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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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Regardless of any individual specifics, the roll out of the ban was idiotic


Regardless of the fact that a website literally lied about POTUS killing a 75-year-old woman?




I'm serious. You guys are giving us the best meltdown ever.


There is a difference between missing a point and making my own.




Goes out of the country for a medical conference. Can't come home... Amateur hour


So let me get this straight. You're worried about someone from RIT being stuck at an airport, but had no problem with protesters holding up thousands of people from making THEIR flights in LAX and Portland?


Let me guess. One is wrong and one is in the name of progress, right?


This is why your side has been losing so incredibly.

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Regardless of any individual specifics, the roll out of the ban was idiotic


Individual specifics? What does that mean?

There is a difference between missing a point and making my own.




Goes out of the country for a medical conference. Can't come home... Amateur hour


We're sorry for the inconvenience..........well no, not really.

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Regardless of the fact that a website literally lied about POTUS killing a 75-year-old woman?




I'm serious. You guys are giving us the best meltdown ever.



So let me get this straight. You're worried about someone from RIT being stuck at an airport, but had no problem with protesters holding up thousands of people from making THEIR flights in LAX and Portland?


Let me guess. One is wrong and one is in the name of progress, right?


This is why your side has been losing so incredibly.

Um, yes. Really. I fail to see how one website's accusations changes whether or not the travel ban was rolled out properly. It was not and I believe Spicer admitted that much. Criticism is not a meltdown.


I certainly don't agree with all protestors but executive orders have consequences.


And your side winning so incredibly includes trump. Congratulations being married to that. We'll see how it plays out in 2 and 4 years.

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Um, yes. Really. I fail to see how one website's accusations changes whether or not the travel ban was rolled out properly. It was not and I believe Spicer admitted that much. Criticism is not a meltdown.


I certainly don't agree with all protestors but executive orders have consequences.


And your side winning so incredibly includes trump. Congratulations being married to that. We'll see how it plays out in 2 and 4 years.


Congratulation on being married to what??

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Um, yes. Really. I fail to see how one website's accusations changes whether or not the travel ban was rolled out properly. It was not and I believe Spicer admitted that much. Criticism is not a meltdown.


I certainly don't agree with all protestors but executive orders have consequences.


And your side winning so incredibly includes trump. Congratulations being married to that. We'll see how it plays out in 2 and 4 years.


Newsflash: I didn't vote for Trump. I'm married to nothing poltically.


Yet I'd still rather be married to the Trump madness over Hillary because I'm not a big fan of having our country run by a money-laundering whore.

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Ok here we go. This is a FB post from a friend of mine. They are officially off the rails. This would be funny if it wasn't so !@#$ing pathetic. This is an intelligent guy. But intelligence only goes so far I guess.


TAX STRIKE. Reason doesn't matter, phone calls don't matter, online petitions definitely don't !@#$ing matter, marches don't matter, Facebook posts don't matter, standing outside your house with a candle really, really doesn't matter, boycotting Saks doesn't matter (Really? Are you !@#$ing HIGH?), even lawsuits by states' attorney generals don't matter. The shitgibbon's fascist overlords DON'T CARE. They HAVE THE KEYS. The Republicans in Congress lack even the threshold amount of moral conviction and intelligence to recognize that what's going is the dismantling of America. If, suddenly, all they have is tax money from the white trash !@#$s who voted for them, which isn't a whole lot, THEY'RE !@#$ED. And the corporate !@#$s who are following along hoping for a big pay day will jump ship as soon as things turn dicey.


The Don. Regardless of how you feel personally, the GOP will be tied to Trump in the eyes of most. That stink will linger


And there you have it folks. The difference between the left and right. The left marches lock step with their leaders and some of the biggest critics here of Trump, Bush et al have been conservatives.

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Ok here we go. This is a FB post from a friend of mine. They are officially off the rails. This would be funny if it wasn't so !@#$ing pathetic. This is an intelligent guy. But intelligence only goes so far I guess.



If, suddenly, all they have is tax money from the white trash !@#$s who voted for them, which isn't a whole lot,



He doesn't sound intelligent, he sounds just like all the presumptuous low information liberals that are spurning reality for the "narrative"



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The Don. Regardless of how you feel personally, the GOP will be tied to Trump in the eyes of most. That stink will linger

Just for ***** and giggles.


Honest question.


What good can Trump do while in office? We know his plans now, we know you'll say re-sign.... But, is there anything good trump can do whilst in office?

Ok here we go. This is a FB post from a friend of mine. They are officially off the rails. This would be funny if it wasn't so !@#$ing pathetic. This is an intelligent guy. But intelligence only goes so far I guess.



And there you have it folks. The difference between the left and right. The left marches lock step with their leaders and some of the biggest critics here of Trump, Bush et al have been conservatives.

Can I comment on him? If not, can I send the link to The Real Buffalo Joe, who is an amazing Facebook troll

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Just for ***** and giggles.


Honest question.


What good can Trump do while in office? We know his plans now, we know you'll say re-sign.... But, is there anything good trump can do whilst in office?

Can I comment on him? If not, can I send the link to The Real Buffalo Joe, who is an amazing Facebook troll

Answering honestly I would say that he could possibly help industry and use his business acumen to improve aspects of government.


I just can't stand the guy. He's a pompous blowhard, a realty TV star that can act like a petulant child on Twitter. I am embarrassed by having him as pres. I'm open to seeing some growth, the supreme court nomination was a competent choice at least, but this is how I feel now.

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Answering honestly I would say that he could possibly help industry and use his business acumen to improve aspects of government.


I just can't stand the guy. He's a pompous blowhard, a realty TV star that can act like a petulant child on Twitter. I am embarrassed by having him as pres. I'm open to seeing some growth, the supreme court nomination was a competent choice at least, but this is how I feel now.

Ignoring the latter and focusing in the former.


His success in business. How does this compare to Obama, Bush and Clinton with regard specifically to their success pre-Prez

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Ignoring the latter and focusing in the former.


His success in business. How does this compare to Obama, Bush and Clinton with regard specifically to their success pre-Prez

Listen, I'm going to hope for the best. But I'm not going to engage in whatever strange exercise you're proposing.

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Answering honestly I would say that he could possibly help industry and use his business acumen to improve aspects of government.


I just can't stand the guy. He's a pompous blowhard, a realty TV star that can act like a petulant child on Twitter. I am embarrassed by having him as pres. I'm open to seeing some growth, the supreme court nomination was a competent choice at least, but this is how I feel now.


Most people here agree with you.


You're just too much of a partisan loon to see it.

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What good can Trump do while in office? We know his plans now, we know you'll say re-sign.... But, is there anything good trump can do whilst in office?


Probably the first thing he could do is begin performing late-term abortions on the WH lawn.


The left would love that. Probably even pay to watch it.

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Probably the first thing he could do is begin performing late-term abortions on the WH lawn.


The left would love that. Probably even pay to watch it.


Actually, the left would just call him a racist after his first abortion.

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Listen, I'm going to hope for the best. But I'm not going to engage in whatever strange exercise you're proposing.

Its worth it I promise. I was going to walk you to the point most of us are at. There are some who, believe it or not I sometimes think Ben Franklin is one of them - whom fall a little left to whats going on but generally sit in the middle they just react emotionally because they dislike trump. There are others which arw a majority of us who are middle and maybe more right than left but cannot believe the hysteria and hypocrisy once again that overtakes the political view.


Give it 6 mos and most of the ones you feel are GOP Trumpers will be mocking himmmore than good ol birddog woulda


Probably the first thing he could do is begin performing late-term abortions on the WH lawn.


The left would love that. Probably even pay to watch it.

I think a lotmis missed on him. And its the point I wish to make.


It's telling, too.


You dislike trump. You call him a dumbass essentially daily. But, once or twice a day in a way that is more eloquent than just dumbassery.


PastaJoe hates trump and loves dressing like a little princess. But his hate of trump spills in to everything and repeatedly. Similarly, Tiberius would bring in Bush any chance he could because of his hate and raw emotional connection (and not taking meds nor having a hobby). Tiberius and Joe are right because their heart feels it. Their passion rekindles that hatred every chance it gets until it becomes fear. Their hysteria is fear. And the media doesn't help.


Your logic, several others here logic is completely different and judged as reasonable based on history. There are others like you but their are also the inverse/GOP versions fo PJ and Joe. Your (and their) passion results in willpower to discuss, advance or criticize the political nonsense. Amd eventually it becomes white noise to some, especially those who react on emotion. Logic & facts never match well with fear(emotions) & feelings


TL,DR; you're green lantern. They're Sinestro

Edited by Boyst62
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Stupid election backlash


Petition seeks to silence animatronic President Trump at Disney’s Hall of Presidents

Resistance to President Trump has gone from tragedy to farce in record time. Having failed to prevent Trump from becoming president and having so far failed to stop his cabinet nominees or his executive order, some members of The Resistance are now aiming a bit lower. A man in Brooklyn has started a Change.org petition asking the Walt Disney Company to stop animatronic Donald Trump from speaking in Disney World’s Hall of Presidents.

If you’re not familiar with it, Disney’s Hall of Presidents is a theater in which animatronic versions of American presidents make speeches designed to present a brief history of the United States and their role in it. Each new president is added shortly after he enters office. So, for instance, President Obama was added in 2009 and, at the time, he recorded a brief speech which his anamatronic figure delivers on stage. The White House even put out a behind-the-scenes video about the recording of his Hall of President’s speech which you can see below.

The Hall of Presidents was closed in mid-January and is scheduled to reopen at the end of June with the newly added figure of President Trump. But Matthew Rogers of Brooklyn, NY has started a petition demanding that Disney not allow animatronic Trump to speak.



I took the kids in there, the last time we went to Disney, mostly for the air-conditioning inside, it was great.

Edited by B-Man
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Stupid election backlash


Petition seeks to silence animatronic President Trump at Disney’s Hall of Presidents

Resistance to President Trump has gone from tragedy to farce in record time. Having failed to prevent Trump from becoming president and having so far failed to stop his cabinet nominees or his executive order, some members of The Resistance are now aiming a bit lower. A man in Brooklyn has started a Change.org petition asking the Walt Disney Company to stop animatronic Donald Trump from speaking in Disney World’s Hall of Presidents.

If you’re not familiar with it, Disney’s Hall of Presidents is a theater in which animatronic versions of American presidents make speeches designed to present a brief history of the United States and their role in it. Each new president is added shortly after he enters office. So, for instance, President Obama was added in 2009 and, at the time, he recorded a brief speech which his anamatronic figure delivers on stage. The White House even put out a behind-the-scenes video about the recording of his Hall of President’s speech which you can see below.

The Hall of Presidents was closed in mid-January and is scheduled to reopen at the end of June with the newly added figure of President Trump. But Matthew Rogers of Brooklyn, NY has started a petition demanding that Disney not allow animatronic Trump to speak.



I took the kids in there, the last time we went to Disney, mostly for the air-conditioning inside, it was great.


Trump only needs 5 words for his speech.

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