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OK, let's do this: Tyrod Taylor

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Yelling at Meeks while chasing Chris Hogan came to mind. If that's not the case carry on.

Just saying Some take Yelling at Powell as leadership and in another thread will call Gilmore Selfish for doing same thing (no way he was getting to hogan btw).


Not saying Taylor is or isnt a leader i dont know him. Kind of hard to call anyone a leader you dont know or havent dealt with


Not to mention a person can be a Great Leader to someone and a Toxic Leader to someone else.


That is why i just find this Leader talk from fans about athletes silly is all

Edited by MAJBobby
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I mean, I'm pretty sure Brady would yell at his receivers if they weren't lined up properly and he caught it. And I still think there's a difference between pre-snap and live play regardless of the perceived outcome.

And again NONE OF THAT points to leadership does it

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Timing is not everything. Fact he has been in NFL 6 years. Fact same issues since college.


People told me in the Gilmore thread when you yell at teammates for being wrong it is Selfish ot leadership


Leader based off what? Just asking is all

its a fair question regarding the leadership. My opinion.


- TT is a player that leads by example.....this is someone that will throw a block for a teamate.....he fights for that extra yard on runs.....he doesnt ask anyone on this team to give more effort then he does. I think that can be a big source of leadership. He is a gym rat and has received lots of accolades there as well....basically he is the consumate professional


- I have seen TT bark at O players when they are lagging or not lined up correctly.....BUT...he never calls them out in front of the media...all in house


Then comes the debatable issue....i also think a form of leadership is sacrificing his own stats for the benefit of the team.....he does have an arm.....he could be one of those 300 yard plus passers with 2 interceptions a game but instead buys into the system and DOESNT turn the ball over. That can also be a form of leadership.

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its a fair question regarding the leadership. My opinion.


- TT is a player that leads by example.....this is someone that will throw a block for a teamate.....he fights for that extra yard on runs.....he doesnt ask anyone on this team to give more effort then he does. I think that can be a big source of leadership. He is a gym rat and has received lots of accolades there as well....basically he is the consumate professional


- I have seen TT bark at O players when they are lagging or not lined up correctly.....BUT...he never calls them out in front of the media...all in house


Then comes the debatable issue....i also think a form of leadership is sacrificing his own stats for the benefit of the team.....he does have an arm.....he could be one of those 300 yard plus passers with 2 interceptions a game but instead buys into the system and DOESNT turn the ball over. That can also be a form of leadership.

Ok all fair points. Maybe it is my background or whatever, but i think people throw around "Leader" when it comes to football a little too often.

Other then the fact that his own teamates have verbally enforced that?

And that means? Teamates verbally enforced Losman as a leader as well. There is a thing called being a good teammate. What teamates say in public while on a team means nothing to me. Everything they publically say a majority of it is standard canned lines.


My point about leadership it is an Art, not a science. And really for one person seeing a good leader another might say no this person sucks. So all i am saying is it is all a persons opinion and unless you really know that guy you cannot truly say one way or another.


The public persona and what i see in tyrod i could say yes he has some good leadership qualities. However in the "room" he could be a total !@#$.

Edited by MAJBobby
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When talking about leadership, I'm reminded of last year when Fred was let go. There was a noticeable void from outward appearances (let's face it - we're not in the locker room). This year, things appear to be better. Changes: the LORAX and Kyle. During training camp, I also point to Spikes. Maybe I'm wrong, but it does seem to be better this year.

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When talking about leadership, I'm reminded of last year when Fred was let go. There was a noticeable void from outward appearances (let's face it - we're not in the locker room). This year, things appear to be better. Changes: the LORAX and Kyle. During training camp, I also point to Spikes. Maybe I'm wrong, but it does seem to be better this year.

Agree also removing the toxic leader in the room helps a ton as well.

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I am pulling for Tyrod. But after every time I watch the All 22, I don't think he can be the guy. He has guys open, but is just not finding them. He lacks anticipation, which IMO is very, if not the most important quarterback trait. Plays like this drive me nuts. He has Clay college open for a touchdown and even appears to be looking at him, but does not throw it. He tucked the ball and ran back into the line for no gain. Buffalo went on to score a few plays later, so this missed opportunity didn't hurt as bad. But there are more missed chances like this than I'd like to see from a starting quarterback.Pmy7gKF.png

You are correct. However, if you have access to the All-22 for the other teams, look at a few of them at random (leaving out the 4 or 5 elite passers) and I think you'll see that they all fail to see open receivers and have intermittent accuracy problems. And they all stare down their receivers more than you think, as well as locking in on the guy they want to throw to, no matter what else is happening. It ain't your Pappy's NFL any more, most likely because of the style of QB play in college.

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Ok all fair points. Maybe it is my background or whatever, but i think people throw around "Leader" when it comes to football a little too often.

And that means? Teamates verbally enforced Losman as a leader as well. There is a thing called being a good teammate. What teamates say in public while on a team means nothing to me. Everything they publically say a majority of it is standard canned lines.


My point about leadership it is an Art, not a science. And really for one person seeing a good leader another might say no this person sucks. So all i am saying is it is all a persons opinion and unless you really know that guy you cannot truly say one way or another.


The public persona and what i see in tyrod i could say yes he has some good leadership qualities. However in the "room" he could be a total !@#$.

All fair points. Because I dont personally know him i cant dispute it.

You are correct. However, if you have access to the All-22 for the other teams, look at a few of them at random (leaving out the 4 or 5 elite passers) and I think you'll see that they all fail to see open receivers and have intermittent accuracy problems. And they all stare down their receivers more than you think, as well as locking in on the guy they want to throw to, no matter what else is happening. It ain't your Pappy's NFL any more, most likely because of the style of QB play in college.

That is the problem that people just dont seem to get.....ALL qbs miss receivers.


Your top 5 franchise guys miss them a lot less.....but they all miss

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Noticing and correcting a player's alignment to avoid a botched play or penalty for the team seems like something a leader should do.

Yes, it does to me also. QB is a leader by default. Even Jay Cutler is one..



There really isnt one person here that can say Taylor is or isnt a leader. Just like with really any other player. (Though i think i do have a pretty good read on Kyle Williams)


Agree also removing the toxic leader in the room helps a ton as well.

Are you identifying someone a Leader?

I get confused

Good leader, terrible qb ? I'd prefer the other way around if I had to choose.

Terrible? The best we have had in years, and if someone brings up Orton again i am going to throw something.

We are actually lucky to have a guy who can makes some great plays now and again under or behind center.

Or behind the RG depending...

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Yes, it does to me also. QB is a leader by default. Even Jay Cutler is one..




Are you identifying someone a Leader?

I get confused


Terrible? The best we have had in years, and if someone brings up Orton again i am going to throw something.

We are actually lucky to have a guy who can makes some great plays now and again under or behind center.

Or behind the RG depending...

Leadership comes in both good and toxic. So yes there was some toxic leadership going on in the "room" last year.


What is so confusing?


And while you are correct a leader can be becauze of a position. That still doesnt mean that person in that postion is a good Leader or not

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