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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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They told me if Trump was elected, ignorant religious absolutism would dominate our politics.




And they were right: Pelosi: Democrats Do ‘the Lord’s Work,’ Republicans ‘Dishonor God.’






Thank you, thank you, thank you liberals for re-electing her to represent you.......... :thumbsup:

As a spokesman for God, being that I am God... She is wrong. She had an abortion and once forgot to say "bless you" after her sister sneezed.

Bwahahaha. I listened to a one hour interview with the author of the study this week. While it's mathematically "plausible" as he says, that 800,000 illegals voted, his study in now way shape or form concludes it. And even if it did, it still wouldn't support the Don's claim that 4 times that many people voted illegally.


And where are these people? Why can't we find them? Surely if almost a million people voted illegally, ten thousand or so must have been caught, right?


Lemming it up boys. Or read the study. Or listen to interviews with the study's author. Facts are stubborn things.

And where is the data Russia did anything? Or comey was wrong?

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I laughed loud enough upon hearing this that people noticed and evidently after i proclaimed "retards do not even understand why that B word lost and what Fascism really is...these people are !@#$ing stupid." she walked away real fast as i stopped to take a picture of it.

this was at the farmers market in Durham this morning.

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Well, if Obamacare wasn’t dead before, it will be after you see this ad. Check it out:


8SMqTE5g_normal.jpgLena Dunham

Inspired by @captdope, here's a commercial for HEALTH INSURANCE. http://Healthcare.gov - get what's yours #pullthisad 1f64f.png


‘This is why Trump won’: Lena Dunham gets naked in new ‘ad’ for Obamacare



I assume her post about the refugees will have her in stirrups........ :sick:

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“But lately I get the feeling that Trump’s critics have evolved from expecting Trump to be Hitler to preferring it.


Obviously they don’t prefer it in a conscious way. But the alternative to Trump becoming Hitler is that they have to live out the rest of their lives as confirmed morons.


No one wants to be a confirmed moron. And certainly not after announcing their Trump opinions in public and demonstrating in the streets.


It would be a total embarrassment for the anti-Trumpers to learn that Trump is just trying to do a good job for America.


It’s a threat to their egos. A big one.”

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Sometimes you wonder why Democratic politicians are so crazed. But then you see stories like this that make it clear:


Protesters shouted down Rhode Island Democratic U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse during a community event as they protested his vote in favor of President Donald Trump’s nominee for CIA director and pushed him to vote against other nominees.

A video of Sunday’s event posted by the group Resist Hate RI shows hundreds of people at the event, and the crowd chanting “Just Say No!” and “Obstruct!” while demanding an explanation of his vote for Mike Pompeo as CIA director.



I’m so old, I can remember when Democrats condemned obstructionism. And who knew that one day, the Democrats would adopt Nancy Reagan’s “Just say no” mantra as their own?

Note that the protesters have nothing in particular against Pompeo, a superbly qualified nominee.

Likewise with Chuck Schumer. Try as he might, he just can’t get far enough left:

A coalition of activists called #NotOneInch are planning a poignant and unique form of protest today: delivering a number of “back-up spines” to Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s apartment in Brooklyn, New York.

The protestors are organizing in response to Schumer’s vote to approve three of President Donald Trump’s cabinet members: Mike Pompeo, James Mattis and Mike Flynn.



It isn’t enough to oppose some of an opposing president’s nominees. You have to oppose all of them!

The liberal press tries to pretend that it is conservatives who are extreme, but in 2009, were there conservative activists demanding that Republican Senators block every single Obama nomination, without exception? No. Not one conservative, to my recollection, demanded any such thing. Obama’s nominations breezed through, even such sketchy choices as Eric Holder.

If Democratic politicians seem crazy these days, there is a good reason: they are trying to satisfy a demented base.

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Washington (CNN)Acting Attorney General Sally Yates has told Justice Department lawyers not to make legal arguments defending President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees, according to sources familiar with the order.

The move sets up a dramatic clash between the White House and Yates, who was appointed by President Barack Obama and is set to serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions, Trump's nominee for attorney general, is confirmed.
"My responsibility is to ensure that the position of the Department of Justice is not only legally defensible, but is informed by our best view of what the law is after consideration of all the facts," she said in a letter. "In addition, I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain consistent with this institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right."


if a muslim tranny from iran comes to Logan is she going to ensure that zhe can successuly deficate in the womens restroom, too?
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Democrats Face a Political Math Problem


What we are witnessing are the effects of ‘epistemic closure’ on the Left, as the Obama era caused progressives to think of themselves as being on ‘the right side of history.’ This triumphant belief in their own moral superiority, in turn, led Democrats to believe that they no longer had to debate the merits of policies, because anyone who opposed them could be dismissed as ignorant and/or evil.”





As I say, they’re doing a better job of de-normalizing themselves than of de-normalizing Trump.

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Trump Files With FEC For 2020 Election Bid, Outmaneuvers Nonprofit Organizations.



A document from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) indicates that Donald Trump took steps last week to outmaneuver nonprofit organizations, leaving them unable to officially campaign against him over the next few years of his Presidency.

Filed on January 20th, 2017, the letter states that, while not an official announcement for reelection, Donald Trump has filed an FEC Form 2 in order to “ensure compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act.” This is an unprecedented, although legal, move for the President to make. Barack Obama did not file for his 2012 re-election bid until April 2011. Having filed (even if not formally announcing a bid) as a candidate, Trump would be able to coordinate with PACs and other similar organizations.

More importantly, 501©(3) nonprofit organizations would no longer be able to engage in “political speech” which could theoretically affect the results of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election without running the risk of losing their nonprofit status. The move effectively bars interest groups from creating nonprofits which they could funnel money into for the purposes of opposing Trump’s initiatives. This will likely create chaos for political opponents of Trump such as George Soros, who has sunk significant amounts of money into various nonprofit groups with the intent of opposing Trump’s government.





Speech Suppression !!



I’m sure we’ll hear a lot of complaining about this, but after the way the IRS scandal was handled, it’s going to ring kind of hollow.




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This isn't stupid backlash, as I think anyone who harms minors should be prosecuted, but it is interesting to consider what happens if they do press formal charges... does that open up the flood gates to prosecuting HRC? Especially if they turn AW?


So far 45 has set out to do everything he campaigned on BUT "lock her up". He softened that message after he won, but that doesn't mean his Justice Department won't.


Who knows, just filing this here for now:



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Ok they are off the rails big time. My wife's cousin posted this and I wanted to reply this way:


She did not die from a Muslim ban. First ofF because there is no such thing as a Muslim ban and she actually died because she was !@#$ING SICK!!!!



Edited by Chef Jim
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Ok they are off the rails big time. My wife's sister posted this and I wanted to reply this way:


She did not die from a Muslim ban. First ofF because there is no such thing as a Muslim ban and she actually died because she was !@#$ING SICK!!!!





Apparently Donald Trump did not kill his mother...................but I am sure that he would of he could.... :lol:



Man who claimed mom died in Iraq after Trump's ban lied, Imam confirms


After the story aired on FOX 2 and was posted on FOX2Detroit.com, we received many questions about the validity of Hager's claims that his mother died waiting to be approved to come home. FOX 2 has confirmed that his mother died five days earlier.


According to Al-Hussainy, Hager's mother had kidney disease and was receiving treatment in Michigan - where she lived - before traveling to Iraq to visit family. The Imam said she passed away on January 22, 2017, five days before President Trump instituted the travel ban.


On Tuesday, Mike Hager told FOX 2 that he and his family were stopped while trying to return from Iraq to Michigan. He said that he was allowed through because of his American citizenship but his ailing mother and other family members were not. He then claimed that his mom passed away in Iraq on Saturday, as he was traveling to the United States.


Travelers from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia are banned from traveling to the United States for 90 days so the country can detect "individuals with terrorist ties and stopping them from entering the United States."



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Ok they are off the rails big time. My wife's sister posted this and I wanted to reply this way:


She did not die from a Muslim ban. First ofF because there is no such thing as a Muslim ban and she actually died because she was !@#$ING SICK!!!!




The very last sentence of that article:\


An iman in Michigan says that Naimma Hager died before the ban went into place. Awaiting word from Mr. Hager.


This must be what they mean by Fake News.

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Ok they are off the rails big time. My wife's sister posted this and I wanted to reply this way:


She did not die from a Muslim ban. First ofF because there is no such thing as a Muslim ban and she actually died because she was !@#$ING SICK!!!!



Regardless of any individual specifics, the roll out of the ban was idiotic

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“But lately I get the feeling that Trump’s critics have evolved from expecting Trump to be Hitler to preferring it.


Obviously they don’t prefer it in a conscious way. But the alternative to Trump becoming Hitler is that they have to live out the rest of their lives as confirmed morons.


No one wants to be a confirmed moron. And certainly not after announcing their Trump opinions in public and demonstrating in the streets.


It would be a total embarrassment for the anti-Trumpers to learn that Trump is just trying to do a good job for America.


It’s a threat to their egos. A big one.”


This is spot on.

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