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Debate 2: The Town Hall

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I'm convinced that Bill and Trump have slapped hi-fives at a country club, in a suite filled with top rate hookers. Trump had been a Clinton supporter. Hillary probably loathes Bill, and winced whenever he would be hanging out with Trump. But then, Hillary has Huma to comfort her.


Don't know about hookers...but other than that, there is almost no !@#$ing way they haven't acted like that together.

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This just shows that you know nothing of how the supreme court works. They don't act to proactively benefit society, but instead to defend liberties. There's a difference.


In all fairness, when has baskin ever asked a question that led to anything other than baskin (1) mocking the answer regardless of who good it is, (2) mocking the source of the answers regardless of how good they are or (3) disappearing for a few days until he pops back up with another stupid question that shows how little he knows about anything.

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For Young Voters, ‘Hope and Change’ Is Dead.


“Every election year, these politicians are sent up here to pacify us. You’ve been hoodwinked. Bamboozled,” to coin a phrase.



And yet the Atlantic insists they must vote for Obama’s would-be successor.


I'll take another Great Depression to work our way out of, over another Great Depression with the demographics of the country irrevocably altered.

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In all fairness, when has baskin ever asked a question that led to anything other than baskin (1) mocking the answer regardless of who good it is, (2) mocking the source of the answers regardless of how good they are or (3) disappearing for a few days until he pops back up with another stupid question that shows how little he knows about anything.


At least he's consistent.

Edited by Azalin
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Two thoughts I had watching the debate:


The GOP did the tape to push Trump into going after Bill and her. I think judging by the first debate, he wasn't going to go there. Just needed a little push because they knew the Democrats couldn't resist walking into it.


I bet you in this upcoming debate she will do her damnedest to stay positive and Bill won't be there for whatever reason they make up. She can't hang with Trump in a slugfest with Fox moderators.


I think the Democrats are content to run out the clock and the last thing they'd do is provoke Trump into going after Bill. That's why I think you'll see the Clinton rhetoric about women go away as we close in on that third debate. She doesn't want the last debate to be spent defending the indefensible and have the optics of trying to laugh and quip her way out of topics like rape, affairs, etc. IMO, she looked terrible smiling all the time about Bill's past and her emails - as if the women in the front row were all liars.


I agree too that Trump didn't want to really go after Bill either, partially out of the fact that both men had their kids there and that at some point, Trump and Clinton were friends.


That's why I think the GOP sat on this tape and deployed it themselves. Aren't you surprised it didn't come out in the primaries?

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I don't know why Trump isn't pounding her on Benghazi, the tape lie and the lies to the families.

Maybe because he lies just as much if not more. Just count the tics/sniffles...


You want her to come out and say that they use pawns as pawns... We effed up. She already said she effed up. Of course you do, you hate her. Big deal. Of course I can say it: Crap happens.

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