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Fire the FO


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You want to hear what I would do? Really?


Why? I'm not a general manager in the NFL.


Anyway, I didn't read the rest of your post. I'm sorry about that. But I'm watching the world series and arguing with an anonymous stranger on the internet who likes to retreat deeply into a non-yielding position isn't my idea of a good time.



So you don't have answers but you have complaints? We need more of that. That's the WGR approach. "We should do something different but I don't know what." I'm not trying to be a dick but I'm trying to be rational. I don't like losing (at all). The point is let's not complain about things without a better option. The WR suck (as an example). Instead of saying "they suck" what do we do to get better there? I'd like to trade for Torrey Smith, Jeremy Kerley or Alshon Jeffrey. Don't bring problems, bring solutions. I said it earlier but my solutions are to get off the field on 3rd down, NEVER abandon the run, get better safety play (help Gilmore) and play better special teams. Those were the things that lost the game today (specifically 3rd down). Let's identify the issues that mattered and talk about what needs to be done to fix them. Solutions, not problems


FWiW, I was engulfed in the World Series as well. I'm a Yankees fan but have really enjoyed these playoffs.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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So you don't have answers but you have complaints? We need more of that. That's the WGR approach. "We should do something different but I don't know what." I'm not trying to be a dick but I'm trying to be rational. I don't like losing (at all). The point is let's not complain about things without a better option. The WR suck (as an example). Instead of saying "they suck" what do we do to get better there? I'd like to trade for Torrey Smith, Jeremy Kerley or Alshon Jeffrey. Don't bring problems, bring solutions. I said it earlier but my solutions are to get off the field on 3rd down, NEVER abandon the run, get better safety play (help Gilmore) and play better special teams. Those were the things that lost the game today (specifically 3rd down). Let's identify the issues that mattered and talk about what needs to be done to fix them. Solutions, not problems


FWiW, I was engulfed in the World Series as well. I'm a Yankees fan but have really enjoyed these playoffs.

I'll offer a small suggestion. If I'm Whaley one thing I'm going to bring in next year is a veteran WR, one spot out of say 6. Need someone to mentor even Watkins and Woods. Let alone the FAs we sign from other teams. I dont see any leadership there.

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When will the riots begin at "new era same bs" stadium? Grab ur pitchforks and potato launchers. Storm the Buffalo Bums stadium and demand the PEGULAS to change the coaching staff. I'm

Not joking. This team is a national disgrace thanks to the PEGULAS keeping status quo. Fire the Ryan's and hire me someone innovative FFS. I'd rather be a Cubs fan and wait another 100 years for a World Series win than watch the Bills commit suicide every year


Seriously burning my TT jersey. 31yds 38% accuracy. He's a franchise QB as much as Jp Loserman. The Bills FO doesn't care about the fans period. I'm 23. Spent 17 years of my life watching them do jack ****.


Seriously fans we could do better as a collective coach than these Bums who are coaching now.

17 whole years? You poor guy

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Freaking rookie, I got 49 in. I'm numb to it all now.

Win or lose, it doesn't change your life. Follow the Bills, but find something else to make you feel good

Yep me too! Ive got 45 and long time season tick holder- left with 5 min into the 3rd yesterday- what a joke this team is.

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17 whole years? You poor guy

74% of my life with the remaining 26% being under 5y.o. Even in their prime of going to 4 straight superbowls. who remembers when they're 4?

So we can say 100% i've never seen a good Bills team. I'm not gonna change being a fan, yet it seems they repeat the same mistakes when they do change coaches and GMs. just saying :D

Edited by gr8billsfan
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The most?!


I just don't understand the anger after this game. We all saw it coming

True Virgil, but it's how bad we looked losing that's so upsetting to many of us. It's the same old movie. There's been calls by the fans to fire the


FO for over 15 yrs. They're the common denominator here because success of a franchise flows from the top down. That's my HO.

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Really?!? They are .500 and playing without their 2 best offensive players. They were missing 3 of their top 4 WR and their starting TE went out. They played the greatest QB and coach of all-time. What are your issues with the front office? They should have had 9 good NFL receivers? What decisions would you have made differently (specifically)? What would you have done differently than the FO (specifically again)?


Feel free to criticize whomever but be prepared to say "I would have done _____." No solutions mean that you have no right to criticize.

No it doesn't. Stop it! Oh, wait did I miss something when I signed up for this message board?!

I have no solutions or I would be working in the FO, BUT...the Bills suck and have for 17 yrs.

Now I feel better. Thanks Two Bills Drive for letting people like us vent/criticize without having solutions the FO or Kirby should have.

Oh, wait I know what we can do. We should cut TT right now and sign a great QB!! Brilliant, I am. Can I criticize now? I do have the solution.

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the solution is simple, and it is something that has been missing here since, Donahoe at the very latest, and probably team Butler.



They need someone from the outside to mold the football program into one that resembles a winning NFL program in year 2017. The whole group-think of Wilson's executives, a green owner and his wife, Whaley, and the Ryan twins is not going to do it. Nor will it work when the same "management" team fires the GM or Coach, outsources the blame with that individual, hires someone new, and continually make the same errors.



I have been having this same "discussion" for about 10 years now. I thought for sure new ownership would bring in modern times and we can move on from Wilson's organizational model. He kept the same model to my horror. Things have not improved. I'm so tired. So cold. Still no meaningful December games.






It wont happen though. Nothing will change this season, nor will it change next season aside from a complete humiliating collapse.... something this team miraculously never suffers in its purgatory. Eventually a 'middle manager' will be changed out and blamed, and we will hear calls that this is now "Year One", "Continuity", "past seasons don't matter" and the like.

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Again you bring ZERO answers. No one wants to hear "do something else" we want to hear what you would do.


What would trading for a WR do? The Bills will be the favorite in in at least 4 more games. Someone like Torrey Smith (as an example) might swing a game like Seattle, Pittsburgh or Cincy.


If you watched that game today and walked away saying "a different QB wins that game," I question that you understand what you are watching. The game was won and lost on the bills inability to get off the field on 3rd down. New England continued to do what they wanted on big plays. That's the 2nd straight week that we saw the same thing but last week it was the run and this week it was the pass.



In terms of Tyrod though I keep asking everyone who you would rather under center next year and have yet to get a reasonable answer let alone someone better. I judge Tyrod on things: 3rd down conversions, RZ efficiency and turnovers. Today they left points on the field in the RZ and that falls to him IMO. They had 1st and goal at the 5 or whatever and took 3. You aren't beating NE doing that. He needs to get better but we aren't getting better in 2017 so get used to it.



I agree with most of what you say here Kirby... but I have articulated an alternative to Tyrod. For me if he doesn't improve the remainder of the year he is not worth committing two years of $16.5m to. I'd rather sign a cheaper vet who is in that bottom end starter / top end backup conversation - floated Hoyer - and then let him come in and compete with Cardale and/or a guy we draft in 2017. Spend the money you save on WR, RT and S and continue to make use of our decent running back stable and offensive line to pound the run and play good defense. The additional x factor you lose with Tyrod's legs will hopefully be more than compensated for with the other weapons. And you keep searching for a Quarterback and cycling through cheaper vets. I don't believe Tyrod (at this stage) has shown he is more than a competent caretaker / game manager with legs. So if that is all I am getting I am willing to sacrifice the legs bit for saving $12m a year and willing to tide myself over with cheaper game managers whilst I keep on looking for the guy. We won 9 games with Kyle Orton (with basically no running game) and a good defense.

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the solution is simple, and it is something that has been missing here since, Donahoe at the very latest, and probably team Butler.



They need someone from the outside to mold the football program into one that resembles a winning NFL program in year 2017. The whole group-think of Wilson's executives, a green owner and his wife, Whaley, and the Ryan twins is not going to do it. Nor will it work when the same "management" team fires the GM or Coach, outsources the blame with that individual, hires someone new, and continually make the same errors.



I have been having this same "discussion" for about 10 years now. I thought for sure new ownership would bring in modern times and we can move on from Wilson's organizational model. He kept the same model to my horror. Things have not improved. I'm so tired. So cold. Still no meaningful December games.






It wont happen though. Nothing will change this season, nor will it change next season aside from a complete humiliating collapse.... something this team miraculously never suffers in its purgatory. Eventually a 'middle manager' will be changed out and blamed, and we will hear calls that this is now "Year One", "Continuity", "past seasons don't matter" and the like.


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I agree with most of what you say here Kirby... but I have articulated an alternative to Tyrod. For me if he doesn't improve the remainder of the year he is not worth committing two years of $16.5m to. I'd rather sign a cheaper vet who is in that bottom end starter / top end backup conversation - floated Hoyer - and then let him come in and compete with Cardale and/or a guy we draft in 2017. Spend the money you save on WR, RT and S and continue to make use of our decent running back stable and offensive line to pound the run and play good defense. The additional x factor you lose with Tyrod's legs will hopefully be more than compensated for with the other weapons. And you keep searching for a Quarterback and cycling through cheaper vets. I don't believe Tyrod (at this stage) has shown he is more than a competent caretaker / game manager with legs. So if that is all I am getting I am willing to sacrifice the legs bit for saving $12m a year and willing to tide myself over with cheaper game managers whilst I keep on looking for the guy. We won 9 games with Kyle Orton (with basically no running game) and a good defense.

I agree with you on them bringing in a vet for cheaper rate than Tyrod and let them compete. If the bills can't restructure TT's contract then what's the point. Offer him a 2 year deal for cheap or let him walk.

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No it doesn't. Stop it! Oh, wait did I miss something when I signed up for this message board?!

I have no solutions or I would be working in the FO, BUT...the Bills suck and have for 17 yrs.

Now I feel better. Thanks Two Bills Drive for letting people like us vent/criticize without having solutions the FO or Kirby should have.

Oh, wait I know what we can do. We should cut TT right now and sign a great QB!! Brilliant, I am. Can I criticize now? I do have the solution.

Yeah, what happened 16 years ago is relevant. That factors into the evaluation of this front office? Why would Whaley trade for Bledsoe?


You are entitled to whatever opinion you want as ridiculous as it might be. That's just not constructive. This message board is at its worst when people just randomly complain. It is at its best when productive discussion happens as to what needs to be done to fix the problems. That's why there are some great posters here and some bad ones.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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