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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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You know, I only very reluctantly supported Trump, but lefties today are making it *really* easy to see why he won.


I'm not a big fan of mocking the disappointment of random nobodies. I have no such reservations about these people.







Ok everyone, make your best Mad face on 3.....

I regret to admit I'm kind of enjoying this liberal meltdown. I haven't had this much fun watching people go crazy the day after a major event since this...






I had considered doing a poll to see which shocking and crushing defeat was more enjoyable. Then I realized I couldn't possibly choose.

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I am absolutely giddy watching all the bleeding heart snowflakes I know completely melt down today.


It's incredible watching the bile soaked hate spewing out of their mouths, calling everyone who disagrees with them hateful. It's like I've been swimming in a pool of irony all day.


These are the people who the electorate just slapped across the face with an open palm. You can't talk down to people, unjustly label them bigots, constantly mocking their beliefs and way of life, and working to marginalize them; and expect them to roll over and die, capitulating to your every whim, especially while you're asking them to pay for everything.


The next few years while they spend the entire time trying to more deeply fracture the country while blaming Republicans for what they're doing should be interesting.

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I am absolutely giddy watching all the bleeding heart snowflakes I know completely melt down today.


It's incredible watching the bile soaked hate spewing out of their mouths, calling everyone who disagrees with them hateful. It's like I've been swimming in a pool of irony all day.


These are the people who the electorate just slapped across the face with an open palm. You can't talk down to people, unjustly label them bigots, constantly mocking their beliefs and way of life, and working to marginalize them; and expect them to roll over and die, capitulating to your every whim, especially while you're asking them to pay for everything.


The next few years while they spend the entire time trying to more deeply fracture the country while blaming Republicans for what they're doing should be interesting.


Imagine the shock when trump starts utilizing the authoritarian tools BO created?

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Backlash ?


I don't think that we have seen anything yet.


Obama getting on that helicopter & Trump inauguration is when celebs/media will really lose their sh*t.







Folks I was reading on Twitter last week said Senate must confirm whoever new president picks or its unconstitutional or something.

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Cosmic justice, really. Can't say we didn't warn them.


When I think about that thin-skinned narcissistic loon, I think of all the passive aggressive comments he made that riled people up, and how he proudly walked the line between imply and infer, blaming everyone for his problems and failures, taking photos of himself to honor other people and events...Cops acted stupidly...Trayvon could be my son. We won. It's the law. On and on and on.


I let that turd get under my skin.


But if someone asked me three years ago what it would take to make me feel better about how crappy it has been watching Obama's attitude during his presidency, the only answer I could have come up with would be "That a Republican wins all branches at the end of Barry's second term, and competely undoes all the smug, crippling, skinny jeans crap he forced on this country.


Never thought it would happen. Ever.


So I have that going for me. Which is nice.

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Pen and a phone

Wow, that's damning stuff.

He had a pen and a phone and signed fewer executive orders per term than any of his predecessors all the way back to like Kennedy.

Making shlt up to demonize your opposition only weakens you; you know, sort of like it just did to the Dems for the last 5 years.

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I think that's everyone's great fear.

Maybe he can use a executive order to open the borders into Canada so all these entitled crybabies can emigrate out of Naziworld.

Edited by Dante
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Wow, that's damning stuff.

He had a pen and a phone and signed fewer executive orders per term than any of his predecessors all the way back to like Kennedy.

Making shlt up to demonize your opposition only weakens you; you know, sort of like it just did to the Dems for the last 5 years.


Signing statements, and grossly expanding the CFR to essentially create new laws out of thin air.

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Signing statements, and grossly expanding the CFR to essentially create new laws out of thin air.

He's issued about 1/4 as many signing statements as his predecessor

And probably every president for the last half century has had a cabinet loaded with CFR guys

Implying he's been creating authoritarian rules out of thin air is worth its weight in pyrite

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He's issued about 1/4 as many signing statements as his predecessor

And probably every president for the last half century has had a cabinet loaded with CFR guys

Implying he's been creating authoritarian rules out of thin air is worth its weight in pyrite

I gave you examples above. There's a big difference in the number of times vs their effect on the people and economy

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Off the top of my head CFPB, FCC & EPA regs that are effective laws.

Doh! Just realized you guys were talking about Federal Regulations and not Foreign Relations.

It was an uptick from previous administrations, but again suggesting that he somehow created this is weak sauce

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