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Whaley has been a complete failure as a GM


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I'll never fault the organization for the EJ pick. They didn't have anything that resembled a possible franchise QB, so they took the guy they felt had the best chance.


There are people on this board that absolutely skewer the team for not drafting QBs and taking as many bites at the apple as they need in order to get it right, yet the one time they do pick a QB they get flamed for that as well.


The bigger fault, IMO, is not hedging their bet on EJ and bringing in another potential franchise guy in case he didn't work out.

It was a bad draft for QBs so you don't invest on the best of the bunch and hope he's the savior. They should've kept Fitz and waited until the following year when they could've tried to trade up for Bortles instead of Sammy or picked Derek Carr.

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I'll never fault the organization for the EJ pick. They didn't have anything that resembled a possible franchise QB, so they took the guy they felt had the best chance.


There are people on this board that absolutely skewer the team for not drafting QBs and taking as many bites at the apple as they need in order to get it right, yet the one time they do pick a QB they get flamed for that as well.


The bigger fault, IMO, is not hedging their bet on EJ and bringing in another potential franchise guy in case he didn't work out.

Agreed 100%. All you can really do is judge the guy for how much sense the pick made at the time. Mike Williams was the right pick at #4. Ryan Leaf was the right pick at #2. Whitner? Not the right pick. Troup > Gronkowski, TJ Graham > Russell Wilson? Not the right picks. The Bills were taking a QB at 16 there and I had no problem with them liking Manuel vs. who was out there. And I think Manuel sucks now, obviously. But who would the Bills have taken instead?
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If were being honest here. Outside of maybe 1 or 2 good FA pickups his drafts and personnel decisions have been below average. I see people every day claiming how he is one of the "best GM's in football". What a load of crap. What exactly has this guy done to get that title?


Idc what you say, he drafted EJ. Picking a 1st round QB in possibly the worst QB class in the last 15 years was awful decision making. He then supported EJ and tried to get him weapons, that ended up failing big time. Watkins has been an injury prone nightmare. His 2016 draft has already had 2 guys out for the year and 1 guy who will miss half. Karlos williams was a disaster. Darby has prob been his best pick but he has only had 1 good season.


Our WR depth and oline depth is a complete joke, he has done NOTHING to address this so far. Sammy went into training camp injured and we still didn't pick anyone up. Clay has been a waste of money, and McCoy is aging fast.


Whaley is not the guy that should be staying with this team for the future. We are 1-2 soon to be 1-3 and does anyone really see this team making the playoffs this year? What do we even have to look forward to? Does anyone trust this guy picking another QB in the draft? B/c I don't.


Even before Rex, Whaley should be gone. New GM can find his own staff and scouts.


So what information did YOU have that told YOU that Watkins was going to have injury issues? Because guess what, injuries were NOT a concern about Watkins. But I guess you are fully capable of predicting the future, therefore you expect our GM to also be able to predict the future when there are NO signs of an issue. He was 100% right about Sammys talent, we have had bad luck with him not consistently being healthy...there is no logical argument you can make to blame that on Whaley...not one, so stop.


We traded down to get EJ, so you should pay attention to the whole picture rather than cherry pick the things you want to crush him on. And pretty much is scene as Buddy was behind picking EJ, so decision is not all on Whaley.


And its somehow bad to try and develop a QB by providing him weapons? Especially when we had an ascending defense already and at that time needed to improve the offense? Pretty dumb to think its a mistake to put weapons around your young QB when your offense was devoid of playmakers in the first place.


Karlos Williams was a great pick...The kid made his own decisions that led to his own demise. Again, a GM can only know and predict so much. The man knows talent and found talent late in the draft, and those guys are there late because they do have risks.


McCoy is playing great, why you would choose to complain about him is absurd...and we traded a perennially injured LB for him who has barely played since we traded him.


Lets see, Whaley also found many big contributors in Free Agency, during the season, and in the draft. He also traded a bum for Hughes straight up. He also resigned and kept some of our better players. He also got rid of Marios dumb contract. He also negotiated a great deal with our QB that is both fair to Taylor but not an anchor on this team, something MANY other teams have failed miserably at doing (See 49ers, Cowboys, Bears, Dolphins, etc) with QB's.


And you can only add so many players and fill so many wholes in a season, and when he took this team over it had lots and lots of holes. And we have been drafting guys at WR, we have taken WR's in the drafts all 3 years and got guys like Sammy, Woods and Goodwin, not to mention some of our other young guys. But you can't invest a high pick in a WR every year when you also have other holes. Our draft this year was looking great until bad luck derailed our top 2 guys, but that doesn't mean long term its a failure either.


NO GM is perfect, but your post is very far off from being a fair assessment of his performance as a GM.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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It was a bad draft for QBs so you don't invest on the best of the bunch and hope he's the savior. They should've kept Fitz and waited until the following year when they could've tried to trade up for Bortles instead of Sammy or picked Derek Carr.

Where were you with this information BEFORE the fact? We could have used your keen 20/20 insight.

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That's fair. From my perspective, Kiko for Shady straight up was a good call by Whaley in terms of acquiring playmakers that instantly make your team better. His contract is another story, I agree.


As for Shaq, I guess put me in the crowd that believes he will be worth it when he gets going.


RB is a commodity in todays NFL. He picked up a RB with a ton of miles on him and doubled down by giving him a huge contract. This is not a neagative on McCoy just another instance of Whaley GROSSLY overpaying. The sooner he is gone the better.
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Agreed 100%. All you can really do is judge the guy for how much sense the pick made at the time. Mike Williams was the right pick at #4. Ryan Leaf was the right pick at #2. Whitner? Not the right pick. Troup > Gronkowski, TJ Graham > Russell Wilson? Not the right picks. The Bills were taking a QB at 16 there and I had no problem with them liking Manuel vs. who was out there. And I think Manuel sucks now, obviously. But who would the Bills have taken instead?

Every NFL team has picks that did not pan out but a few picks later some one hits. Troup was a top NT in his draft and, if healthy, would fill a void in the of the defense. NT is more important than a TE. No one could have foreseen Gronk's success. EJ was a pick for need and not for quality. I have no problem with his being drafted. He will never be a starter in the NFL. Over all DW has been a above average GM. Look around the league and see teams mired in mediocrity because of bad GMs. Bills have been snake bitten with injuries and off the field issues.

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It was a bad draft for QBs so you don't invest on the best of the bunch and hope he's the savior. They should've kept Fitz and waited until the following year when they could've tried to trade up for Bortles instead of Sammy or picked Derek Carr.


Except you don't know that. If you knew that they you would be a professional NFL scout. So you didn't know that the draft would be "bad" for every QB in the NFL. You assumed it would be true, but that doesn't make it fact. No one knows...if people knew the future of each player, guys like Brady don't get to the 6th round before being drafted. So just because you didn't feel there was a home run QB in that draft class doesn't mean there was certainly no one worth picking. In fact, multiple QB's still had 1st round grades, some projected in the top half of the first round. They don't get those grades by default because they are a 5th round talent but due to lack of QB depth they just give them a first grade.


Every year its the same thing over and over again..."Next years draft for QB's is so much better". Then when that draft gets here, they say the exact same thing...dont take one this year, next years is better...this happens EVERY SINGLE YEAR. In fact, in the draft before EJ everyone said wait till next year when the QB class is so much better. So this stupid statement that repeats every single year by people who have no idea how to grade a QB as a prospect of "wait til next year" is worth about as much as the bag of crap I picked up from behind my dogs this morning.

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Trading first and fourth round picks to move up to take Sammy was not necessary in a draft with a strong group of WRs. That is a gamble that has not paid off.



Sammy is still the best WR in that draft when healthy. Everyone is always gaga over OBJ, but he is very inconsistent and when Sammy was healthy last year he was uncoverable. OBJ makes those flashy one handed grabs, but Sammy is the more overall talented WR.


So in a great WR class, we got the best WR who at the time did NOT have injury concerns. Cant fault Whaley for getting unlucky on Sammy's health thus far. The kid is special when healthy and if he had been healthy this whole time I would think you would look at the gamble differently on whether it paid off.

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Sammy is still the best WR in that draft when healthy. Everyone is always gaga over OBJ, but he is very inconsistent and when Sammy was healthy last year he was uncoverable. OBJ makes those flashy one handed grabs, but Sammy is the more overall talented WR.


So in a great WR class, we got the best WR who at the time did NOT have injury concerns. Cant fault Whaley for getting unlucky on Sammy's health thus far. The kid is special when healthy and if he had been healthy this whole time I would think you would look at the gamble differently on whether it paid off.

It still doesn't justify what we gave up. He would need to be twice as good as the rest of those guys. He's not.
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Sammy is still the best WR in that draft when healthy. Everyone is always gaga over OBJ, but he is very inconsistent and when Sammy was healthy last year he was uncoverable. OBJ makes those flashy one handed grabs, but Sammy is the more overall talented WR.


So in a great WR class, we got the best WR who at the time did NOT have injury concerns. Cant fault Whaley for getting unlucky on Sammy's health thus far. The kid is special when healthy and if he had been healthy this whole time I would think you would look at the gamble differently on whether it paid off.


You are delusional
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If were being honest here. Outside of maybe 1 or 2 good FA pickups his drafts and personnel decisions have been below average. I see people every day claiming how he is one of the "best GM's in football". What a load of crap. What exactly has this guy done to get that title?


Idc what you say, he drafted EJ. Picking a 1st round QB in possibly the worst QB class in the last 15 years was awful decision making. He then supported EJ and tried to get him weapons, that ended up failing big time. Watkins has been an injury prone nightmare. His 2016 draft has already had 2 guys out for the year and 1 guy who will miss half. Karlos williams was a disaster. Darby has prob been his best pick but he has only had 1 good season.


Our WR depth and oline depth is a complete joke, he has done NOTHING to address this so far. Sammy went into training camp injured and we still didn't pick anyone up. Clay has been a waste of money, and McCoy is aging fast.


Whaley is not the guy that should be staying with this team for the future. We are 1-2 soon to be 1-3 and does anyone really see this team making the playoffs this year? What do we even have to look forward to? Does anyone trust this guy picking another QB in the draft? B/c I don't.


Even before Rex, Whaley should be gone. New GM can find his own staff and scouts.

Because every GM ever could have predicted Sammy's broken foot AND the long timetable for recovery.

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It still doesn't justify what we gave up. He would need to be twice as good as the rest of those guys. He's not.


Im not saying it wasn't a gamble, or even saying we should have made the trade. I was simply stating that he was right on Watkins talent, and the kid had zero injury concerns coming out of college, so no way Whaley knows this is gonna happen with Watkins in terms of health issues. But a 100% Sammy has been outright dominant and exactly what this team needs, its just unfortunate its worked out the way it has.


And again, everyone is judging this all after the fact...going into the draft there were questions about OBJ's size and how it would translate to the NFL, Kelvin was super raw, Cooks was also tiny, etc. Watkins was a significant notch above the other WR prospects during the draft and that is when the decisions were made. You can't hold the unlucky health status over Whaleys head. And all the other top WR's in that draft have also missed significant time.


I mean look at all the wrath people have over Shaq missing time, yet a lot of those same people cry we didn't take OBJ who also had to miss the first part of his rookie season with an injury. lol

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I'm no longer a fan of Whaley, but I wouldn't say he's been a COMPLETE failure. That's a bit much. He has, however, made some absolutely crucial miscalculations.


1. Trading picks to get Sammy. First round picks are gold, and any WR can have injuries that keep them off the field. It was a huge risk - too big IMHO - and now Whaley is paying for it. Watkins can't stay on the field, and who knows who that lost pick would have netted.


2. Not getting a good backup for Watkins this year. He really did nothing to get a backup for a guy who he knew would head into the year still recovering. Really stupid.


3. Not getting adequate depth at TE. Beyond Clay - who has been average - our TEs suck.


These are huge errors that have pretty much prevented us from being competitive this year. Not sure if Whaley will be fired, but these are big problems, and he is the cause.

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I'm no longer a fan of Whaley, but I wouldn't say he's been a COMPLETE failure. That's a bit much. He has, however, made some absolutely crucial miscalculations.


1. Trading picks to get Sammy. First round picks are gold, and any WR can have injuries that keep them off the field. It was a huge risk - too big IMHO - and now Whaley is paying for it. Watkins can't stay on the field, and who knows who that lost pick would have netted.


2. Not getting a good backup for Watkins this year. He really did nothing to get a backup for a guy who he knew would head into the year still recovering. Really stupid.


3. Not getting adequate depth at TE. Beyond Clay - who has been average - our TEs suck.


These are huge errors that have pretty much prevented us from being competitive this year. Not sure if Whaley will be fired, but these are big problems, and he is the cause.

Nope. He went "All In" on EJ 2 years back with zero consequences so he probably will weather this too

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It would be one thing if we gave up those picks for a player that ended up not being very good. Sammmy has shown that he can be awesome when healthy and getting the ball. He just hasnt stayed healthy.


How many "Awesome" games has he had in his career?
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