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Idea for Blown Calls

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Proposal: instead of challenges, and reviewing every scoring play, eliminate in-game reviews and let the refs call the games as they did in the old days. In the end, everything evens out, right?


But what if it doesn't? What if one team gets screwed more than the others by bad calls?


At the end of the season, award the team(s) that had the most blown calls go against them a compensatory draft pick(s). What round depends on how badly they were screwed.


The officiating crew is already graded after each game, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out if a team had more calls work against them rather than in their favor.


This would speed up the game. And if a team really gets shafted during the season, justice will be done.



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that punishes the other teams and yet again, the refs come away unscathed, as much as I dislike New England, why should Buffalo get that kind of advantage over them because of blown calls in a seattle game(for instance)



Proposal: instead of challenges, and reviewing every scoring play, eliminate in-game reviews and let the refs call the games as they did in the old days. In the end, everything evens out, right?


But what if it doesn't? What if one team gets screwed more than the others by bad calls?


At the end of the season, award the team(s) that had the most blown calls go against them a compensatory draft pick(s). What round depends on how badly they were screwed.


The officiating crew is already graded after each game, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out if a team had more calls work against them rather than in their favor.


This would speed up the game. And if a team really gets shafted during the season, justice will be done.



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Everything should be reviewable. Belichek has advocated for this every off-season when they propose rule changes. It would fix many of these problems.


Also, a referee or league official should be overseeing the game and manning the playclock. If Blandino can tweet about the situation almost immediately, it is common sense that having someone there to provide oversight would have easily fixed this problem.

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Everything should be reviewable. Belichek has advocated for this every off-season when they propose rule changes. It would fix many of these problems.


Also, a referee or league official should be overseeing the game and manning the playclock. If Blandino can tweet about the situation almost immediately, it is common sense that having someone there to provide oversight would have easily fixed this problem.


This was my thought exactly.

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Everything should be reviewable. Belichek has advocated for this every off-season when they propose rule changes. It would fix many of these problems.


Also, a referee or league official should be overseeing the game and manning the playclock. If Blandino can tweet about the situation almost immediately, it is common sense that having someone there to provide oversight would have easily fixed this problem.

This ^^^^^ The NFL should have a ref in the booth to correct egregious mistakes like last night. You can't let Sherman off the hook and force the Bills to keep Carp out at the same time. Totally unfair and one-sided. But to give the Bills a DOG penalty while the ref is standing over the ball? Ridiculous. Somebody needs to overrule the referee and get it right.

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Everything should be reviewable. Belichek has advocated for this every off-season when they propose rule changes. It would fix many of these problems.


Also, a referee or league official should be overseeing the game and manning the playclock. If Blandino can tweet about the situation almost immediately, it is common sense that having someone there to provide oversight would have easily fixed this problem.


Get full time officials. One job, get it right, no weekend warriors.


Good ideas.


This ^^^^^ The NFL should have a ref in the booth to correct egregious mistakes like last night. You can't let Sherman off the hook and force the Bills to keep Carp out at the same time. Totally unfair and one-sided. But to give the Bills a DOG penalty while the ref is standing over the ball? Ridiculous. Somebody needs to overrule the referee and get it right.


Yes, I think having a ref in the booth is a great idea. Let him be the arbitrator. Also - it wouldn't hurt to allow coaches to have one penalty challenge per half.

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Get full time officials. One job, get it right, no weekend warriors.

This, exactly.

Also they should have an age cutoff of no more than 50 for refs. The game is faster than ever and Walt Anderson is too old in my opinion.


1. Full time refs. Pay them appropriately.

2. No ref over than 50.

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A mixture of full time and part time referees would work with the full time referees being in charge of rules and figuring out who is right when two referees disagree; part timers would be doing spotting. Full time referees would need to put in hours during offseason in training camps and doing film breakdowns explaining correct rule calls.


Referees definitely should be suspended when they make terrible mistakes; repeated mistakes should result in suspensions and they would only get a spot when someone was out due to illness or another suspension.

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Everything should be reviewable. Belichek has advocated for this every off-season when they propose rule changes. It would fix many of these problems.


Also, a referee or league official should be overseeing the game and manning the playclock. If Blandino can tweet about the situation almost immediately, it is common sense that having someone there to provide oversight would have easily fixed this problem.


I still can't imagine why 5 refs couldn't get together and say "let's get this right". Especially assuming Rex was making his case to them. I know they shouldn't be swayed by players or coaches, but a "hey, he's got a point, let's talk about this" should be in order right? I feel like they do it for intentional grounding...

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Anytime a ref blows a call, the following Wednesday that ref has to travel to city of the aggrieved franchise to face a dunk tank. Fans of the aggrieved team can pay $1/$5/whatever with proceeds going to one of the franchise's affiliated charities

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Doesn't hockey have a centralized review system? Maybe some form of that could help. Since it's getting to the point where there's a commercial break between just about every play maybe it would work.

They do. Frankly, there should be no running to the review booth. It should be done like hockey where somebody at the league office makes the decision. This should be expanded to bogus calls and egregiously missed calls.

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Get full time officials. One job, get it right, no weekend warriors.

There is absolutely zero evidence to support this idea. It's a lazy response to the problem that would solve absolutely nothing. Do you really think Coleman would not have botched the non-roughing call against Carpenter if only he was a full time" ref?

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There is absolutely zero evidence to support this idea. It's a lazy response to the problem that would solve absolutely nothing. Do you really think Coleman would not have botched the non-roughing call against Carpenter if only he was a full time" ref?


Might have helped them know that they should reset the play clock when they are still holding the ball....

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