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Greg Hardy Pursuing an MMA Career

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Presented without comment: Former Cowboy/Panther DE Greg Hardy is transitioning to MMA fighting.



Interesting. I believe Shawne Merriman considered it, but ultimately decided to stick to training and a partnership with his apparel company.

Merriman said he briefly considered several offers to take MMA fights after his NFL career ended in 2012. Though he hesitated when asked if it was still a possibility, Merriman doesn’t foresee putting on the gloves for a professional fight.

“I would say (the door is) closed,” the 32-year-old said. “It’s a different kind of dedication you need to have and I respect the sport way too much to half-ass my way into it.”


just saw that come across my bleechers tea stream app

hope he get his A$$ beaten in his first match.


I kind of see Hardy as a classic bully and I wonder how well he'll fare against people who are accustomed to fighting, similar size and weight, and fully empowered to punch and kick back. But I could be wrong.

Edited by Hapless Bills Fan
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I saw one of those average Joe shows where Chuck Liddell went up against an Army hand-to-hand combat instructor. Chuck submitted the Army guy 3 times in under 10 seconds. An NFL DL who beats up women doesn't stand a chance against a real MMA fighter.

Edited by Freddie's Dead
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