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Kaepernick to start on Sunday

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You're going to love tonight's programming. :lol:


Yeah, i've not watched ESPN regularly in years, since they started to trend away from sports and towards social issues, and the constant harping on race issues in particular. I'm not the only one either, they're losing subscribers by the millions




Why pay good money for a cable package for sports when the flagship sports station is more concerned with trying to make you feel bad about some social issue that's being beat to death in 1000 other places, than broadcasting sporting events?


They've also ruined the magazine with this crap too. I used to pay for insider, in part because I really liked ESPN mag, but it's gotten so SJW that I dropped insider this year just to avoid getting the magazine

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I had heard something on this thread on removing the injury guarantee. As best I can tell, that still hasn't happened.


Keap is likely Chip's ideal QB, but SF @ BUF might be the single worst time to try it. With the Eagles he had Bradford on a rebound. Right now, the Niners have even worse receivers than Philly, and the 31st run defense. Even if Chip can dial up some plays we should be able to grind it in the first half.

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I don't like it at all. The ONLY chance that SF has this weekend is some crazy broken plays and bounces. Those other 2 bums aren't capable of making the plays when things break down that Kaep is. I still think that the Bills win the game but I gave SF 0% chance with Gabbert or Ponder.


Gabbert is pretty athletic and can run but I understand what you're saying. Similar to Tyrod, Kaep has the skills to overcome his lack of passing ability. While we don't have an excellent pass rush it may not be totally necessary as long as we contain and make him have to throw. My entire game plan would be press coverage so he can't rely on the short passing game - my interior lineman stay home and plug any up the middle QB runs - contain him in the pocket and force him to have to throw intermediate and long routes (don't let Hughes get pushed out wide to leave the outside open for running). If he beats us doing that then so be it.

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As a veteran and a strong supporter of the flag, I hope he does play and the defense doesn't hold anything back. I don't want him injured but I do want him to understand what a foolish thing it is to disrespect the flag. Knuckleheads like this need to be treated like knuckleheads.


BTW, I truly am as heartbroken over racial injustice as anyone, but this is not how I would "make a stand". This is a total cop out and only really just makes the divide between black and white even wider. It's just stirring things up and making things worse. You want to make a stand, don't do it by shi**ing on the American flag.


Start a rally, raise money for the families effected by racism, speak up in your church, talk about it every time you get in front of a microphone or camera. There are lots of ways. This stunt is not how you bring people together and solve a problem. Keap is young. Hopefully this is just something he learns from. I really don't think he thought this through. It is my hope that his intentions were truly just about the injustice and not about our flag, country and home.


Sorry guys for the rant. Was getting a bit annoyed by the lack of patriotism on display.

He has donated a lot of money....and he does talk about it.....he has mentioned many times it's not about the flag, the military...etc....he is upset at what he perceives as unjust killings of black men

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He has donated a lot of money....and he does talk about it.....he has mentioned many times it's not about the flag, the military...etc....he is upset at what he perceives as unjust killings of black men


He ought to donate his money for how much he's running his mouth about it. He certainly isn't earning that money through his play.

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Not sure if this is being discussed but one of the reasons he's not been playing is because he became vegan and lost weight and was very weak. He hasn't had time to fix that. There is a good chance the Bills D are going to hurt him.


Even more reason to dislike the guy.


Go eat some granola, scrub.

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He has donated a lot of money....and he does talk about it.....he has mentioned many times it's not about the flag, the military...etc....he is upset at what he perceives as unjust killings of black men

Yet aren't 99% of black man deaths by other black men?

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Not sure if this is being discussed but one of the reasons he's not been playing is because he became vegan and lost weight and was very weak. He hasn't had time to fix that. There is a good chance the Bills D are going to hurt him.


I could see him sitting around in a torn sweater, crying with his mascara on his cheeks looking at pictures of sheep headed to slaughter. :lol:

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Will they defend that much differently? Gabbert, although not considered a running QB, has the most rushing attempts for QBs. So the Bills know the QB is going to run.


Chip is again running the fastest offense in the NFL, so the Bills know they are going to be quick.


I think the Bills pretty much know what they are going to get in terms of Offense from the 9ers, the only thing Kaep brings is being a better runner.


Still, there is film on both Chips offense and Kaep, so you would think none of this should come as a surprise to the Bills.

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Will they defend that much differently? Gabbert, although not considered a running QB, has the most rushing attempts for QBs. So the Bills know the QB is going to run.


Chip is again running the fastest offense in the NFL, so the Bills know they are going to be quick.


I think the Bills pretty much know what they are going to get in terms of Offense from the 9ers, the only thing Kaep brings is being a better runner.


Still, there is film on both Chips offense and Kaep, so you would think none of this should come as a surprise to the Bills.

I agree, same offense......Kaep has stronger arm but very inaccurate....plus their OL is not that great

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