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I was wrong, and I don't mind saying it..


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Please find a post where I even came close to saying Rex was awesome. You won't because they don't exist. But that is your go to move when people offer a more nuanced analysis of the situation than just the tired "the 46 is antiquated" or "nobody runs a 2 gap 34" arguments that aren't supported by closer scrutiny. And that's been my only point in this thread but you insist on seeing it as a defense of Ryan when it's just a clarification of mistaken information.


I don't think you'll feel better until Rex is fired.

I don't know how many more ways I can say I don't disagree as I've said the defense sucks. I just want to be clear on why. It starts with Rex, but it certainly doesn't end with the "46" and "two gap." Personally, I think we have a huge personnel issue at the moment. That's not a defense of Rex either, by the way. Just an observation.


They sucked big time on TNF. In Baltimore, they gave up 13 points. Anytime a defense in the league gives up that few, it should result in a win. Unfortunately, the offense did virtually nothing that day, mostly due to Tyrod.

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Please find a post where I even came close to saying Rex was awesome. You won't because they don't exist. But that is your go to move when people offer a more nuanced analysis of the situation than just the tired "the 46 is antiquated" or "nobody runs a 2 gap 34" arguments that aren't supported by closer scrutiny. And that's been my only point in this thread but you insist on seeing it as a defense of Ryan when it's just a clarification of mistaken information.


I don't think you'll feel better until Rex is fired.


I don't know how many more ways I can say I don't disagree as I've said the defense sucks. I just want to be clear on why. It starts with Rex, but it certainly doesn't end with the "46" and "two gap." Personally, I think we have a huge personnel issue at the moment. That's not a defense of Rex either, by the way. Just an observation.

oh sorry. I didn't mean to infer you were disagreeing. I was going along with your statements that the name doesn't matter. Its results
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Dareus is arguably the best player on the team. That hasn't been brought up a whole lot now that the Rex Sux Crusade is back in full force.

I'm sure Rex brings it up to his boss all the time. No worries, that excuse will fit on the pitchfork and roast in the fire as soon as they go 0-5...


But please big cat, this isn't a crusade. This is the reaction of a fanbase that knows too well what a dead man walking who is over his head looks like. We have vast experience in that category...


Maybe wrecks fixes this and builds a winner. he's certainly taken over a winner and eroded it to less, so if you are into regression to the mean, he's due... And so is his antiquated 'scheme'

Edited by over 20 years of fanhood
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oh sorry. I didn't mean to infer you were disagreeing. I was going along with your statements that the name doesn't matter. Its results

No worries.


A clusterphuck is still a clusterphuck by any other name. And right now, we are a clusterphuck on both sides of the ball.

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No worries.


A clusterphuck is still a clusterphuck by any other name. And right now, we are a clusterphuck on both sides of the ball.

you will appreciate this. Others too


Rex got great safety play out of the likes of Leonhard and other middle of the road safeties. Are ours so bad? Graham, Williams and duke can generally cover better than any jets safety of recent

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What once was novel is becoming predictable. Coaches will challenge man coverage by the CBs when they are giving up 4 to 6 inches in height. 50 50 balls against gilmore and darby. Good odds for the offense. Shame on Rex.

I think you raise a good point about mismatches and yet last year the Jets had comparatively little success against that same man coverage when Fitz wasn't having the game of his career. Sometimes you gotta tip your hat to the other guy.

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Ok, upon some reflection, I was wrong about Rex Ryan. I thought his 46 defense would work here, I am on record saying so, and I was wrong. No one in the NFL is running this defense anymore as it's geared to stopping the run in a run heavy climate. The NFL isn't that way anymore. Looking at the running yards on average this year, teams are not relying on it, period. This antiquated 46 defense needs to go. I was also wrong about The Eagles and Carson Wentz. Kid looks legit, and Doug Pederson along with Jim Schwartz have that team clicking with the wide-9. Interesting and frustrating at the same time watching Bradham, and Brooks steal the show last night. I thought both of them had outstanding games.


I'm done with Rex Ryan's bravado, and excuses. Time to put up or shut the !@#$ up, Rex. I was willing to give Rex the benefit of doubt as I thought he was nullified in NJ, but it is becoming clear that, although players seems to like playing for him, they don't actually "Play" for him, or can't. I'm not sure which is more true, but his defense sucks, and our team cannot for whatever reason execute. He says he learned from past mistakes, but judging by the first two games he doesn't seem to get the fact that his defense doesn't work any longer.


I was also wrong about Taylor. I thought he would make a huge leap this year. I thought the game would slow down for him, and he'd be more aware in the pocket, and find his open guys. The All-22 says otherwise, he's still missing wide open targets, and cannot for the life of me adjust to pre-snap reads. My God, even Wentz last night was making changes at the LOS, and he's a god damn rookie. Now, I'm not totally giving up on TT, I think, or at least my intuition is that Roman had him on lock down, and he wasn't allowed to audible. We'll see this week, but if he continues to rely on the deep ball, and fails to throw the intermediate, and over the middle balls, Roman wasn't the problem, it's him.


I am not looking forward to Sunday, I just don't see how we win that game, but I am hopeful, as I always am that this team will finally turn the corner. I just don't think it's going to be this year, and until Rex Ryan shows me otherwise, I don't see it with him as the head coach.


Go Bills!


Seeing Wentz call out the mike LB, making audibles really made me look at Roman and TT like WTF breh?? He gotta learn how to read the defense, call audibles, and run plays from under center, we ran the pistol formation WAYYYYY too often and it became predictable. In the next 4 weeks we are gonna find out a lot about Tyrod Taylor. Im pullin for em.

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i know every team deals with injuries, but we are down 2 very important pieces(Dareus & Lawson), our 2 top tiered draft picks are injured, teams need time to heal those wounds, and training camp just doesn't cut it, I hate to throw out 4 games, but once Dareus is back i think we will see a marked improvement(not saying he's superman, but he is a very very important part of this overall scheme)

Not blaming the coaching for this, but we have no idea when Dareus is coming out of rehab and what kind of shape he will be in when he does. He isn't a known workout fanatic and even if he is in shape he won't have practiced.


Lawson: if he comes back this year, I would not expect much. He needs to strengthen his surgically repaired shoulder to NFL level and he hasn't been through training camp or any of the season. I would not judge him on anything that he does this year.

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I think you raise a good point about mismatches and yet last year the Jets had comparatively little success against that same man coverage when Fitz wasn't having the game of his career. Sometimes you gotta tip your hat to the other guy.

About once a week it seems.

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what did we do well against the ravens? I just don't see it? Gilmore and Darby looked awful.

OK what would you like to know about Rex's defense? Because I can answer these questions if you ask a question which is something that can be answered. Otherwise a vague schematic answer is all you'll get.


You prove you know nothing more than he, so lay off the harsh insults.

46 or not whatever scheme Rex tried did not work. Cover 0, 1. And 3 were tried a lot. Cover 6 even.


Rex could not find ways to keep the WR's out of the middle of the field. And it was because he stuffed our safeties in the box or let the wrs get behind them every single time. Which against the ravens was opposite. It was... mind blowing

This could not be further from the truth, Rex and his staff found plenty of ways to keep the wr's out of the middle of the field all game




Oh, you meant the WRs on the other team.................

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2016 -- 21

2015 -- 15

2014 -- 24

2013 -- 20

2012 -- 20

2011 -- 19

2010 -- 5

2009 -- 9


Rexs defenses rank in points allowed since he became a HC. Its more than 2 games that make it a fair question. i didnt like the pick of rex because of the glove like fit between our talent and scheme prior, but talked myself into rex being more versatile and successfully creative than i think he really is.

Well, now that you put it like that ... Seriously though, one thing that stands out big time is the lack of playmakers other than Jerry Hughes. Watching Kiko take out Garoppolo brought that to mind (and yes, I know Kiko didn't play for Rex). Last season, Bacarri Rambo kind of took over that role at safety. This year? Really no one so far. Rex's D's have always depended on the big play renegade defender. Aaron Williams perhaps could be the guy, but I just think he's not even close to 100%

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I am in general agreement that Rex and the entire organization is ass-backwards. It is a passing league. Brady and Belichick throw the ball three straight plays against us to kill the clock.

Rex has not evolved. His defense is built to stop the run but is also built to play with the lead. He has not been able to have a consistently good offense to keep his defense fresh and able to attack the offense.

If TT and the new OC can string some first downs together the defense will be better. They will be better with Dareus and Lawson.

And they will beat Carson Palmer this week. Very difficult for a west coast team to travel back and play early - even if it is only to two hours different. We are going to see Woods catch 6 balls and Clay another 5. Offense is going to dink and dunk and keep the Cardinals off-balance. TT will run. Bills by 4 but it won't be that close.

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Rex took a top 5 defense and made it the laughing stock of the league. The race to the bottom churned into a new gear when he hired his brother. Brandon, Whaley and the Pegulas should have known better. The Browns were better than this sorry team until McCown went down.


He's allowed Sammy Watkins to be invisible in half the games he played. And there are no receivers on the team that are anything but a #4 at best on most every other team, but thy won't get Sammy involved? Idiotic.


He has no control over his players:

  • Rex let a rookie of the year candidate turn into a fat, pothead and had to cut him lose.
  • Rex allows a starting RT, a known pothead when drafted, and does nothing to change him and he had to be caught and fined three times before he's suspended. Where is the foresight to fix his issues? He was a problem when you drafted him after he was busted at the combine and he still can't figure it out? His major problem isn't Crohns disease it's between his ears.
  • Rex allows his all pro DT to turn into or stay a pothead. Who knows if this jerk will even be out of rehab by the time his suspension is up or what kind of shape the overgrown baby will be in.

Rex is a players coach my ***. Rex' head is up his players ***es. As I stated when he hired his fat ***ed brother, it will be nothing but a ****show. I had no problem Rex attending his son's Clemson game this Saturday. I had a big problem that Rob -- who should have been fired -- went to the game instead of trying to fix his lousy defense.


Shaq Lawson will be a bigger bust than the lightweight we had from Penn State.

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