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My take:


Oh God, how have we come to being led by this circus freak?


I won't be deleting anything either.



I prefer to be happy that the loser lost rather than worried that the winner won.

Posted (edited)

I am so happy she lost and her lack of grace in defeat tells you everything you already knew. Although i hope the investigation is independent and does not involve Trump at all, I hope she is fitted for an orange jump suit in the coming months/year. She does not deserve to get away with the things she has done.


I hope her defeat gives some solace to the families whose graves she spat upon but am sure they would all want their loved ones back.

Edited by 4merper4mer

I am so happy she lost and her lack of grace in defeat tells you everything you already knew. Although i hope the investigation is independent and does not involve Trump at all, I hope she is fitted for an orange jump suit in the coming months/year. She does not deserve to get away with the things she has done.


I hope her defeat give some solace to the families whose graves she spat upon but am sure they would all want their loved ones back.



Hope it's warm in your parents basement.


My take:


Oh God, how have we come to being led by this circus freak?


I won't be deleting anything either.


Visit a region like western Pennsylvania, desperation for a country of 30 years ago runs strong. Highly educated city slickers like ourselves arrogantly underestimate the unrest in places the present left behind long ago.


Although i hope the investigation is independent and does not involve Trump at all, I hope she is fitted for an orange jump suit in the coming months/year. She does not deserve to get away with the things she has done.



I honestly don't think that she'll get nailed for any of it. Her & Bill are usually pretty well insulated from consequence. Those around her are probably pretty nervous though.

Visit a region like western Pennsylvania, desperation for a country of 30 years ago runs strong. Highly educated city slickers like ourselves arrogantly underestimate the unrest in places the present left behind long ago.


I suspect that it's not desperation as much as it is anger. When one administration promises to put the coal industry out of business by making the costs of regulatory compliance such that there is no longer profit, and then does it, then the next candidate had better expect voter opposition if they promise people more of the same.


Visit a region like western Pennsylvania, desperation for a country of 30 years ago runs strong. Highly educated city slickers like ourselves arrogantly underestimate the unrest in places the present left behind long ago.



That sentence to me demonstrates a lot....and I'm not trying to pick on you specifically, but bear with me.


We live in a country where all individuals are recognized as being equal. Since our founding many great things have been achieved. We should be proud of our ancestors, to an extent ourselves, and we should be anticipating great things for the generations to follow.


The answer to the question "are we headed in the right direction" goes back and forth but is never unanimous and seemingly rarely at great heights....like 85% or something. It will probably always be that way and maybe that is good because a perceived gap is a gap that people will work to fill.


If we're all equal and we've had 200+ years to get where we are, then your sentence is one that should piss people off and probably does. I don't think you meant it in a derogatory way, but I think a lot of people feel "this group is better" or "that group is behind". But look at it from a different perspective.


If 1776 and the average life then is on one end of a ray, and what can be achieved is on the infinite end, what really is the difference between the "highly educated city slickers" and the "places present left behind"? On the continuum of that ray, it is immeasurably small and we should be glad that it is small. Keeping the view that we are all individuals and all equal keeps the dots moving in the right direction along the ray. Losing it portends bad things. The dots that represent individuals, if they are truly free, will never get far apart when viewed along the ray. When viewed from a segment of the ray they may appear far apart.


If we lose the view that we are all equal, it begs the gap in the dots to widen and the dots to clump in groups. The focus will be on the segment, not the ray. Groups of dots will confront each other back and forth as they collectively move nowhere, backward or very slowly forward along the ray. Alternatively the dots that are "ahead" in the segment cannot simply pull the "behind" dots with them. Too much energy is expended in doing that and the entire group stagnates and moves slowly. The dots that are "behind" should not be thought of as lesser dots or be restricted. If they are not, they will move forward closing the gap.


Visit a region like western Pennsylvania, desperation for a country of 30 years ago runs strong. Highly educated city slickers like ourselves arrogantly underestimate the unrest in places the present left behind long ago.


I know. And I've been saying it for the past 12 hours: the Democrats lost not just because they left behind that half the country, but because they condescended to tell that half the country "You're wrong and your opinion doesn't matter."


And the Democrats are trying to argue this is a backlash against blacks, against women's rights, against gay rights, against immigrants...no, it's not. It's a backlash against being patronized by elitist !@#$s.


My take:


Oh God, how have we come to being led by this circus freak?


I won't be deleting anything either.

Maybe because the clowns opponent was a career criminal puppet in the world biggest crime organization? Not to mention being a Saul Alinsky fan girl radical who openly associates with all manner of degenerates.


Maybe because the clowns opponent was a career criminal puppet in the world biggest crime organization? Not to mention being a Saul Alinsky fan girl radical who openly associates with all manner of degenerates.


Let me explain it: they're BOTH circus freaks.

Posted (edited)

Visit a region like western Pennsylvania, desperation for a country of 30 years ago runs strong. Highly educated city slickers like ourselves arrogantly underestimate the unrest in places the present left behind long ago.

That there's my stomping grounds and the disgust with overbearing highly educated city slickers has absolutely been real for some time now. I've been noting for some time the amount of Trump memorabilia that has been appearing over the last month or two in local rural areas where you rarely see political activism; it has clearly been waaaaaay beyond the norm for this area.

Although I would say you might want to reconsider your perspective of what constitutes the present.

Edited by Simon


I know. And I've been saying it for the past 12 hours: the Democrats lost not just because they left behind that half the country, but because they condescended to tell that half the country "You're wrong and your opinion doesn't matter."


And the Democrats are trying to argue this is a backlash against blacks, against women's rights, against gay rights, against immigrants...no, it's not. It's a backlash against being patronized by elitist !@#$s.


Correct statement X 10



I know. And I've been saying it for the past 12 hours: the Democrats lost not just because they left behind that half the country, but because they condescended to tell that half the country "You're wrong and your opinion doesn't matter."


And the Democrats are trying to argue this is a backlash against blacks, against women's rights, against gay rights, against immigrants...no, it's not. It's a backlash against being patronized by elitist !@#$s.


Well, it will likely manifest as such.

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