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Pat Williams vs. Nate Clements

Coach Tuesday

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As I see it, it's a given that TD will sign a vet LG in free agency, and perhaps a TE and backup RB. That leaves just a little bit of cap room left, and it seems to me the team's choice is signing Pat Williams at around $3-$4 mil per year, or, alternatively, locking up Nate to a long-term extension.


In my mind, the choice is simple - you sign Nate, the most consistent CB in the League last year. He's younger, he's more difficult to replace, he loves Buffalo, and he's an elite athlete. He's also key to Jerry Gray's defense - a shut-down man-to-man cornerback.

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As I see it, it's a given that TD will sign a vet LG in free agency, and perhaps a TE and backup RB.  That leaves just a little bit of cap room left, and it seems to me the team's choice is signing Pat Williams at around $3-$4 mil per year, or, alternatively, locking up Nate to a long-term extension.


In my mind, the choice is simple - you sign Nate, the most consistent CB in the League last year.  He's younger, he's more difficult to replace, he loves Buffalo, and he's an elite athlete.  He's also key to Jerry Gray's defense - a shut-down man-to-man cornerback.



why do i get the feeling that TD will let big pat walk and then fail to get nate resigned??? couldn't be anything to do with his lowball style........

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I think that PW vs. NC is one way to look at it. I also think that within an hour after the LJ for TH trade goes down (if it does) PW will resign with us. I think LJ has a domino affect for us. Also important is MW renegotiating his contract. If that and LJ happens i think we lock up PW for three seasons, and Nate for 5 years this off-season.


I trust TD. Well, at least i hope i can trust TD. :devil:

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why do i get the feeling that TD will let big pat walk and then fail to get nate resigned??? couldn't be anything to do with his lowball style........



Stop being a pudnik. TD has the long-term interest of the franchise in mind, get that thru your skull. Do you realize that, after next season, in addition to Clements, Sam Adams, Fletcher, Kelsay (and several others) will also be free agents? TD is doing the right thing not overpaying for any one player. HAVE YOU PAID ATTENTION TO THE PATRIOTS???

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Stop being a pudnik.  TD has the long-term interest of the franchise in mind, get that thru your skull.  Do you realize that, after next season, in addition to Clements, Sam Adams, Fletcher, Kelsay (and several others) will also be free agents?  TD is doing the right thing not overpaying for any one player.  HAVE YOU PAID ATTENTION TO THE PATRIOTS???



Correct me if i am wrong, but i thought Adams, Fletcher and a few others become UFA's after 2006. Clump, anyone, confirm?

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Stop being a pudnik.  TD has the long-term interest of the franchise in mind, get that thru your skull.  Do you realize that, after next season, in addition to Clements, Sam Adams, Fletcher, Kelsay (and several others) will also be free agents?  TD is doing the right thing not overpaying for any one player.  HAVE YOU PAID ATTENTION TO THE PATRIOTS???



pats have one way of doing it, and it has obviously worked well.........


eagles have another way of doing it, and likewise, it has also worked well.......


like i said, i expect big pat to walk and i don't expect nate to get his extension......and then expect everyone to paint nate as greedy and TD as "the responsible GM", just like they are doing RIGHT NOW when it comes to big pat and jennings, and like they did with peerless and winfield.......


you disagree - do you think he will sign big pat or extend nate?

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Correct me if i am wrong, but i thought Adams, Fletcher and a few others become UFA's after 2006.  Clump, anyone, confirm?



Ehhh... actually I think that's right. But the point remains the same - we need to save cap room and sign players to team-friendly extensions, and continue to draft well. That's the formula - and it's simple.

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Stop being a pudnik.  TD has the long-term interest of the franchise in mind, get that thru your skull.  Do you realize that, after next season, in addition to Clements, Sam Adams, Fletcher, Kelsay (and several others) will also be free agents?  TD is doing the right thing not overpaying for any one player.  HAVE YOU PAID ATTENTION TO THE PATRIOTS???



thank you-


Smart teams don't overpay for over-the-hill ego-maniacs.


Clements is the smart move because there is a high probability he will play out the entire term of his contract and the team will get full value.

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thank you-


Smart teams don't overpay for over-the-hill ego-maniacs.


Clements is the smart move because there is a high probability he will play out the entire term of his contract and the team will get full value.



And pat will not. Thank you, sir, for having a brain. It seems liek some around here have forgotten the lessons of the Butler era.

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Some points:


1. No one knows what Pat is asking for. Just because there was an article written saying 5mil does not mean it's true. Lets at least wait until something happens before we call Pat a money grubbing bastard and TD a low balling prick.


2. Something people don't seem to realize is that we really don't have to have much money to extend Nate. If he agrees to an extension, he can still make the same amount of money this year, with a bigger contract kicking in next season. An extension does not mean a raise this year.

At most, there would probably be an increase in his signing bonus.


3. While I REALLY want Pat back, he IS an aging DT, and we do have some young depth at that position. Probably more than any position on the team, DT is expendable. Will the D take a hit? Sure, but no that much. Overpaying for Pat will be a BIG mistake.

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why do i get the feeling that TD will let big pat walk and then fail to get nate resigned??? couldn't be anything to do with his lowball style........




TD's "low-ball" style brought Sam Adams here for a contract many considered to below his maket rate and it has paid off with him logging a Pro Bowl qualifying year as a Bill and also saw Takeo Spikes appear here at what many considered below his market rate.


In addition to the fallacy that TD's lower offers have somehow hurt the Bills (his stupid hiring of GW has more to do with our lousy record in my view), I think it just does not equal the facts to view all his offers as lowball.


He gave a fairly huge bid on Milloy which took the Bears out of the negotiation when we desperately needed an S because Wire was pushed into an inappropriate role due to GW/Gray misassessment of Jenkins, and this was followed by the agreement reneging of Chad Cota, followed by the signing reneging of Ainsley Battle.


Huge cries went up on TSW that Milloy was overpaid by TD's cadillac offer though much of this whining has been doused (as it wasby the group who claimed Adams low-ball offer was actually an overpayment to a player they labeled a fat tub of goo) by Milloy's strong tackle numbers.


Do you really want to make the claim that TD always gives shrimpy offers to players and abandons folks instead of sticking with them? One only has to look at TD giving far too high a contract to extend Bledsoe last off-season and stick with him only leading to his cut this year to see that reality does not fit your view in any waY beyond episodes and there is no consistent trend here beyond TD always trying to do what he thinks is best and sometimes screwing up (Bledsoe) but often doing quite well (getting a first for PP, picking Mcgahee, passing on Kelsay but getting him with a second, trading the 05 pick to get Losman when this weak is QB weak).

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