hysteria they'll find they only cut off their nose in spite of their face with a likely continued right slant in congress.

This only will continue to support the EO's in federalism that will lead us in to a blind globalism.


Can't wait

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It’s happening, guys. Liberals gear up to primary Democratic incumbents

by Jazz Shaw


I first caught wind of this story on Morning Joe today and at first it seemed too good to be true.


Rumors had been swirling for a while now about some newfound bravado among the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party and how they had begun to fancy themselves as a new and improved version of the Tea Party movement. But would they really go so far as to begin attacking their own for a failure to toe the most liberal party line?


It seems that at least some of them have decided that it’s high time for a civil war. A new PAC has popped up and is threatening to launch a primary challenge against any incumbents who are seen as being too wishy-washy when it comes to Donald Trump. Let’s take a look at how they are justifying their mission which goes by the rather obvious name of “We Will Replace You.”




That seems to be it in a nutshell. The new thought crime in Democratic circles is not simply agreeing to vote against Donald Trump’s policies, but rather failing to be sufficiently enraged in each and every public statement. If you are not out there engaging in a scorched earth policy against the fact that Donald Trump even exists you are suspect and in line for replacement.






So in other words, this wing of the dem party wants to double down on what got them their asses handed to them.

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Not sure what this has to do with being gay. TMI


The dude is totally right on. He gets it. Sadly Pelosi and Warren and Schumer do not.

Boyst said it, not me. But if he is gay - not that there's anything wrong with that - its probably the only thing he's got going for him in his quest to become the new DNC chair. The left wing wack job progs would NEVER give a powerful office to a straight white middle age man. He'd have as much chance as Mayor Daley would of being raised from the dead.


At least he gets it, but the point is the left wing wack job progs who run the Democrat party now don't get it and they don't want to hear it. They need a stead diet of Russian "hacking", Putin, Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, Nordstroms, Senate committee boycotts, delay, stall, delay, fomenting riots in the streets, resist, resist, resist in order to cope with the fact that their witch didn't win. They're a pathetic bunch of losers. Hillary lost because she had the support of losers like them and not much of anybody else.

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Boyst said it, not me. But if he is gay - not that there's anything wrong with that - its probably the only thing he's got going for him in his quest to become the new DNC chair. The left wing wack job progs would NEVER give a powerful office to a straight white middle age man. He'd have as much chance as Mayor Daley would of being raised from the dead.


At least he gets it, but the point is the left wing wack job progs who run the Democrat party now don't get it and they don't want to hear it. They need a stead diet of Russian "hacking", Putin, Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, Nordstroms, Senate committee boycotts, delay, stall, delay, fomenting riots in the streets, resist, resist, resist in order to cope with the fact that their witch didn't win. They're a pathetic bunch of losers. Hillary lost because she had the support of losers like them and not much of anybody else.

they said in the news clip he was a gay man...

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