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For Those Interested In The "Redskins" Trademark Dispute

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I get offended every time I walk down the 'cracker' aisle at the grocery store. Who can I sue?


Personally, I'm offended by the fact that there is a disproportionately large amount of white milk displayed for sale in grocery stores compared to chocolate milk; well beyond the popular understanding of the Caucasian/people-of-color ratios in our population. Add to that the lack of interest in this slight when I bring it to the attention of the dairy department managers. Once the ninth member of the SCOTUS is seated, I'm hoping this matter is addressed and remedied!

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Personally, I'm offended by the fact that there is a disproportionately large amount of white milk displayed for sale in grocery stores compared to chocolate milk; well beyond the popular understanding of the Caucasian/people-of-color ratios in our population. Add to that the lack of interest in this slight when I bring it to the attention of the dairy department managers. Once the ninth member of the SCOTUS is seated, I'm hoping this matter is addressed and remedied!

Don't forget strawberry milk. And why is mint/green milk only available around March? It should be available all year!

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Lol that's not what it's about. It's about shaping agendas, controlling free speech and pandering to minorities.

those minorities have everything just handed to them. Living the dream.

I get offended every time I walk down the 'cracker' aisle at the grocery store. Who can I sue?

your parents

This whole debacle is one huge slippery slope.


Where do you draw the line?


Who becomes the arbiter of what is and isn't offensive?


Let's be real here, the vast majority of American's for that matter Native American's aren't offended by the name Redskins.


This is yet another issue, such as the voter ID deal where the vast majority of people are broadly on one side of the issue and the majority of people opposed to this are either activists, young white liberals or SJW's.

I don't want to get into a huge deal here, but i always feel a need to comment on the voter id laws. I've lived in AZ for 17 years, I've voted by mail pretty much the whole time. Never once had to show my ID. It's a law aimed at suppressing the vote, simple as that.

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those minorities have everything just handed to them. Living the dream.

lol. That's a good one. I don't think you've ever visited a native american reservation. Everyone is unemployed, in poverty and an alcoholic. Doesn't really sound like the american dream to me. But if that makes you sleep better you can keep believing that.

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lol. That's a good one. I don't think you've ever visited a native american reservation. Everyone is unemployed, in poverty and an alcoholic. Doesn't really sound like the american dream to me. But if that makes you sleep better you can keep believing that.

I forgot my sarcasm font. My apologies.

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those minorities have everything just handed to them. Living the dream.


your parents


I don't want to get into a huge deal here, but i always feel a need to comment on the voter id laws. I've lived in AZ for 17 years, I've voted by mail pretty much the whole time. Never once had to show my ID. It's a law aimed at suppressing the vote, simple as that.

All right who invited this guy into the thread?

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Good job you lousy moderators at keeping this clean and avoiding the kaep mess.


Nor do the SJWs pushing this nonsense, but guess who are members of the group in question? The four guys in the band being sued by its government! If Asians at large are so offended here, how has this group succeeded by labeling themselves as "Chinatown Dance Rock", booking gigs at Asian themed festivals, doing a tour in Taiwan, and writing/selling songs about discrimination and other issues faced by Asians?


Maybe the vast majority of Asians aren't offended at all. But the new standard doesn't have anything to do with that detail, does it? Now it's a problem if deemed so by Government overlords who desperately need to micromanage the public and parrots like you who can't read past the headline without having your 'oh no, it's raaaysisss!' alarm go off and then let trite phrases like 'lack of understanding and empathy' substitute for the ability to read and think.

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I get offended every time I walk down the 'cracker' aisle at the grocery store. Who can I sue?



Don't forget strawberry milk. And why is mint/green milk only available around March? It should be available all year!

Fruity yogurt outnumbers vanilla and chocolate yogurt by a mile so gays are over represented there.

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I am offended by a group of Asians cultural appropriation of the Judeo-Christian concept of Saints.


I'm going to start a band called Chinese Fire Drill


I get offended every time I walk down the 'cracker' aisle at the grocery store. Who can I sue?

Boycot Cracker Barrel

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