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Hurley was on the TV...not sure if it was a commercial though, may have been a newscast or a reality show.



Can read the spoilers above if you want more info. But the translation of the Korean on the TV screen when showing Hurley is "Big Winner Los Angeles Ca.". This according to a korean dude on another board

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Anyone else have that nagging feeling that Jin understands English too? I kept thinking that the whole episode, and then at the end, when his Father tells him to move to America, there is his chance, and to do that, he needs to know English. What do you think?

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Anyone else have that nagging feeling that Jin understands English too? I kept thinking that the whole episode, and then at the end, when his Father tells him to move to America, there is his chance, and to do that, he needs to know English. What do you think?



Yeah I've suspected that all along. And when Sun yells at him in English and tells him about wanting to leave him I'm pretty sure he understood.

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Anyone else have that nagging feeling that Jin understands English too? I kept thinking that the whole episode, and then at the end, when his Father tells him to move to America, there is his chance, and to do that, he needs to know English. What do you think?




I heard from a Spoiler that he actually used to work at a hamburger joint over in Korea. Its basically the same as Chinese restaurants over here. He understands engrish.

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Anyone else have that nagging feeling that Jin understands English too? I kept thinking that the whole episode, and then at the end, when his Father tells him to move to America, there is his chance, and to do that, he needs to know English. What do you think?



Yep. My thoughts exactly.

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Definitely another good episode.


Nice ploy by the show with the music ending, at first I thought there was a problem with my tv's audio. Sure enough, it was just Hurley's batteries dying.


I knew Walt was the one who burned the boat down. What a way for him to pay back his dad, after saving his life from the polar bear, and then giving him his old drawings. "Yeah my dad is cool, I think I'll go burn his boat down, because I want to stay here." What a great kid.


Sawyer has many nicknames for people, i'm sure you heard him cal Jin "Bruce". He called Sun, "Betty". That nickname I do not understand, any one else understand it?


It was a great backstory on Jin. One of the more ineteresting backstories I've seen on this show.


Looking forward to next week. It is going to suck when the show ends this season. After watching "Alias" all this time, I know that J.J. Abrams loves to have his shows end their season with a major cliffhanger. No doubt he will do that here.

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Sawyer has many nicknames for people, i'm sure you heard him cal Jin "Bruce". He called Sun, "Betty". That nickname I do not understand, any one else understand it?



Bruce is obviously a reference to Bruce Lee, and Betty is a reference to the "Japanese Betty"...it's what WWII pilots called Japanese Bombers that were the terror of the skies in the Pacific.


Sawyer is big into the racial stereotypes.

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Right, forgot to ask. Does anyone know how Jack's father dies? I missed the ep, but have read that his coffin was on the plane, and that it was empty (was that in a dream sequence?) Anybody think Sawyer may have gone back and given him what-for for suggesting he go kill the shrimp-stand guy, or to get rid of him as a possible witness?


Also, was anyone curious when Locke asked Jack about Claire's amnesia, like what the odds of something like that happening, and it seemed more like he was asking about his own miraculous recovery.


Yeah I've suspected that all along.  And when Sun yells at him in English and tells him about wanting to leave him I'm pretty sure he understood.



I don't know about that. If my wife suddenly started speaking Russian, I'd probably turn around and look with about the same expression. I could well be wrong. Jin is a very proud man, in the worst sense of the word.


I knew Walt was the one who burned the boat down. What a way for him to pay back his dad, after saving his life from the polar bear, and then giving him his old drawings. "Yeah my dad is cool, I think I'll go burn his boat down, because I want to stay here." What a great kid.


For those who hold to the Walt-controls-the-universe theory, they're going to be sorely mistaken in the season finale. That's all I'll say. Probably will be a major cliffhanger. And from the sounds of it, the writers are still making up the storylines. Maybe there is a "bible," but it's pretty generalized.

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Does anyone know how Jack's father dies?


And from the sounds of it, the writers are still making up the storylines. Maybe there is a "bible," but it's pretty generalized.



Jacks father died literally from booze (according to the Doctors when Jack came to get him). But it's not out of the realm of possibility that Sawyer played a role in his death...


Here's how a Bible works. The head writer/producer (JJ Abrams) plots out the entire series (season by season). This means the entire arc of the season. They are HUGE documents, for TV shows literally 100s of pages. Very, very detailed.


What isn't done (for the most part) is dialogue and exact characterizations. Then, each writer is assigned characters (for example, I know the same writer created Clair, Locke and Sawyer) and fits him into the bible.


So they aren't "making things up as they go", it's all well planned before shooting ever begins. Sometimes they make changes (for example, Hurly was never supposed to be a big character, but JJ liked him so much, he expanded his role...), but if they decided Walt was the controller of this universe, they wouldn't suddenly change it just to throw a curveball at the viewers. That is the point of having a Bible, to avoid that sort of hackneyed job.


So Abrams knows where he is going, and he has also said that it is a 3 season arc...which means don't expect any real answers anytime soon.

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Right, forgot to ask. Does anyone know how Jack's father dies? I missed the ep, but have read that his coffin was on the plane, and that it was empty (was that in a dream sequence?) Anybody think Sawyer may have gone back and given him what-for for suggesting he go kill the shrimp-stand guy, or to get rid of him as a possible witness?


Also, was anyone curious when Locke asked Jack about Claire's amnesia, like what the odds of something like that happening, and it seemed more like he was asking about his own miraculous recovery.

I don't know about that. If my wife suddenly started speaking Russian, I'd probably turn around and look with about the same expression. I could well be wrong. Jin is a very proud man, in the worst sense of the word.

For those who hold to the Walt-controls-the-universe theory, they're going to be sorely mistaken in the season finale. That's all I'll say. Probably will be a major cliffhanger. And from the sounds of it, the writers are still making up the storylines. Maybe there is a "bible," but it's pretty generalized.



I belive Jack's father drank himself to death. And remember, the coffin was empty when Jack found it on the island. That's doesn't mean it was empty when it was loaded onto the plane. And no, I don't think Sawyer went back after him, though we still don't know why Sawyer was getting hauled into the police station (as seen in the Boone backstory).

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I belive Jack's father drank himself to death.  And remember, the coffin was empty when Jack found it on the island.  That's doesn't mean it was empty when it was loaded onto the plane.  And no, I don't think Sawyer went back after him, though we still don't know why Sawyer was getting hauled into the police station (as seen in the Boone backstory).



I am betting that Sawyer was in jail because he was carrying a weapon. Just a total guess though, the guy he bought the gun from made such a big point about it being illegal and all.

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(for example, I know the same writer created Clair, Locke and Sawyer)



Just curious, not criticizing...but how do you know? You just pick that up somewhere as a tidbit of info, or are you actually involved in the industry, or what?

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but if they decided Walt was the controller of this universe, they wouldn't suddenly change it just to throw a curveball at the viewers. That is the point of having a Bible, to avoid that sort of hackneyed job.


Couldn't the 'bible' essentially say something like, "make the appearance that Walt controls the world, only to see that in actuality ..." ?

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Just curious, not criticizing...but how do you know?  You just pick that up somewhere as a tidbit of info, or are you actually involved in the industry, or what?



I'm a wannabe screenwriter (read: broke), so I pay attention to all the industry stuff. I have made friends with a couple screenwriters and producers who keep me up on all the inside stuff.


I don't know anyone on LOST though, I just have seen Abrams Bible for Felicity so I know how detailed that guy is with his character arcs and such.


Basically I'm a nerd when it comes to learning as much as possible about the industry

Edited by tgreg99
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Couldn't the 'bible' essentially say something like, "make the appearance that Walt controls the world, only to see that in actuality ..."  ?



Absolutely. UConn may be totally on the nose with his assessment. I don't know where the show is heading, I just know that where ever it goes, it was planned out (in detail) long before the show made it to production. It's one of the few shows that does that.


For example, 24 (another show I love) doesn't do this...and I think that hurts the show. They are usually a couple episodes ahead but leave tons of room for the writers and producers to add characters or plot lines if other ones are dragging (or if the public just hates certain aspects of the show).

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There's been speculation on this website, by me and others, that Lost is over-cluttered with commercials. So I taped the episode last night and came up with a showtime of 42:06 including end-credits and next week's preview. The show was supposed to run from 8:00-9:03 according to my Adelphia Digital Cable Box.


This gives you a 33.1% commercial time to show time ratio.


Now I've heard many times in the past, most recently with the release of the Seinfeld box set, that the average sitcom has a showtime of 23:30 out of a 30 min slot.


This gives you a ratio of 21.7% commercial time to show time ratio.


So Lost seems to have 53.1% more commercials than the average show.

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There's been speculation on this website, by me and others, that Lost is over-cluttered with commercials.  So I taped the episode last night and came up with a showtime of 42:06 including end-credits and next week's preview.  The show was supposed to run from 8:00-9:03 according to my Adelphia Digital Cable Box. 


This gives you a 33.1% commercial time to show time ratio.


Now I've heard many times in the past, most recently with the release of the Seinfeld box set,  that the average sitcom has a showtime of 23:30 out of a 30 min slot.


This gives you a ratio of 21.7% commercial time to show time ratio.


So Lost seems to have 53.1% more commercials than the average show.




24 on DVD has about a 42 minute run time. Lost is about the same...so I don't think it's that overdone.


Still, it would be much better if this show were on HBO. :blush:

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I don't know about that. If my wife suddenly started speaking Russian, I'd probably turn around and look with about the same expression. I could well be wrong. Jin is a very proud man, in the worst sense of the word.




I'm not talking about the time where she yelled out at the beach and revealed that she spoke English to everyone. I'm talking about when they were having the conversation at the caves and she told him all that stuff about wanting to leave him and she was speaking English. He might not be fluent, but he definately understood what she was saying to him then.

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