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Jerry Jones

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I just saw him make that comment on the replay of NFL Total Access.....it baffles me why he'd even bring up Buffalo. Why does our team even register on his radar? Doesn't he have enough to worry about with the Eagles, Giants, and Skins?


By the way, anyone else just become more of a Gregg Williams fan? Cowboys/Skins games just got a whole lot more interesting.

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What a piece of work .Did anyone catch his dig on us ? Said Buffalo`s  loss was there gain,and that this gives them the chance to reach the super bowl faster than us.I think old leather face should keep his mouth shut ,because his face look`s like it`s ready toEXPLODE :unsure:




I'll take that bet Jerry.

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Jerry was against this deal from the beginning but the Tuna gets his way! Whats the guy supposed to say--Yeah I know Drews washed up but Bill told me I had to do it or elsse he wouldn't let me show up at the stadium on Sundays!--bottom line the guy isn't happy but he cant come out and say it.



Hey Jerry---velcroe on a set of NUTS and tell Bill how it's gonna be :blush:

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