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If he was already delegating before then he is certainly delegating more effectively now.


No attempt to discount his influence here. I genuinely think Rex stepping back and being a Head Coach (including attending offensive meetings which he himself admitted is a pretty new thing for him) has made a difference to the team. Thurman, Lynn and even Rob appear to be relishing the extra responsibility.

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  On 10/17/2016 at 4:08 AM, The Dean said:


Well, a bully (pretty much by definition) takes out the weak, but folds when confronted by real strength. I'd prefer he build a team that stood up to the bullys of the NFL, or won't be bullied by them. But I know, that's pretty high concept for some.

A Stelio Kontos?


I'd be down for that.

  On 10/17/2016 at 12:51 AM, Ryan L Billz said:

he had me at hello.....




Is this thing on ? Cuz it's about to be.


I'm with you Ryan...I was disappointed with last year and how this year started like everyone else, but I still believed Rex could get it turned around.



  On 10/16/2016 at 9:32 PM, Kelly the Dog said:

The change to Lynn has had a dramatic change on the team, although you cannot give him too much credit for that because Lynn was always his guy and he hired Roman to run the offense. Roman did a decent job last year but this year obviously tried to do too many things that were not smart. Rex made the right call to go to Lynn but it gets him back to even because he was responsible for Roman in the first place, and he didn't do what HC need to do when their coordinators do not do what needs to be done, which is step in. Rex didn't do it so he shouldn't get credit.


On defense, hiring his brother Rob, plus John Blake, plus Ed Reed, plus giving away playcalling duties (which he has done before) has worked well. He has had the team ready. He has got the team to buy in to his system. When the players have a day off, last week they had two, all of the team has been coming in on their own. That cannot be underestimated and it's because of Rex.


He hasn't been making bad calls on challenges or timeouts. We have been good at the end of the half. We haven't let down when Bills teams of the past may have tanked in games like the last two weeks. He's not overcoaching. He's actually been very good this season. But it's still semi early. He has to get wins against top teams. Jury is still out. But he's been good so far


Interesting that in Rex's post-game comments, he brought up the "change'" (to Anthony Lynn), when previously he has shied away from it (due to not wanting to disrespect GRo) without being asked about it and then said, "You're seeing a football team...with this staff there's no hidden agendas..." I wonder if that was in relation to Roman. Maybe Greg wanted to do things his way and wasn't "All in" on the team concept as it were. Whereas Lynn is someone who has been with Rex a while. Maybe the coaching staff is more cohesive and all pulling in the same direction which has led to this becoming a true team, one for all and all for one, us against the world, accountability, etc. Basically, team chemistry. You can feel it with these guys, the players and coaches.


Maybe everything that has happened, the doubting of Rex and Rob and McCoy and Tyrod, the rookies getting injured, allowing unsung and unselfish players like Lorax and Zach to shine, Sammy going down, forcing Tyrod to spread the ball, the firing of Roman, etc. has brought these guys closer and made them a true "TEAM."


Listen to Lorenzo praise the rest of the team for his sacks and pointing out Kyle's play, listen to McCoy rave about the offensive line, these guys believe in each other.


Shady: "Everything's Buffalo...I only care about winning games for Buffalo."


I've never had a big problem with Rex. I thought the move to fire Roman was wrong, but it turned out to be right. I thought hiring brother Rob was just fluff, but he's been worth his weight in wings.


I'm still cautious and will be convinced that this is real only if they go 4-3 over the next 7.


They're schedule has turned out to be fairly easy so far, even though we all know that no game is a guaranteed win. They're coming up on the hard part and need to be .500 or better.


The contrast between what we saw last season and this season is like night and day.


The communications issues are fixed, the late incoming play calls are fixed, the late player substitutions are fixed, the players not being out of position when the ball is snapped has been fixed, the penalty problems have been fixed to a much more tolerable degree.


Firing Greg Roman was a brilliant move and an even more brilliant move was giving Lynn the OC job as he has that offense playing great like a chess master in different alignments, sets with the opposing defense not having a clue half the time as to what's going to happen next. The line is blocking so much better and the making use of the sub-average receiving corps has been amazing.


The biggest thing I see is that Rex isn't shoving his foot into his mouth on a continuous basis before every game. He is managing the entire team like a head coach should and has been good in game management too.


This is a Rex Ryan I could really get to like.


Love-- not yet. But he has earned my respect. Sacking Roman turns out to be a genius move and he has this defense playing very well. I think bringing in Ed Reed has been big. But credit goes to the boss for finding potential and coaching up the D. After game 2 I wanted to run him out of town, but Rex is proving me wrong. Playoff as the love will begin to grow.

Posted (edited)

Wrex dug himself a big deficit of favor from me, and it will take more than what we have seen for me to exalt him. I'm happy with the way the team has been winning, though.

Edited by HoF Watkins

Great 4 game stretch. I definitely give Rex credit for turning things around so dramatically the last 4 weeks. The team has been ready to play and are beginning to play for each other, you can sense the chemistry. I don't think you can ever underestimate chemistry.

  On 10/16/2016 at 8:58 PM, KzooMike said:

I refuse to let go. Like most, this team has tortured my soul and whenever I do let go it seems to be exactly the time they falter. Having said that, Rex deserves a lot of credit for what Buffalo has been able to accomplish so far this year. This is not an "in spite of" situation, he has been one of the primary reasons for the teams turn around. What say you? Give the man some love, wait and see, or eternal hate?



nice band :D



I will give Rex credit for firing Roman and appointing the right guy along with stepping down from Defensive play calling. I didn't think he would do this so this is a positive step in becoming a better HC. Hopefully it continues and we make the playoffs, If we do I will remove the roguetank from my sig.


The real reason for success is this is Rex 2.0


Rex realized Rex 1.0 sucked and needed changes. The biggest: he got out of play calling, and delegated. What good head coaches do.


I read an article here last week, where Rex pretty much recognized he was part of the problem, and he made changes to overcome. That takes a big man.

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