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I really didn't think he would win, but.....

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I thought Hillary was going to win but I honestly started to really wonder when Juror #9 wasn't on here explaining why she'd win...the internal polls, etc......


Last time he nailed it and his candidate won. This time he wasn't here telling everyone they were crazy if they thought Trump could win.


I didn't take it as a sure sign but I did find it curious.

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I don't think any of us thought he was going to win, input from Juror or not. I don't trust most news outlets to not skew polls, and I still thought Trump would lose. I really didn't think this would be much more than a limited nationalist movement.

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I don't think any of us thought he was going to win, input from Juror or not. I don't trust most news outlets to not skew polls, and I still thought Trump would lose. I really didn't think this would be much more than a limited nationalist movement.

People wanted Change in 2008, they didn't get it in the Federal government. Trump represents the anxiety and frustration of most of America who feels left behind.


I hope they like what they're about to get.

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Most Americans were sick of being told how stupid, careless, uninformed, mean spirited and unreasonable we all are. We were told the Republican party was dead and Conservatism died with Reagan. We were told how liberalism and progressive theory is the new norm and we should embrace it.


I suppose the deplorables spoke last night...and I'm ok with it. Maybe liberalism is withering on the vine as we speak.

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This seems as good a place as any to genuinely admit how brutally wrong I was about this election. Whatever the reasons are, there is no way I thought I would wake up today to find Trump elected as our next President.


He did it without a ground game. He did it without spending a gzillion dollars. He did it without Jayz, Beyonce and Madonna blow jobs. I think the irony of it all is that the left finds themselves this morning making a similar argument that people like myself have been making incorrectly for the past three months: I've repeated said the GOP would handily win this with anyone but Trump, and I'm certain that is what the left is going to say today about Hillary. They forced a horribly flawed, entitled, lying money-launderer on their party, and are paying for it today.


That said, you are all free to remind me of how wrong I was on this the next time I think I'm clever enough to make stupid predictions about things of which I know very little.


Lastly this, while I gladly admit how wrong I was about the election, time will tell if I'm wrong about Trump. Those are two different things, and I will fight against him the moment he starts thinking he can behave like a king. For now, it is my hope he uses wisely the majority he has as his disposal to genuinely correct a lot of the wrongs Obama made with his pen and phone.


First up...Obamacare.

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This seems as good a place as any to genuinely admit how brutally wrong I was about this election. Whatever the reasons are, there is no way I thought I would wake up today to find Trump elected as our next President.


He did it without a ground game. He did it without spending a gzillion dollars. He did it without Jayz, Beyonce and Madonna blow jobs. I think the irony of it all is that the left finds themselves this morning making a similar argument that people like myself have been making incorrectly for the past three months: I've repeated said the GOP would handily win this with anyone but Trump, and I'm certain that is what the left is going to say today about Hillary. They forced a horribly flawed, entitled, lying money-launderer on their party, and are paying for it today.


That said, you are all free to remind me of how wrong I was on this the next time I think I'm clever enough to make stupid predictions about things of which I know very little.


Lastly this, while I gladly admit how wrong I was about the election, time will tell if I'm wrong about Trump. Those are two different things, and I will fight against him the moment he starts thinking he can behave like a king. For now, it is my hope he uses wisely the majority he has as his disposal to genuinely correct a lot of the wrongs Obama made with his pen and phone.


First up...Obamacare.



Everything is correct, except they're still not admitting the obvious as to why they lost the election. Only Jim Ruttenberg at NYT is willing to touch the 3rd rail.

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This seems as good a place as any to genuinely admit how brutally wrong I was about this election. Whatever the reasons are, there is no way I thought I would wake up today to find Trump elected as our next President.


He did it without a ground game. He did it without spending a gzillion dollars. He did it without Jayz, Beyonce and Madonna blow jobs. I think the irony of it all is that the left finds themselves this morning making a similar argument that people like myself have been making incorrectly for the past three months: I've repeated said the GOP would handily win this with anyone but Trump, and I'm certain that is what the left is going to say today about Hillary. They forced a horribly flawed, entitled, lying money-launderer on their party, and are paying for it today.


That said, you are all free to remind me of how wrong I was on this the next time I think I'm clever enough to make stupid predictions about things of which I know very little.


Lastly this, while I gladly admit how wrong I was about the election, time will tell if I'm wrong about Trump. Those are two different things, and I will fight against him the moment he starts thinking he can behave like a king. For now, it is my hope he uses wisely the majority he has as his disposal to genuinely correct a lot of the wrongs Obama made with his pen and phone.


First up...Obamacare.


Well said

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Everything is correct, except they're still not admitting the obvious as to why they lost the election. Only Jim Ruttenberg at NYT is willing to touch the 3rd rail.


Chris Matthews, of all people, was doing the same thing last night. Maddow was embarrassing herself with anger, stunned that white men would beat down a woman like that, and Matthews had to lay down the lumber about how poor of a candidate she was. One of his points was that she never took seriously her loss of Michigan to Bernie. Hillary assumed she had it vs. Trump, so she ignored that the issue was more about her.

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Most Americans were sick of being told how stupid, careless, uninformed, mean spirited and unreasonable we all are.


I'm no Republican but I admittedly enjoyed watching my fellow residents in flyover country stand up last night and throw a great big FU to a party that had progressed beyond the point of merely being self-righteous, sanctimonious scolds and were well into the the process of beginning to codify their own particular form of cultural warfare.

It could very well end up being unfortunate that a self-delusional sociopath like Trump turned out to be the primary beneficiary of this backlash (is whitelash a word?), but oddly enough I find myself more concerned by the motivations and intentions of some of the creepy little pukes who have attached themselves to his coattails than I am with Trump himself.



We were told ... Conservatism died with Reagan.


When you consider that administration's fiscal irresponsibility, massive expansion of federal government, assault on personal freedoms, negotiations with terrorists, and clear preference for Wall St over Main St then yeah, I think it's entirely appropriate to consider the possibility that Reagan helped strike a significant death-knell for true conservatism.

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Chris Matthews, of all people, was doing the same thing last night. Maddow was embarrassing herself with anger, stunned that white men would beat down a woman like that, and Matthews had to lay down the lumber about how poor of a candidate she was. One of his points was that she never took seriously her loss of Michigan to Bernie. Hillary assumed she had it vs. Trump, so she ignored that the issue was more about her.


I have to believe that Hillary's been living in the most resonant of echo chambers, having people reinforce how special and "historic" she is so often that she lost sight of her own bull ****.


I wonder what Chelsea's going to do, now that she can't give the Navy tasking orders anymore...

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This seems as good a place as any to genuinely admit how brutally wrong I was about this election. Whatever the reasons are, there is no way I thought I would wake up today to find Trump elected as our next President.


He did it without a ground game. He did it without spending a gzillion dollars. He did it without Jayz, Beyonce and Madonna blow jobs. I think the irony of it all is that the left finds themselves this morning making a similar argument that people like myself have been making incorrectly for the past three months: I've repeated said the GOP would handily win this with anyone but Trump, and I'm certain that is what the left is going to say today about Hillary. They forced a horribly flawed, entitled, lying money-launderer on their party, and are paying for it today.


That said, you are all free to remind me of how wrong I was on this the next time I think I'm clever enough to make stupid predictions about things of which I know very little.


Lastly this, while I gladly admit how wrong I was about the election, time will tell if I'm wrong about Trump. Those are two different things, and I will fight against him the moment he starts thinking he can behave like a king. For now, it is my hope he uses wisely the majority he has as his disposal to genuinely correct a lot of the wrongs Obama made with his pen and phone.


First up...Obamacare.

Nice post. I won't be one of those piling on. I truly respect your insight, wit and intelligence. No shite. In the end my gut told me Trump could not win. I thought the Clinton machine and limited help from his own party. Little spending and the entire msm , most of the world (I think Putin was the only one in his corner) against him was to overwhelming for me. I started thinking about this late last night and what if he brings this kind of determination, toughness to the presidency? Love him or hate the guy you have to admire his will.

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Chris Matthews, of all people, was doing the same thing last night. Maddow was embarrassing herself with anger, stunned that white men would beat down a woman like that, and Matthews had to lay down the lumber about how poor of a candidate she was. One of his points was that she never took seriously her loss of Michigan to Bernie. Hillary assumed she had it vs. Trump, so she ignored that the issue was more about her.

I think the one mandate this election shows:


It's better to be a black man than a white woman in this country.

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I think the one mandate this election shows:


It's better to be a black man than a white woman in this country.

Wrong. It showed that it's better to be liked, because people will be more willing to forgive your flaws. And if you're not liked, you had better make sure your flaws don't expose you as being incompetent and corrupt. Edited by Doc
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He didn't need to outrun the bear. He only needed to outrun Hillary.


I imagine it's hard to resist the temptation of acting like a gigantic asshat when you know that no matter how obnoxious you are, you're not really going to be looked at as much more distasteful than your opponent. It's probably like knowing you can punch Cam Newton in the head 6-7 times and not get called for it.

Edited by Simon
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