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Kaepernick to start on Sunday

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The Bills should take the same approach defensively vs Kaep that they did with Brissett. Similar strengths/weaknesses. They need to -ahem- make him be a quarterback. He's not accurate and not good from the pocket. If you let him run the read option you are in trouble. Especially with Hyde. He's outstanding as a blocker and runner in that scheme.


Perfect suggestion. And Brissett is better than Kaep currently. Further, Blunt is better than Hyde. We should shut them out/hold them to FG's. If not, the D should be embarrassed. (unless they are on the field all day b/c the offense keeps going 3 and out)

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He's going to get booed; he plays for the other team.


And by the way, just as he's free to kneel during the national anthem, fans are free to boo him for believing that he's misguided by doing so.


If you want to discuss the finer points of the topic, head on over to PPP; there's a massive thread there.

Well played my friend!!! I hope the fans don't BOO him LOL

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I hope bills fans don't be stupid and boo Kap just for his actions


And realize he's actually standing up for something that's very important


I hope the Bills fans boo the living daylights out of him. Even liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsberg thinks Kap is a total moron for going about it this way. People who disagree with him have every right to boo.

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Perfect suggestion. And Brissett is better than Kaep currently. Further, Blunt is better than Hyde. We should shut them out/hold them to FG's. If not, the D should be embarrassed. (unless they are on the field all day b/c the offense keeps going 3 and out)


Unless Kaep gets some Popeye level muscling up from eating some kind of PED laced spinach, I don't think he's going to be much to worry about. Between becoming a vegan, and putting his politics above his profession, it doesn't seem like he's had much focus on football, and I'm willing to bet it shows this week.

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sent him a pm reminding him ppp goes to PPP when the last thread was up. Tried being nice


I proper mod gropey, though


Why don't you just get it over with and run for mod? Make TBD Great Again.

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Yeah, i've not watched ESPN regularly in years, since they started to trend away from sports and towards social issues, and the constant harping on race issues in particular. I'm not the only one either, they're losing subscribers by the millions




Why pay good money for a cable package for sports when the flagship sports station is more concerned with trying to make you feel bad about some social issue that's being beat to death in 1000 other places, than broadcasting sporting events?


They've also ruined the magazine with this crap too. I used to pay for insider, in part because I really liked ESPN mag, but it's gotten so SJW that I dropped insider this year just to avoid getting the magazine


ESPN is a total disaster of a station. Whatever your views on any "social issue," ESPN long-ago stopped with sports and got into garbage programming. Whether it's a extra soapy behind the scenes look at a players life, or some HS team, I just want new on what is going on in the world of sports. You want to be a social commentator, great, go work for a news outlet. You want to analyze sports, go to a sports station.

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Why don't you just get it over with and run for mod? Make TBD Great Again.

that's not a haiku. So It doesn't work...


Are you going to any game this year? Thinking of going to pats game and getting randes seats.

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Unless Kaep gets some Popeye level muscling up from eating some kind of PED laced spinach, I don't think he's going to be much to worry about. Between becoming a vegan, and putting his politics above his profession, it doesn't seem like he's had much focus on football, and I'm willing to bet it shows this week.


I think there's a difference between Civil Rights and "politics," no?


What does becoming a vegan have to do with focusing on football?


I do agree that he shouldn't be much to worry about, but your reasoning needs some explanation.

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I hope the Bills fans boo the living daylights out of him. Even liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsberg thinks Kap is a total moron for going about it this way. People who disagree with him have every right to boo.


And when you've lost RBG to your right, it might be time to reflect on where you're standing and what for. Kaep should probably spend a little more time figuring how to be a professional QB and a little less on being a professional victim, though through the magic of the Bills D, he's going to get to be both on Sunday

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that's not a haiku. So It doesn't work...


Are you going to any game this year? Thinking of going to pats game and getting randes seats.


I'll be at next year's opener.


Rande's seats = one of my mortgage payments.

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I'll be at next year's opener.


Rande's seats = one of my mortgage payments.

if you're interested in going to pats/bills hit me up. I have your new number somewhere. They were not bad, got them for opener. 1 ticket $130, or so
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if you're interested in going to pats/bills hit me up. I have your new number somewhere. They were not bad, got them for opener. 1 ticket $130, or so


There's really no realistic chance at me making a game at the Oil Can this year. I'll be there for next year's opener, without a doubt.

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Spark? Seriously? I want someone to smash his face for his disrespectful attitude to our flag and country. That punk still thinks it's ok to Neal on the ground like he's knobing His boyfriend.






You realize a flag is just a piece of cloth, right? Get over it.

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Serious question here-- but what if the Bills played the National Anthem in a loop throughout the entire game? Wouldn't Kaep be unable to stand and play? That would pretty much kill his mobility.

Haha. Great post.


It's hilarious how angry people get about him not standing for the anthem. People love to pick and chose how they honor the 1st amendment.


And if you don't think it's worse to play Kaep than Gabbert, you're out of your mind. Kaep has become a qb like Taylor but he is a freak athlete. We should beat him but I would love to see Blaine out there.

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I think there's a difference between Civil Rights and "politics," no?


What does becoming a vegan have to do with focusing on football?


I do agree that he shouldn't be much to worry about, but your reasoning needs some explanation.


If you don't see the overlap between "Civil Rights" in this context, and politics, then I'm not sure I can explain it in this medium. Let's start with the attention seeking behavior, like the pig-as-cop socks he wore at practice (https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/160901-kaepernick-socks-index.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1200). How is that about Civil Rights, and NOT politics?


Secondly, find me a legit sports nutritionist that recommends a vegan diet over a balanced diet that includes animal proteins, for a NFL QB. In my experience, there's a couple kinds of Vegans, and I know plenty. First are ones who are vegan for religious/spiritual reasons, and are often long term. The other group are doing because they're contrarians, and want attention for it. They generally don't stay vegans as long, but while they are, it's the first thing out of their mouths in any conversation. I obviously don't know Colin K, but I'm going to go on and guess he's in the second category.

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