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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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Time to take a trip to Costco for tissues and chocolate. Lots of evidence? It's probably just Comey making things up again right ?

Why believe the US Intelligence Community when you can believe yourself, right?


That kikd of thinking can get you elected president. Of course even the president gave a nod to evidence of Russian interference but why believe him.


Go with your gut Ryan.


Evidence Shmevidence.

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Lots of evidence of Russian election interference. No evidence of voter fraud.

Conclusion: Investigate big city voting.

Yay, us.

Goodnight BF. Sleep it off. How many L's can one man take ?


Russia. Bwahahahahah.

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Bwahahaha. I listened to a one hour interview with the author of the study this week. While it's mathematically "plausible" as he says, that 800,000 illegals voted, his study in now way shape or form concludes it. And even if it did, it still wouldn't support the Don's claim that 4 times that many people voted illegally.


And where are these people? Why can't we find them? Surely if almost a million people voted illegally, ten thousand or so must have been caught, right?


Lemming it up boys. Or read the study. Or listen to interviews with the study's author. Facts are stubborn things.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Bwahahaha. I listened to a one hour interview with the author of the study this week. While it's mathematically "plausible" as he says, that 800,000 illegals voted, his study in now way shape or form concludes it. And even if it did, it still wouldn't support the Don's claim that 4 times that many people voted illegally.


And where are these people? Why can't we find them? Surely if almost a million people voted illegally, ten thousand or so must have been caught, right?


Lemming it up boys. Or read the study. Or listen to interviews with the study's author. Facts are stubborn things.

Lighten up Francis. Posted an article, I didn't even add opinion in hopes you'd read it and form your own.


Good thing you're all over this major issue here. An of the cuff idiotic statement by the joke that was just elected on a popular vote issue that doesn't matter at all is what has you all shaken up. Geez, find a safe place snowflake.

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They told me if Trump was elected, ignorant religious absolutism would dominate our politics.




And they were right: Pelosi: Democrats Do ‘the Lord’s Work,’ Republicans ‘Dishonor God.’






Thank you, thank you, thank you liberals for re-electing her to represent you.......... :thumbsup:


Dear Nancy,


When did intentionally funding abortions become the Lord's work?




People who are able to think for themselves.

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Maybe um, the myriad intelligence community statements, Congressmen with Intel briefings, and even the president?


But besides that, none.


Yes, because the loudest voices in the IC repeating this fable have a sterling track record of being honest with the American people:




And they've certainly never bungled investigations in an attempt to draw us into an ill conceived war by preying on the gullibility of the American public:




And despite all the clamor, there's still be little to no evidence released to make the case as air tight as you believe and in fact the press has already been caught in their own fake news trap:










Keep on relying upon known liars with an obvious agenda to deliver you the truth and you'll end up... well, you'll end up exactly where you are. Confused, angry, and lashing out at the wrong target. :beer:

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Interestingly, POTUS signs his EO's in public and explains their significance in some detail. I'm pretty sure this is called transparency. It is downright awkward that he put forth his positions while on the campaign trail, confirmed them in his inaugural address, and now, damned if he isn't doing what he said he'd do. That's a course of action totally foreign to Washington DC. Maybe that's part of what it means to drain the swamp.

Edited by Keukasmallies
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Interestingly, POTUS signs his EO's in public and explains their significance in some detail. I'm pretty sure this is called transparency. It is downright awkward that he put forth his positions while on the campaign trail, confirmed them in his inaugural address, and now, damned if he isn't doing what he said he'd do. That's a course of action totally foreign to Washington DC. Maybe that's part of what it means to drain the swamp.

All part of the "bait and switch."



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Interestingly, POTUS signs his EO's in public and explains their significance in some detail. I'm pretty sure this is called transparency. It is downright awkward that he put forth his positions while on the campaign trail, confirmed them in his inaugural address, and now, damned if he isn't doing what he said he'd do. That's a course of action totally foreign to Washington DC. Maybe that's part of what it means to drain the swamp.


But don't you know?! He's a misogynist, fascist, alt-right, nazi dictator who wants to send all people of color back to their ancestral homelands, kill old people, starve children, ruin our schools, force raped women to carry their pregnancies to term, take away everyone's healthcare, and steal wealth from poor people to give to the wealthy. Don't believe me? Just ask Gatorman.

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Interestingly, POTUS signs his EO's in public and explains their significance in some detail. I'm pretty sure this is called transparency. It is downright awkward that he put forth his positions while on the campaign trail, confirmed them in his inaugural address, and now, damned if he isn't doing what he said he'd do. That's a course of action totally foreign to Washington DC. Maybe that's part of what it means to drain the swamp.


You know who else explained his orders in some detail? Hitler...

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