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MMQB: Bills-Seahawks: Bad calls and more bad looks


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Why isn't someone in New York buzzing these guys to fix it, instead of apologizing on twitter after.

Bingo. If these !@#$s can take the time to tweet ****? Give me a break, wtf are they doing the rest of the time. Is tweeting more important than the outcome of games, or players safety? NFL is a disgrace.

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so the refs say sherman couldn't hear the whistle. well you still can't hit the kicker. so it would still be a personal foul for running into the kicker. sherman blames carpenter for trying to kick...well you still can't hit the kicker.

As over the top ridiculous as that call was, this isn't right. You can hit the kicker if you touch the ball first. Block a kick in the air and continue on to hit the kicker, it's fair game. Sherman reached down and touched the ball, then Carpenter kicked into him. The penalty is everything in this case.


Where the refs argument falls apart is it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not. It doesn't matter if Sherman could hear the whistle or not. He jumped offsides and illegally hit the kicker, period. It should be a penalty a thousand times out of thousand without hesitation. The refs are buffoons who clearly changed the course of the game with their incompetence. There's really no argument here for anyone, the Bills were screwed and that's that. Huff and puff as we may, it's happened before and will happen again.

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As over the top ridiculous as that call was, this isn't right. You can hit the kicker if you touch the ball first. Block a kick in the air and continue on to hit the kicker, it's fair game. Sherman reached down and touched the ball, then Carpenter kicked into him. The penalty is everything in this case.


Where the refs argument falls apart is it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not. It doesn't matter if Sherman could hear the whistle or not. He jumped offsides and illegally hit the kicker, period. It should be a penalty a thousand times out of thousand without hesitation. The refs are buffoons who clearly changed the course of the game with their incompetence. There's really no argument here for anyone, the Bills were screwed and that's that. Huff and puff as we may, it's happened before and will happen again.


i didn't see him hit the ball. i thought he missed it. but yea, are the refs going to start going...well he didn't mean to hold him so no whistle. they need to call the game tight. if carpenter tears his knee up it's a player safety issue. you cant have guys doing that.

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If the head of officiating is live tweeting that they are wrong wouldn't it make sense that a call comes down to the officials saying you are wrong and to fix it? They have telephones, seems like an obvious thing to do

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The thing I'm wondering is if any of the officials bothered to blow his whistle or not. If not, why not?


There was a clear unabated rusher and that means they should blow the whistle, killing the play, before someone is seriously hurt.


"We're all about safety."

I thought the ref even said "unabated", wow that makes it 3 F'ups in that sequence...no whistle, no personal foul, no clock reset...

Everything wrong with the officiating on this play stemmed from the lack of an early whistle. I rewatched and there is not an audible whistle until after Sherman hit Carp. You can't call a penalty on him if that was the case. The refs called an unabated penalty which was an immediate indication that they knew they should have blown the whistle early. Carp gave a good soccer dive, but Sherman didn't hit him hard. The side view showed that he clipped him across the thighs. It looked a lot worse live and from the front.

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Everything wrong with the officiating on this play stemmed from the lack of an early whistle. I rewatched and there is not an audible whistle until after Sherman hit Carp. You can't call a penalty on him if that was the case. The refs called an unabated penalty which was an immediate indication that they knew they should have blown the whistle early. Carp gave a good soccer dive, but Sherman didn't hit him hard. The side view showed that he clipped him across the thighs. It looked a lot worse live and from the front.



You can still call the penalty because Sherman did not block the kick. That is splitting heirs though. Your first point is basically correct. Calling it a flop by Carp is something that I don't agree with.

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regardless if it was offsides or personal foul, to blow the restarting of the play clock was simply inexcusable, they LITERALLY took 3 points off the board





You can still call the penalty because Sherman did not block the kick. That is splitting heirs though. Your first point is basically correct. Calling it a flop by Carp is something that I don't agree with.

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regardless if it was offsides or personal foul, to blow the restarting of the play clock was simply inexcusable, they LITERALLY took 3 points off the board



Agreed. They're pretty buffoonish in general. They mess up play clocks all the time.

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i get it that calls get blown all the time, and we have to move past them, but dammit, this one is just stuck in my head, thought i'd feel better this morning and be in a better mood, then realized i had that game last night AND the election today....thank goodness I have SU basketball to watch tonight....so help me if LeMoyne pulls out another win, I may find a ledge :doh:



Agreed. They're pretty buffoonish in general. They mess up play clocks all the time.

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You can still call the penalty because Sherman did not block the kick. That is splitting heirs though. Your first point is basically correct. Calling it a flop by Carp is something that I don't agree with.

No, you can't call that penalty because a player is allowed to hit the kicker prior to the kicker getting to the ball.

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The league doesn't care. They just don't. Times like these I miss Ralph, he'd at least have the stones to call out the league publicly and complain like hell privately.


Of course they care. They care very much the teams and stars and names that casual fans are most familiar with (and of course large TV markets) are playing in January.


Seattle / Wilson / Sherman > Buffalo / Taylor / McCoy


NFL dream playoffs would always include NE, Pittsburgh, Miami, Giants, Dallas, Philly, Seattle, GB, etc.

Edited by KD in CA
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