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yeah, what the hell was that all about ? he's doing korean can commercials???



Do you think it was a commercial? I couldn't tell if it was a News report (like he was a criminal) or if it was some sort of reality show...it was odd.


But very cool.

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Do you think it was a commercial? I couldn't tell if it was a News report (like he was a criminal) or if it was some sort of reality show...it was odd.


But very cool.


Looked like a news report to me.


Jin is awesome; great backstory. This is the second episode of Lost that made me want to call my dad right after it ended (the other being Michael's).

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funny, i thought "man, where does he keep getting batteries from?"

then - "son of a B word"





I was thinking the same thing!


Plus, if you have noticed, they end each episode with a shot of the person "next up" in terms of a back story...


So I think next week's will most certainly revolve around the rotund one.

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Who was doing the commercial? I didn't even catch it....


Interesting ep that made me both like and hate Jin. Liked his answer to the father, after he agrees to work for him and he's accused of giving up his dreams so easily --- "She is my dream." On the island he finally has a chance to start over, as Sun puts it, and he leaves for spite. Yet another inadequate father figure. Two, actually, altho I was pissed when he says he was "ashamed" of his father b/c he's a fisherman and instead said he was dead. Cultural difference where there is no such thing as marrying outside of your family's social/econ class.


Sawyer made mention of my "Lord of the Flies" reading.... :D Tho it's probably wrong. Boone is emerging as the Island's very own Ed.


So, Walt burned the boat. Can say this fits in the Walt controls the universe theory. I think it's wrong. At this point, all of these things can be explained (OK, except for the carnivorous giraffe that got the pilot). The turning point has yet to come where anything can really be deduced.


Read somewhere that the Flash comic book that had the polar bear was about him and Green Lantern attacking an alien that was actually there benevolently.... Here's something interesting too, rumor is this was created by the creators of the show.


Next week's is about Hurley. That really had me in stitches at the end. SOB! :unsure:

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perhaps the central theme of this series is that we are all LOST without our fathers.


Think about it (I'm bad with remembering names) the doctor's father died

the bald hunter claims at the end of this episode that his father was not cool (he said it in a way that there is bad blood there)

the list goes on...


What do you think?

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perhaps the central theme of this series is that we are all LOST without our fathers.


Think about it (I'm bad with remembering names) the doctor's father died

the bald hunter claims at the end of this episode that his father was not cool (he said it in a way that there is bad blood there)

the list goes on...


What do you think?



Good thought. You might be onto something.

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Another fascinating episode with a couple interesting twists.


As soon as I saw Hurley on the TV, I was wondering how long it would take before someone posted about it. Not very long I see. :unsure: And he was definately getting into a car in that shot.


Next week should be great, though I worry that about it being a bit cheesy. Trip wires and explosions?!? Hmmm...I have faith in this show, so I'll just have to wait and see.


I am very much looking forward to Hurley's backstory. I think its going to be a shocker. I'm thinking that he's some kind of headcase too, and the fact that his batteries died leaving him without music (as in "music soothes the savage beast") is the start of his downfall.


The Jin and Sun story was fantastic. It's interesting that it looks like they both will benefit from the new start the island is providing them. Sun gets to finally be herself, without the incredible restraints Jin put on her. And he gets the fresh start he was looking for...perhaps as a stronger and more prominent member of the island male allstars.


And it was a show of fresh starts as Shannon essentially admits to Sayid that Boone was right about her, and that with him things start anew.


Can't wait for next week!


I think we are also going to see Locke and Walt become more intertwined as each continues to manipulate the islands characters and plotlines.

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perhaps the central theme of this series is that we are all LOST without our fathers.


Think about it (I'm bad with remembering names) the doctor's father died

the bald hunter claims at the end of this episode that his father was not cool (he said it in a way that there is bad blood there)

the list goes on...


What do you think?



Good call Nick...I think you might be right.

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perhaps the central theme of this series is that we are all LOST without our fathers.


Think about it (I'm bad with remembering names) the doctor's father died

the bald hunter claims at the end of this episode that his father was not cool (he said it in a way that there is bad blood there)

the list goes on...


What do you think?



That's kind of what I was getting at.... something along the lines of the need for positive parental role models. And the islanders all seem to have had none.


Don't forget Sawyer's father. And Kate and the farmer guy seemed to be a father figure/protector relationship. Sounds like Boone and Shannon were absent a father, or had a stepfather that didn't shiv a git. Michael (tho this seemed to turn around but then we discover that Walt burned his boat) and... oo... what was the guy's name who didn't want Walt....


Next week should be great, though I worry that about it being a bit cheesy. Trip wires and explosions?!? Hmmm...I have faith in this show, so I'll just have to wait and see.


Looked like Danielle will be making a return appearance. Sayid had been helping on the boat, pro'ly gets back to the maps.

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Another very interesting point is that the korean chick has a SMOKING hot body.... I think that might tell us something ... :D



Except that she has no arse at all. Besides that she's very pretty, and esp. after allowing for the cultural differences, you can understand a little of what Jin might've been thinking.


In the wedding scene where she's changing her dress... they obviously have Wonderbras in Korea. :unsure:


And anybody who wants a lot of good spoilers.... Here you go.

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Except that she has no arse at all. Besides that she's very pretty, and esp. after allowing for the cultural differences, you can understand a little of what Jin might've been thinking.


In the wedding scene where she's changing her dress... they obviously have Wonderbras in Korea. :unsure:


And anybody who wants a lot of good spoilers.... Here you go.



The spoiler stuff re: Hurley is pretty much in line with what we've been talking about here.


Sun is totally hot, and I loved the dress-changing scene. Very sexy.

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