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Black-owned store accused of being anti-black

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"Theres an anecdote about Bob Dylan related by the singer Joan Baez, who lived with him for a while in the nineteen-sixties. She came down one morning to find that he'd been up all night writing the lyrics to Subterranean Homesick Blues. He looked up and said: "You know, in thirty years time they'll be doing doctorates trying to figure out what the f... this is all about, which is a gas because I don't know what the f... it's all about!""


So you and him have that in common. The difference is he was talking about doctorates in English; your posts will be examined by doctorates in Psychology.

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Pop-Progressivism will eat itself.


It already is. There is chatter among SJW's that straight black men are the "white men" of black people.


As to this little story, let's see if I can conjure up something in SJW language: "Just because the owner is black doesn't mean he can't have internalized racism! Look at Ben Carson! Or Clarence Thomas! They must be racist because they're conservative, so the oreo cupcake people must be racist too because... muh feelings!"

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So you and him have that in common. The difference is he was talking about doctorates in English; your posts will be examined by doctorates in Psychology.

No. That's your conventional words. The anecdote I cited doesn't say doctorate in English. Knowing Bob, he could of meant Psychology or doctorates across any discipline. Afterall, he was just awarded for his unconventional work.

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It already is. There is chatter among SJW's that straight black men are the "white men" of black people.


As to this little story, let's see if I can conjure up something in SJW language: "Just because the owner is black doesn't mean he can't have internalized racism! Look at Ben Carson! Or Clarence Thomas! They must be racist because they're conservative, so the oreo cupcake people must be racist too because... muh feelings!"


Not internalized racism. "Systemic" racism. He's racist without knowing it, because racism is infused in the entire baking industry.

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No. That's your conventional words. The anecdote I cited doesn't say doctorate in English. Knowing Bob, he could of meant Psychology or doctorates across any discipline. Afterall, he was just awarded for his unconventional work.

What does this even mean?

Edited by grinreaper
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What does this even mean?

Just a common mistake that has been documented since 1837. My bad, I didn't know was being tested.


Everybody knows it means: "could have"


"The reason for the mistake is that the pronunciation of have in unstressed contexts is the same as that of of, and the two words are confused when it comes to writing them down. The error was recorded as early as 1837 and, though common, is usually considered unacceptable in Standard English."

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Just a common mistake that has been documented since 1837. My bad, I didn't know was being tested.


So you made a mistake, but your excuse is that it's so common it's been known for nearly two centuries?


Did you...not get the memo or something?

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This is the kind of noise that is growing and being promoted by progressives. I can only believe that it's some kind of socio-political shell game that black students have been encouraged to develop.


The subtext I hear under all progressive blabber is "I don't get a trophy, and we have to change the rules until I get a trophy". Here it's "we have to change the rules of science, because we don't win often enough. It must be wrong!".




It already is. There is chatter among SJW's that straight black men are the "white men" of black people.


As to this little story, let's see if I can conjure up something in SJW language: "Just because the owner is black doesn't mean he can't have internalized racism! Look at Ben Carson! Or Clarence Thomas! They must be racist because they're conservative, so the oreo cupcake people must be racist too because... muh feelings!"


Not near quickly enough. There appears to be enough of them on the bottom to feed the top for a while, and some are getting pretty fat.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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This is the kind of noise that is growing and being promoted by progressives. I can only believe that it's some kind of socio-political shell game that black students have been encouraged to develop.


The subtext I hear under all progressive blabber is "I don't get a trophy, and we have to change the rules until I get a trophy". Here it's "we have to change the rules of science, because we don't win often enough. It must be wrong!".




Not near quickly enough. There appears to be enough of them on the bottom to feed the top for a while, and some are getting pretty fat.


It's actually a logically extension of the "white privilege" narrative.

If you keep telling people that some races are born superior to others, then the only way to level the playing field is to go back to the beginning of evolution. Of course, it would also mean that no one would be allowed to leave Africa... just to keep things equal.

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Not internalized racism. "Systemic" racism. He's racist without knowing it, because racism is infused in the entire baking industry.


Are you saying that racism is baked in the industry?

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This is the kind of noise that is growing and being promoted by progressives. I can only believe that it's some kind of socio-political shell game that black students have been encouraged to develop.


The subtext I hear under all progressive blabber is "I don't get a trophy, and we have to change the rules until I get a trophy". Here it's "we have to change the rules of science, because we don't win often enough. It must be wrong!".




What the......We need to go back and relearn everything about science so Africans can catch up? What does that even mean?

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What the......We need to go back and relearn everything about science so Africans can catch up? What does that even mean?


It isn't just the ideas that are ridiculous, it's also the way the conference is run.


I can only hope that BLM creates some kind of "South African Exodus Plan", where they can return to Africa, to a well-developed nation, where they can show the world how a country should be run.

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This is the kind of noise that is growing and being promoted by progressives. I can only believe that it's some kind of socio-political shell game that black students have been encouraged to develop.


The subtext I hear under all progressive blabber is "I don't get a trophy, and we have to change the rules until I get a trophy". Here it's "we have to change the rules of science, because we don't win often enough. It must be wrong!".




Not near quickly enough. There appears to be enough of them on the bottom to feed the top for a while, and some are getting pretty fat.


I couldn't finish. I'm even surprised I got through "This is a progressive space for people to share there opinions..." Yeah, as though your opinion that science is invalid because it can't explain something it can disprove is worth a wet ****. News flash: not all opinions are created equal, ESPECIALLY the ones that claim science needs to be "decolonized" because it disrespects witchcraft. :wallbash: You want to decolonize science? Go have your conference in an unlit mud hut somewhere without any youtube access, while you watch your food spoil, half your children die before the age of 5, and your elderly infirm parents get left out for the hyenas. (Yes, that last was an honest-to-God practice in parts of sub-Saharan Africa within living memory.)


"Decolonize science." &#33;@#&#036;ing idiots. I can't wait for the zombie apocalypse...these people will be the first to go. "We need to decolonize science and recognize these so-called 'undead' as another minority oppressed by Western philosophy..." <THWACK> [/Daryl shoots moron with crossbow.]

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I couldn't finish. I'm even surprised I got through "This is a progressive space for people to share there opinions..." Yeah, as though your opinion that science is invalid because it can't explain something it can disprove is worth a wet ****. News flash: not all opinions are created equal, ESPECIALLY the ones that claim science needs to be "decolonized" because it disrespects witchcraft. :wallbash: You want to decolonize science? Go have your conference in an unlit mud hut somewhere without any youtube access, while you watch your food spoil, half your children die before the age of 5, and your elderly infirm parents get left out for the hyenas. (Yes, that last was an honest-to-God practice in parts of sub-Saharan Africa within living memory.)


"Decolonize science." !@#$ing idiots. I can't wait for the zombie apocalypse...these people will be the first to go. "We need to decolonize science and recognize these so-called 'undead' as another minority oppressed by Western philosophy..." <THWACK> [/Daryl shoots moron with crossbow.]

And you told me its safe to come hear today in the Shoutbox. :beer:

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It isn't just the ideas that are ridiculous, it's also the way the conference is run.


I can only hope that BLM creates some kind of "South African Exodus Plan", where they can return to Africa, to a well-developed nation, where they can show the world how a country should be run.


Yeah the way it was run was atrocious. I am not sure of the context of the panel, but it's as if a group of kids got together with their minds set on pushing their crappy agenda, and when people object to the lunacy they go "HA! see I caught you! You want to oppress our views!!!!". No, we just went to suppress the idiocy so we can get real work done.


Don't get me wrong, groupthink is a thing that can happen, but the "panel" themselves are more of a case of it than someone objecting to witchcraft being scientific :lol:

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