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Well, getting back to brass tacks, how in the heckfire could the bridge support Hurley and not Charlie? That's one that boggles the mind, unless it took a while for a rope to become totally unfrayed.


Then, who built the bridge? Looked a lot older than 16 years for Danielle's party to have put up. That combined w/ the existing signal that sidetracked the expedition, this island has likely seen several crashes. Bermuda Triangle, the Pacific version?



I was assuming Hurley just "loosened" it for Charlie. I thought it was interesting how they met back up so easily after that though. If it was that easy to get across, why build a bridge?

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S&B, could you guys take it to PM, or a better solution, just not respond to each other for a while? Perhaps voluntarily delete? You know what they say about cooler heads.



They like the attention...

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I was assuming Hurley just "loosened" it for Charlie.  I thought it was interesting how they met back up so easily after that though.  If it was that easy to get across, why build a bridge?



Maybe an escape route. You have to get around quick on the island, so the carnivorous giraffe doesn't getcha. :doh:


But that would imply that the big monster, assuming it's not a polar bear b/c that would be so anti-climactic, was already there before Danielle. Bermuda Triangle/The Lost World?


For those w/ Tivo, what book was Sawyer reading?

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I was assuming Hurley just "loosened" it for Charlie.  I thought it was interesting how they met back up so easily after that though.  If it was that easy to get across, why build a bridge?



Maybe to avoid polar bears and wild boars? It is rather strange how these people seem to so comfortably travel back and forth from the beach to the cave knowing such threats exist. Also, they seemed to get past the torching of the first boat / raft a little quick. Fights also seem to be forgotten fairly quickly. At some point Danielle cracked. Who is next? Nobody seems to be significantly traumatized by the whole ordeal. I wonder if disease may soon play a factor with the people or the dog. The creators have reasons for including many of the details. Why is the dog included?

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the book that sawyer was reading was "A Wrinkle in Time"....


go forth and analzye



Man, we were forced to read that book in 5th grade. Couldn't follow it to save my life, and I hated it. I might give it another shot now, though.

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sparknotes version of the book's summary:




several interesting points in here that could tie in to future episodes


Wow - great find. Everyone who likes lost and who hasn't read that book, or hasn't read it in a long time should read that. Takes a minute or two.

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also, i have been going back and watching old episodes just to rehash some things out and see how things are tying together. since there isn't a new episode for a few weeks, i figure i'd let everyone in (if you didn't know already) on a GREAT source for downloading TV shows...especially LOST. the shows are recorded in HD, so quality is DEF not an issue and the file size is approx. 350 MB. with a good connection it should take 2 hours tops to download an episode.


first, you need a program to download torrents. http://www.bitlord.com has a free program to do that with no spyware.


second, go to http://www.tvtorrents.com/ and click on the TV show, then the episode you want to download. save the torrent (file) to your desktop then open it using the bitlord program. bada bing, bada boom...you have yourself past edisodes of you favorite tv shows!!!

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Wow - great find. Everyone who likes lost and  who hasn't read that book, or hasn't read it in a long time should read that.  Takes a minute or two.



I must say i am intruiged - I wonder if there will be any other literature references along the way that may supply clues.


I have a question for those who have seen all the episodes. A few of you, and I believe a character last night (Charlie?), referenced a carniverous giraffe. Is there really a giraffe on the island? Is this the monster? Or is the monster the polar bear? I just need clarification. I have only read espisode summaries and saw the last three episodes.

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also, i have been going back and watching old episodes just to rehash some things out and see how things are tying together.  since there isn't a new episode for a few weeks, i figure i'd let everyone in (if you didn't know already) on a GREAT source for downloading TV shows...especially LOST.  the shows are recorded in HD, so quality is DEF not an issue and the file size is approx. 350 MB.  with a good connection it should take 2 hours tops to download an episode.


first, you need a program to download torrents.  http://www.bitlord.com has a free program to do that with no spyware. 


second, go to http://www.tvtorrents.com/ and click on the TV show, then the episode you want to download.  save the torrent (file) to your desktop then open it using the bitlord program.  bada bing, bada boom...you have yourself past edisodes of you favorite tv shows!!!



If that works, you're my hero.

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I must say i am intruiged - I wonder if there will be any other literature references along the way that may supply clues.


I have a question for those who have seen all the episodes. A few of you, and I believe a character last night (Charlie?), referenced a carniverous giraffe. Is there really a giraffe on the island? Is this the monster? Or is the monster the polar bear? I just need clarification. I have only read espisode summaries and saw the last three episodes.




Nobody knows what the monster is but Charlie said giraffe because in the first episode where it takes the pilot right out of the plane and sounds VERY LARGE, he assumed that the monster must be very tall.


My first thought was T-Rex but apparently, thats not the case.

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I must say i am intruiged - I wonder if there will be any other literature references along the way that may supply clues.



Speaking of literary references...


I know we talked about Locke in comparison to the philosopher John Locke, but did anyone discuss Russeau? I didn't catch that the french chick's name was Russeau. I think that is very enlightening considering the French chick's character.


Here's a summary of the Social Contract:

"The Social Contract" describes the relationship of man with society. Contrary to his earlier work, Rousseau claimed that the state of nature is brutish condition without law or morality, and that there are good men only a result of society's presence. In the state of nature, man is prone to be in frequent competition with his fellow men. Because he can be more successful facing threats by joining with other men, he has the impetus to do so. He joins together with his fellow men to form the collective human presence known as "society." "The Social Contract" is the "compact" agreed to among men that sets the conditions for membership in society.


Maybe this has been discussed earlier, but I missed it if it has. But the differences between Locke and Russeau (the characters and their real life counterparts) will become a part of this show I think...thoughts?

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Then, who built the bridge? Looked a lot older than 16 years for Danielle's party to have put up. That combined w/ the existing signal that sidetracked the expedition, this island has likely seen several crashes. Bermuda Triangle, the Pacific version?



What's more worriesome than a bridge is the admission that there is a "radio tower" on the island. If it does exist, and if it was transmitting the numbers, the question is who began that transmission and why? If it was purley supernatural, then why would there be a radio tower? Maybe this is a man-made creation....?

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Well, getting back to brass tacks, how in the heckfire could the bridge support Hurley and not Charlie? That's one that boggles the mind, unless it took a while for a rope to become totally unfrayed.



Didnt that guys wife who was in the navy say that her husband felt that the numbers brought bad luck to those around him and not him...ie:she lost a leg in the car accident he walked away from(head on collison with a semi truck)


So I would say that the numbers bring good luck to those who use them and bad luck to those around the user

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