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Any Love for Rex?


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I'm happy to give credit where its due. Rex has done what I thought he might've been incapable of doing; delegating.


Still a case of wait and see for me. It has to manifest itself in a postseason berth, but I'm more comfortable with him as the HC than I have been for the past year or so.

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Rex love? Ummmm---not yet. But I don't quite hate him as much as I did. That's progress.



I'm happy to give credit where its due. Rex has done what I thought he might've been incapable of doing; delegating.


Still a case of wait and see for me. It has to manifest itself in a postseason berth, but I'm more comfortable with him as the HC than I have been for the past year or so.


Completely agree.


He deserves respect for what the team has done, but a true evaluation should be saved for the end of the season.



Bingo. I'm not a bandwagon guy. But I'm also not a guy who won't change his opinion, in the face of evidence. So far, Rex is doing a good job, the past few weeks, IMO. But he's done a good job in the past, and fallen right off the edge. So, I will wait, and evaluate later. But right now, his stock is rising, IMO.

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They've done well the last four weeks, but I've had my heart broken too many times by this team to go All In until they break the playoff drought. If Rex does that, he'll probably get the key to the city (if you can get it back from TO).


EDIT: I'll also say that they have been winning against teams they should be beating. However, if they can beat a Brady led Patriots team, that'd be a big confidence boost.

Edited by voodoo poonani
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That has to be about the most "back handed" compliment that the Rex Haters could give.


Disagree. Most great managers delegate. A very elite few, are successful excising complete control. Problem is, most who think they can excel without delegation (hubris), fail. The key is understanding what you do well, what your weaknesses are, and finding people you trust to delegate to. If Rex actually pulls it off, it will mean he might be one of the 2nd-chance HCs, who make their mark because they embraced the change.


I was enraged when they hired Rob Ryan (a guy who failed, miserably, to run a competent defense). But the communication between the brothers just might be working. Rex, Rob and Rex's puppet, DC Thurman, seem to work very well together. Delegating the offense to Lynn is key, since I think the Ryans, by their very nature, want to destroy offenses. It is bred into them. I tend to think any input Rex has into the offense will likely be a negative influence.

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Rex might have actually built the bully he promised,


An undefendable run game and QB, #1 red zone D.


Best receiver and DL still hurt.


After the Patriot/Seagull/Bengals games we will know for sure.


Last 4 weeks look like a bully to me.

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Rex might have actually built the bully he promised,


An undefendable run game and QB, #1 red zone D.


Best receiver and DL still hurt.


After the Patriot/Seagull/Bengals games we will know for sure.


Last 4 weeks look like a bully to me.


Well, a bully (pretty much by definition) takes out the weak, but folds when confronted by real strength. I'd prefer he build a team that stood up to the bullys of the NFL, or won't be bullied by them. But I know, that's pretty high concept for some.

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Disagree. Most great managers delegate. A very elite few, are successful excising complete control. Problem is, most who think they can excel without delegation (hubris), fail. The key is understanding what you do well, what your weaknesses are, and finding people you trust to delegate to. If Rex actually pulls it off, it will mean he might be one of the 2nd-chance HCs, who make their mark because they embraced the change.


I was enraged when they hired Rob Ryan (a guy who failed, miserably, to run a competent defense). But the communication between the brothers just might be working. Rex, Rob and Rex's puppet, DC Thurman, seem to work very well together. Delegating the offense to Lynn is key, since I think the Ryans, by their very nature, want to destroy offenses. It is bred into them. I tend to think any input Rex has into the offense will likely be a negative influence.


Yes, great managers delegate.


The fact is that he already was delegating.


To suggest that this is something new is a way (in my view) for some to discount Rex's influence on the team's success.

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