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Hurricane Matthew -Pray for our Nations Finest at GITMO

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A big ass tropical storm, along with Hermine.

I know about Colin, must of missed the Hermaine thing.


My son's friend's mother was swept out to sea by TS Colin. She was on vacation in Florida after school let out. Her son graduated HS w/my Boy. She drowned. WTF she was doing so close to the ocean during a major tropical storm is beyond me... But sad never the less. :-(

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Took the boat out of the water today. Havent done that in years, but a Cat 4 will do that to ya.


Hitting us Friday into Saturday.


There go all my shrimp again this year. Exactly one yr Saturday is when Charleston got hit with 25inches of rain.

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Took the boat out of the water today. Havent done that in years, but a Cat 4 will do that to ya.


Hitting us Friday into Saturday.


There go all my shrimp again this year. Exactly one yr Saturday is when Charleston got hit with 25inches of rain.

Be safe down there!

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I live in Columbia SC. My wife is a teacher and her district cancelled school for the rest of the week so the schools can be prepped as evacuation sites for the folks on the coast. Grocery stores are already getting crazy too.

My daughter graduated from USC in May and had tickets for the Georgia game, flying from NY to get there. She is on pins and needles since they haven't determined if the game is a go or not.

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Latest track has it hugging Florida/Georgia and turning out to sea. Still bad news for Flordia up to South Carolina, but maybe sparing the rest of the East Coast


So can my neighborhood still have our hurricane drinking party this weekend?

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I have a bad vibe about this one, hope I am wrong... Just saw the weather.com video about Okeechobee and how it is way too high right now. With a huge storm, the levee surrounding the lake and containing the water, is at risk of going over and rupturing. Second biggest freshwater lake in US... It is the size of Rhode Island.



This is what is Bearing down on my Wife and Kids, as I am stationed at FT Hood unable to help except talk my wife through all the prep.

May they stay safe. My sister lives within a mile of the ocean in St.Lucie... She's a nurse and volunteered to work through storm... Her husband is heading more north to stay with his son.

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I live just north of Orlando, and they are talking about winds from 60-80 mph this far inland, and total devastation for the entire east coast of Florida.


I've lived in Florida nearly my whole life(30+ years), and I have never been so concerned about a storm.


Our biggest concern inland will be wind damage and large power outages...people on the coast could lose everything.


Keep us Florida Bills fans in mind over the next 48 hours or so.

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