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If you're Greg Roman...


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...are you watching the Bills' games? After all, it IS your offense, even if ALynn has simplified things and reduced the playbook week to week.


And if you are watching, are you happy with their success? Are you learning anything, or do you think you could have still gotten things fixed yourself?


Just some random Monday afternoon thoughts...it's got to be a somewhat tough pill to swallow when you're fired and your successor has immediate success building upon a framework you created.

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I'm wondering if he'd be a good head coach candidate, as long as he has someone else calling the actual plays. He certainly seems to *design* some killer plays.


He reminds me of Kevin Gilbride or Mike Martz in that way. I predict a similar career path for Greg Roman.

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If I'm Greg Roman, weeks 3 and 4 I'm watching and I'm actively rooting for Lynn, Rex, and the Bills to fall on their collective faces. Now its week 6, I haven't shaved or left the house in 2 weeks, the curtains are drawn and the living room is littered with empty pizza boxes. The walls are scrawled with "F@#$ Rex Ryan! F@#$ Rex Ryan!" and "All scores and no 3 and outs makes Greg a dull boy!". By week 8 they find me wandering around the neighborhood in a bathrobe and shouting in play calls to confused passersby.

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If I'm Roman, I'm too busy spending my "Highest Paid Out-of-Work OC" money to care. B-):thumbsup:



Which makes me think the Pegula's were played.


Roman: "The Marrone case played out with his double dipping, without any negative consequences to him. I shall do the same. If I suck enough, I will be fired with pay."

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If I'm Greg Roman, weeks 3 and 4 I'm watching and I'm actively rooting for Lynn, Rex, and the Bills to fall on their collective faces. Now its week 6, I haven't shaved or left the house in 2 weeks, the curtains are drawn and the living room is littered with empty pizza boxes. The walls are scrawled with "F@#$ Rex Ryan! F@#$ Rex Ryan!" and "All scores and no 3 and outs makes Greg a dull boy!". By week 8 they find me wandering around the neighborhood in a bathrobe and shouting in play calls to confused passersby.

Basically Ron Burgundy when he is fired.
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If I'm Greg Roman, weeks 3 and 4 I'm watching and I'm actively rooting for Lynn, Rex, and the Bills to fall on their collective faces. Now its week 6, I haven't shaved or left the house in 2 weeks, the curtains are drawn and the living room is littered with empty pizza boxes. The walls are scrawled with "F@#$ Rex Ryan! F@#$ Rex Ryan!" and "All scores and no 3 and outs makes Greg a dull boy!". By week 8 they find me wandering around the neighborhood in a bathrobe and shouting in play calls to confused passersby.

That bathrobe is totally untied/uncinched, revealing a color coded pair of tighty whities.


Its like Im there....

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If I'm Greg Roman, weeks 3 and 4 I'm watching and I'm actively rooting for Lynn, Rex, and the Bills to fall on their collective faces. Now its week 6, I haven't shaved or left the house in 2 weeks, the curtains are drawn and the living room is littered with empty pizza boxes. The walls are scrawled with "F@#$ Rex Ryan! F@#$ Rex Ryan!" and "All scores and no 3 and outs makes Greg a dull boy!". By week 8 they find me wandering around the neighborhood in a bathrobe and shouting in play calls to confused passersby.

Love it. Weeks 3 and 4 would definitely be me though.

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Which makes me think the Pegula's were played.


Roman: "The Marrone case played out with his double dipping, without any negative consequences to him. I shall do the same. If I suck enough, I will be fired with pay."

I doubt it. He was slightly damaged goods when the BILLS made him the OC. Kicking him to the curb after 2 weeks of his second season is VERY damaging to his long term viability.
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Richard Incognito was pretty clear on Murph today that ALynn's running game is much more simplified with some straight-up blocking, counters, and other bread-and-butter running plays that WERE NOT being used by Roman. Roman has no one but himself to blame. If for nothing else than the Bills are breaking the huddle with 20 secs instead of 10 secs on the play clock, ALynn has been a godsend. It's pretty clear that the disorganization on offense which led to burnt TO's and DOG penalties was Roman's fault. We've seen a HUGE decrease in the disorganization on offense with ALynn. The idea that Roman was a scapegoat has been debunked. ROMAN WAS THE PROBLEM AND THEY CUT HIM OUT LIKE A CANCER! The only beef left is why Rex didn't do it in the off-season.

Edited by Freddie's Dead
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...are you watching the Bills' games? After all, it IS your offense, even if ALynn has simplified things and reduced the playbook week to week.


And if you are watching, are you happy with their success? Are you learning anything, or do you think you could have still gotten things fixed yourself?


Just some random Monday afternoon thoughts...it's got to be a somewhat tough pill to swallow when you're fired and your successor has immediate success building upon a framework you created.

I was actually thinking about this during the game, since the announcers emphasize how much better we are since the change. Would be painful to hear for Roman, I'm sure.

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