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Drew too shall pass


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There are always going to be fans who have their favorite binky-player. Flutie was a big binky. How many fans did we lose when we cut him? (Or at least SAY there were gone, then slink back later!)


Drew Bledose was the binky for a lot of Bills fans. The kind of fans that NEED a name to follow. The kind of fans who think "I've heard of him...he MUST be good!" The kind of fans that will tell you Tom Brady sucks becuase he was a 6th round draft pick.


Everyone must be feeling a little seller's remorse right now, seeing Drew at the podium with Wonder-coach Bill Parcells, joining the storied Dallas Cowboys. We all see the #1 pick overall, and forget the devastation left in his wake.


I'm listening to WEEI today, and even they were singing the old "surround Bledsoe with good blocking and talented players and he can win" song. Duhhhh!! That's true for most QB's in the NFL. But surround a good QB with good players, and you win a SUPER BOWL!!


We waited 3 years for the light to come on in Drew Bledsoe's head. 3 years waiting for him to "get it." It didn't happen in Buffalo. I honestly don't think it's going to happen in Dallas.


Jerry Jones says the Cowfags will be in the Super Bowl before Buffalo. I say Drew Bledsoe will be wearing another teams colors in 2006...and Bill Parcells will be out of work.



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