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The Donald has a case of the sniffles

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Look who walks in, is there a doctor in the house? And just the person to diagnose Trumps instability: :lol:




“He sniffs during the presentation, which is something that users do,” Dean said, and then attributed a series of other characteristics to Trump that he said “accompanies that problem.” He has “grandiosity,” “delusions” and “trouble with pressured speech” and “couldn't keep himself together” on Monday, Dean said. “I think it would be interesting to ask him and see if he ever had a problem with that.”

The Donald then denies ever having the sniffles!




"No, no sniffles. You know, the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump told "Fox & Friends." "But no sniffles. No cold."


A good Republican... Find fault elsewhere. Blame it on a "bad mic."




It seemed to me, every time Trump lied, he would sniffle. :lol::lol:


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Cheap shot by Howard Dean he should be ashamed of himself - I can see how it's tempting to sink to the alt-right level ( Obama is a secret gay Muslim, Michelle is a Tranny, and their daughters are adopted/clones) (Hillary and Bill had dozens of people murdered in Arkansas) - I do wonder if you had 50 or so lib websites and 20 or so lib radio nuts spewing that Trump is a coke snorting Satanist who eats babies if you could get Hillary supporter to parrot back that meme like Trump supporters parrot back the Michelle is a Tranny or Obama is a gay Muslim meme.

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This Howard Dean? He should hope he's on drugs and this isn't just him.


Cheap shot by Howard Dean he should be ashamed of himself - I can see how it's tempting to sink to the alt-right level ( Obama is a secret gay Muslim, Michelle is a Tranny, and their daughters are adopted/clones) (Hillary and Bill had dozens of people murdered in Arkansas) - I do wonder if you had 50 or so lib websites and 20 or so lib radio nuts spewing that Trump is a coke snorting Satanist who eats babies if you could get Hillary supporter to parrot back that meme like Trump supporters parrot back the Michelle is a Tranny or Obama is a gay Muslim meme.

Be honest. You can't look at Micheal and not think dude. She probably isn't, which may be even worse.

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Cheap shot by Howard Dean he should be ashamed of himself - I can see how it's tempting to sink to the alt-right level ( Obama is a secret gay Muslim, Michelle is a Tranny, and their daughters are adopted/clones) (Hillary and Bill had dozens of people murdered in Arkansas) - I do wonder if you had 50 or so lib websites and 20 or so lib radio nuts spewing that Trump is a coke snorting Satanist who eats babies if you could get Hillary supporter to parrot back that meme like Trump supporters parrot back the Michelle is a Tranny or Obama is a gay Muslim meme.


So you're saying only Trump supporters parrot back stupid memes?

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In shape women are too much for you to accept. No shock there.

she's not in shape. She's thin. There is a major difference. Nothing about her is physically fit. Come to the gym and I'll show you in shape 40 and 50 yr olds. She's not


Please, do not post links to her glamour shot magazine spreads

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I think Michelle Obama is quite attractive. There is zero political bias in that opinion. I just happen think she's pretty and seems to have a nice body too.


It's coincidental that I also happen to believe that she's an intelligent, trustworthy, solid human being as well.

Race baiting equates to intelligence and trustworthiness now? She's a lawyer so trustworthy is by default out the window. And probably the solid human being as well. And I think she is intelligent like a criminal is intelligent.

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In order to put this issue of Michelle Obama's fitness/attractiveness to bed I Googled her under "Michelle Obama weight gain". I found numerous pictures of her that I attempted to copy so I could paste here. Not only wasn't I able to copy any of them, strange things happened to my laptop. I wonder if anyone else would have that same problem?

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So much wrong with your line of "thinking" here. Keep up the good work.


Someone brought up race in this thread? Oh wait, that was you.

Do you ever listen to every lecture she gives? That's all she talks about so when you claim she has some sort of intelligence and trustworthiness going on it is totally relevant. She heads up the "Racial Division Department" of Barry's set up. She's a divisive freak show.

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Do you ever listen to every lecture she gives? That's all she talks about so when you claim she has some sort of intelligence and trustworthiness going on it is totally relevant. She heads up the "Racial Division Department" of Barry's set up. She's a divisive freak show.

You are simply flat out of your !@#$ing mind. However, we are entering a golden age for loudmouth simps, so I guess congratulations are in order. Cheers! Maybe you'll be president some day.

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You are simply flat out of your !@#$ing mind. However, we are entering a golden age for loudmouth simps, so I guess congratulations are in order. Cheers! Maybe you'll be president some day.

Well that's nice. Alarmingly misinformed. But that's pretty much how it goes with the left. Emotion based reactionary narratives. You have never listened to any of her University lectures have you? And even if you did you would hear only what you want to.

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